
Bible. O.T. Leviticus


一般注記 Knight, G.A.F. Leviticus, c1981 (a.e.) t.p. (Leviticus)
EDSRC:レビ記 [点字資料](日本聖書協会, 1956)
EDSRC:Origenis in Exodum et Leviticum homiliae / ex nova editionum parisiensium recognitione, cum integro Utriusque Ruaei commentario, selectis huetii aliorumque virorum observationibus ; edidit Carol Henric Eduard Lommatzsch (Haude et Spener, 1839)
EDSRC:律法(岩波書店, 2015.5): p3(利未(レビ)記)
別名 Bible. Levitikus
Bible. O.T. Leviticum
コード類 典拠ID=UN00369419 NCID=EA00023445
1 Leviticus = ויקרא / prepared by Innocent Himbaza Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , c2020
2 七十人訳ギリシア語聖書 : モーセ五書 / 秦剛平訳 東京 : 講談社 , 2017.11
3 律法 東京 : 岩波書店 , 2015.5
4 The book of Leviticus : composition and reception / edited by Rolf Rendtorff and Robert A. Kugler ; with the assistance of Sarah Smith Bartel Leiden ; Boston : Brill , c2003
5 Leviticus 23-27 : a new translation with introduction and commentary / Jacob Milgrom New York : Doubleday , c2001
6 Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy / edited by Joseph T. Lienhard ; in collaboration with Ronnie J. Rombs Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press , c2001
7 出エジプト記 ; レビ記 / 木幡藤子, 山我哲雄訳 東京 : 岩波書店 , 2000.4
8 Leviticus : a commentary / Erhard S. Gerstenberger ; translated by Douglas W. Stott Louisville, Ky. : Westminister John Knox Press , 1996
9 Targum Neofiti 1 : Leviticus / translated, with apparatus by Martin McNamara ; introduction and notes by Robert Hayward . Targum Pseudo-Jonathan : Leviticus / translated, with notes by Michael Maher Edinburgh : T & T Clark , 1994
10 律法 東京 : 教文館 , 1993.10
11 Das dritte Buch Mose : Leviticus / übersetzt und erklärt von Erhard S. Gerstenberger kart. :,Gewebe :. - 6., völlig neubearb.(1. Aufl. dieser Bearb.). - Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , 1993
12 Leviticus / John E. Hartley Nashville : Thomas Nelson , c1992
13 Leviticus 1-16 / a new translation with introduction and commentary [by] Jacob Milgrom 1st ed. - New York : Doubleday , c1991
14 Leviticus = Ṿa-yiḳra : the traditional Hebrew text with the new JPS translation / commentary by Baruch A. Levine 1st ed. - Philadelphia : Jewish Publication Society , 1989
15 Levitikus / Walter Kornfeld Würzburg : Echter , c1983
16 レビ記 / 山室軍平著 東京 : 教文館 , 1970
17 レビ記 / 山崎亨著 東京 : 新教出版社 , 1967.10
18 Leviticus and Numbers / edited by N.H. Snaith London : Nelson , 1967
19 Leviticus : a commentary / Martin Noth ; [translated from the German by J. E. Anderson] London : S.C.M Press , 1965
20 Das dritte Buch Mose : Leviticus / übersetzt und erklärt von Martin Noth Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , 1962
21 レビ記 : 原文校訂による口語訳 / フランシスコ会聖書研究所訳注 : 上製,: 並製. - 東京 : 中央出版社 , 1959.7
22 レビ記 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1956
23 利未紀・民數紀略・申命記 / 都留仙次著 東京 : 關谷書店 , 1936.6
24 レビ記 / 馬場嘉市著 大阪 : 日曜世界社 , 1931
25 The book of Leviticus : in the revised version / with introduction and notes by A. T. Chapman and A. W. Streane Cambridge : The University Press , 1914
26 Leviticus and Numbers : introduction, revised version with notes, index and map / edited by A.R.S. Kennedy Edinburgh : T.C. & E.C. Jack , [191-?]
27 Exodus and Leviticus Cambridge : At the University Press , 1909
28 The third book of Moses, called Leviticus / edited by J.A. Paterson London : J.M. Dent. - Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott , 1901
29 Leviticus and Numbers : introduction, revised version with notes, index and map / edited by A.R.S. Kennedy New York : Henry Frowde , [19--]
30 The book of Leviticus / by S.H. Kellogg London : Hodder and Stoughton , 1891
31 訓點舊約聖書利未記 横濱 : 北英國聖書會社 , 1885
32 舊約聖書利未記 / 米國聖書會社[編] 横濱 : 米國聖書會社 , 1884