
Bible. O.T.


一般注記 Ortega Monasterio, M. T. Estudio masorético interno ... 1977 (subj.) p. xi (códice 118-Z-21 (M2)) p. xxi (consta de 375 folios y contiene toda la Biblia Hebrea)
EDSRC:I libri del Vecchio Testamento / a cura di Michele Ranchetti e Milka Ventura Avanzinelli (A. Mondadori, 1999)
EDSRC:Pal̲ayatuṃ putiyatumāya niyamaṅṅaḷ aṭaṅṅiya Satuvēdapustakaṃ(Baibl Sosait̲t̲i ōph Intyā andh Silōṇ, 1964)
別名 Old Testament
Torah, nevi'im, Ketuvim
Bible. Tawrāt
Bible. Tanakh
Bible. Miḳra
Bible. Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim
Bible. Old Testament
Bible. Kitve-ḳodesh
Bible. Stary Testament
Stary Testament
Torah, Nevi'im u-Khetuvim
Bible. Torah, Nevi'im u-Khetuvim
Pentateuch, Prophets, and Hagiographa
Bible. Pentateuch, Prophets, and Hagiographa
Bible. Sean-Tiomna
Bible. Antico Testamento
Antico Testamento
Bible. Phanthasanyā Dœ̄m
Palaia Diathēkē
Bible. Palaia Diathēkē
Bible. Velho Testamento
Baibiḷ. Pal̲aya Niyamaṃ
旧約聖書<キュウヤク セイショ>
舊約全書<Chiuyüo ts'üanshu>
Jiùyuē quánshū
旧約全書<キュウヤク ゼンショ>
Sacra Bibbia. Vecchio Testamento
コード類 典拠ID=UN00369079 NCID=EA00003572
1 預言 東京 : 岩波書店 , 2015.12
2 諸書 東京 : 岩波書店 , 2015.10
3 歴史 東京 : 岩波書店 , 2015.8
4 律法 東京 : 岩波書店 , 2015.5
5 サムエル記 / W. ブルッゲマン [著] ; 矢田洋子訳 上,下. - 東京 : 日本キリスト教団出版局 , 2014.12-2015.12
6 The New Testament : Douay-Rheims translation / edited by Angela M. Kinney ; introduction by Swift Edgar Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , 2013
7 The minor prophetical books and Maccabees : Douay-Rheims translation / edited by Angela M. Kinney ; introduction by Swift Edgar Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , 2012
8 Septuaginta Deutsch : das griechische Alte Testament in deutscher Übersetzung / in Zusammenarbeit mit Eberhard Bons ... [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Wolfgang Kraus und Martin Karrer 2., verb. Aufl. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesllschaft , 2010
9 A new English translation of the Septuagint : and the other Greek translations traditionally included under that title / Albert Pietersma and Benjamin G. Wright, editors New York : Oxford University Press , c2007
10 Septuaginta : id est Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX interpretes / edidit Alfred Rahlfs 2. ed. / quam recognovit et emendavit Robert Hanhart. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , c2006
11 The place of the law in the religion of ancient Israel / by Moshe Weinfeld Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2004
12 創世歴代伝 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1999.1
13 出以至比多地伝 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1999.1
14 利未氐古伝 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1999.1
15 復講法律伝 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1999.1
16 若書亜伝 ; 審司書伝 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1999.1
17 路得氏伝他 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1999.1
18 歴代史紀 上巻,下巻. - 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1999.1
19 以賽亜書伝 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1999.1
20 耶利米亜伝 ; 耶利米亜悲歎書伝 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1999.1
21 依西其理書伝 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1999.1
22 但依理書伝 ;十二先知伝 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1999.1
23 The Leningrad Codex : a facsimile edition / general editor, David Noel Freedman ; managing editor, Astrid B. Beck ; associate editors, Bruce E. Zuckerman, Marilyn J. Lundberg ; publication editor, James A. Sanders ; photographers, Bruce E. Zuckerman ... [et al.] : Eerdmans,: Brill. - Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans. - Leiden : Brill Academic Publishers , 1998
24 旧約聖書 / 松田伊作 [ほか] 責任編集 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1997.3-2004.3
25 תורה נביאים וכתובים = Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia / quae antea cooperantibus A. Alt, O. Eißfeldt, P. Kahle ; ediderat R. Kittel ; adjuvantibus H. Bardtke ... [et al.] ; cooperantibus H.P. Rüger et J. Ziegler ; ediderunt K. Elliger et W. Rudolph ; textum Masoreticum curavit H.P. Rüger ; masoram elaboravit G.E. Weil Editio funditus renovata, editio 5a emendata / opera A. Schenker. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , 1997, c1977
26 תורה נביאים וכתובים = Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia / quae antea cooperantibus A. Alt, O. Eißfeldt, P. Kahle ; ediderat R. Kittel ; editio funditus renovata adjuvantibus H. Bardtke ... [et al.] ; cooperantibus H.P. Rüger et J. Ziegler ; ediderunt K. Elliger et W. Rudolph ; textum Masoreticum curavit H.P. Rüger ; masoram elaboravit G.E. Weil : gebunden,: kartoniert. - Editio quinta emendata = 5. verb. Aufl. / opera A. Schenker. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , 1997, c1967/77 [i. e. 1977]
27 聖書 : 新共同訳 : 旧約聖書続編つき / 共同訳聖書実行委員会 [編] NI64DC,NI69DCS. - 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , [1997]
28 訓點舊約全書 上,中,下. - 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1996.8
29 舊約全書 第1巻,第2巻,第3巻. - 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 1996.4
30 The song and wisdoms : being the third of a four part unabridged reading of the Authorized Version of the Old Testament Oxford : Isis Audio Books , c1994
31 The prophets : being the fourth of a four part unabridged reading of the Authorized Version of the Old Testament Oxford : Isis Audio Books , c1994
32 The histories : being the second of a four part unabridged reading of the Authorized Version of the Old Testament Oxford : Isis Audio Books , c1994
33 The pentateuch : being the first of a four part unabridged reading of the Authorized Version of the Old Testament Oxford : Isis Audio Books , c1994
34 Tyndale's Old Testament : being the Pentateuch of 1530, Joshua to 2 Chronicles of 1537, and Jonah / translated by William Tyndale ; in a modern spelling edition, and with an introduction by David Daniell New Haven : Yale University Press , c1992
35 The Holie Bible : set,1,2. - Facsim. reproduction. - Kyoto : Rinsen , 1990
36 Analytical key to the Old Testament / John Joseph Owens v. 1 - v. 4. - Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Book House , c1989-
37 Tanakh = [Tanakh] : the Holy Scriptures : the new JPS translation according to the traditional Hebrew text Philadelphia : Jewish Publication Society , 1988
38 The NIV interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament / edited by John R. Kohlenberger III Grand Rapids, Mich. : Regency Reference Library , c1987
39 Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia / quae antea cooperantibus A. Alt, O. Eißfeldt, P. Kahle ; ediderat R. Kittel ; adjuvantibus H. Bardtke ... [et al.] ; cooperantibus H.P. Rüger et J. Ziegler ; ediderunt K. Elliger et W. Rudolph ; textum Masoreticum curavit H.P. Rüger ; masoram elaboravit G.E. Weil Editio secunda emendata / opera W. Rudolph et H.P. Rüger. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , c1984
40 Septuaginta : id est, Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX interpretes / edidit Alfred Rahlfs Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart , 1982, c1935
41 Libri poetici et prophetici Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , c1982, c1935
42 Prolegomena, leges et historiae Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , c1982, c1935
43 Torah, Neviʾim u-Khetuvim : ketav-yad Ṿaṭiḳan, Urbinaṭi 2 = Pentateuch, Prophets, and Hagiographa : Vatican ms. Urbinati 2 1 - 6. - Yerushalayim : Hotsaʾat Maḳor , 1979-1980
44 The Pentateuch : a Yemenite manuscript v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - Jerusalem : Makor , 1978
45 The Pentateuch : with the Masorah Parva and the Masorah Magna and with Targum Onkelos. Ms. Vat. Heb. 448 / introductory remarks by A. Diez Macho v. 1 - v. 5. - Jerusalem : Makor , 1977
46 The Targum to the five megillot : Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, Lamentations, Esther / Introductory notes, translations and indices by Etan Levine Jerusalem : Makor , 1977
47 The Holie Bible faithfully translated into English v. 1,v. 2. - [Ilkley] : Scolar Press , 1975
48 預言書 / 並木浩一, 左近淑訳 東京 : 講談社 , 1974.7
49 The Pentateuch : early Spanish manuscript (Codex Hillely) from the collection of the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York / introductory remarks by Nahum M. Sarna v. 1,v. 2. - Jerusalem : Makor , 1974
50 Das Alte Testament / Hrsg. im Auftrag der Bischöfe Deutschlands, u.a. in der Katholischen Bibelanstalt Stuttgart : [s.n.] , [1974]
51 新舊約全書 [香港] : 聖經公會在香港 , 1973
52 The Old Testament in Syriac : according to the Peshiṭta version / edited on behalf of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament by the Peshiṭta Institute General preface. - Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1972-
53 Pentateuch, Prophets and Hagiographa : codex Leningrad, B 19A, the earliest complete Bible manuscript Jerusalem : Makor. , 1971
54 The New English Bible : the Old Testament London : Oxford University Press : Cambridge University Press , 1970
55 旧約 / 木田献一, 西村俊昭著 1 - 4. - 東京 : 講談社 , 1970
56 The Holy Bible : Revised Standard Version English braille, American ed., 1959, rev., 1962. - New York : American Bible Society , [197-?]
57 Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia / quae antea cooperantibus A. Alt, O. Eissfeldt, P. Kahle ; ediderat R. Kittel ; editio funditus renovata, adjuvantibus H. Bardtke ... [et al.] ; cooperantibus H.P. Rüger et J. Ziegler ; ediderunt K. Elliger et W. Rudolph ; textum masoreticum curavit H.P. Rüger ; masoram elaboravit G.E. Weil Stuttgart : Württembergische Bibelanstalt , 1969-
58 The Oxford illustrated Old Testament : with drawings by contemporary artists 1 - 5. - London ; New York [etc.] : Oxford Univ. Press , 1968-
59 Leviticus / von Karl Elliger Tubingen : Mohr , 1966
60 Die Heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments / Aus dem Urtext übers. von Arnold M. Goldberg Bd. 1. - Freiburg : Herder , c1964-
61 תורה נביאים כתובים / [הוגהו בעיון נמרץ על ידי ד׳ גולדשמידט, א״מ הברמן, מ׳ מדן] ירושלים : הוצאת קורן , c1963
62 Die Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments / in Verbindung mit Fachgenossen übersetzt und herausgegeben von Emil Kautzsch 1,2. - Hildesheim : Georg Olms Verlagsbuchh. , 1962
63 ספר תורה נביאים וכתובים : מדויק היטיב על פי המסורה / הוגה בעיון נמרץ על ידי Norman Henry Snaith London : British and Foreign Bible Society , 1962 printing
64 The Pentateuch according to Targum Onkeols Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1959
65 The Former Prophets according to Targum Jonathan Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill , 1959
66 The Bible in Aramaic : based on old manuscripts and printed texts / edited by Alexander Sperber Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1959-1973
67 口語旧約聖書略解 / 手塚儀一郎 [ほか] 編集 東京 : 日本基督教団出版部 , 1957.12
68 旧約聖書略解 / 手塚儀一郎 [ほか] 編 東京 : 日本基督教団出版局 , 1957.12
69 Chronikbücher / von Wilhelm Rudolph Tubingen : Mohr , 1955
70 旧約聖書 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1955
71 舊約聖書 : ヴルガタ全譯 / 光明社譯 1 - :革製 : 4. - 札幌 : 光明社 , 1954-1959
72 Die Heilige Schrift / Neu ins Deutsche übertragen von N.H. Tur-Sinai (H. Torczyner) ; mit dem hebr・ischen Text nach M.H. Letteris Jerusalem : Jewish Pub. House , 1954
73 Biblia Hebraica / adjuvantibus W. Baumgartner ... [et al.] ; edidit Rud. Kittel ; textum Masoreticum curavit P. Kahle ; editionem tertiam denuo elaboratam ad finem perduxerunt, editionem seprimam auxerunt et emendaverunt A. Alt et O. Eissfeldt Editio octava emendata typis editionis septimae expressa. - Stuttgartiae : Privilegierte Württembergische Bibelanstalt , 1952, c1937
74 The Holy Bible, the Old Testament : Revised Standard Version : translated from the original tongues, being the version set forth A.D. 1611, revised A.D. 1885 and A.D. 1901, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1952 v. 2. - Toronto : T. Nelson , c1952
75 Biblia Hebraica / adjuvantibus W. Baumgartner...[et al.] ; edidit Rud. Kittel ; textum masoreticum curavit P. Kahle v. 1,v. 2. - Editionem tertiam denuo elaboratam ad finem perduxerunt / A. Alt et O. Eissfeldt. - Stuttgartiae : Priv. Württ. Bibelanstalt , 1945, c1937
76 Biblia Hebraica / adjuvantibus W. Baumgartner...[et al.] ; edidit Rud. Kittel ; textum Masoreticum curavit P. Kahle editionem tertiam denuo elaboratam ad finem perduxerunt / A. Alt et O. Eissfeldt. - Stuttgartiae : Privilegierte Württembergische Bibelanstalt , 1937
77 Biblia Hebraica / adjuvantibus W. Baumgartner ... [et al.] ; edidit Rud. Kittel ; textum masoreticum curavit P. Kahle ; editionem tertiam denuo elaboratam ad finem perduxerunt A. Alt et O. Eissfeldt Stuttgartiae : Priv. Württ. Bibelanstalt , 1937
78 Septuaginta : Vetus Testamentum Graecum / auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , 1931-
79 Proverbs and didactic poems / by Charles Foster Kent & Millar Burrows New York : Scribners , 1927
80 The Old Testament : an American translation / by Alexander R. Gordon ... [et al.] ; ed. by J.M. Powis Smith Chicago : University of Chicago Press , [c1927]
81 The Old Testament : diligently rev. according to the Massorah & the early edtions with the various readings, from MSS & the ancient versions / by C.D. Ginsburg London : British & Foreign Bible Soc. , 1926
82 The Old Testament : a new translation / by James Moffatt New York : George H. Doran , [c1924]
83 The Old Testament : a new translation / by James Moffatt v. 1,v. 2. - New York : George H. Doran Co. , c1924-c1925
84 The Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament : Hebrew and English London : printed for the British & Foreign Bible Society , 1921
85 Die Heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments / in Verbindung mit Professor Budde ... [et al.] ; übersetzt von E. Kautzsch Bd. 1,Bd. 2,Lfg. 1. - 4., umgearb. Aufl. / in Verbindung mit den früheren Mitarbeitern und Professor Eißfeldt herausgegeben von A. Bertholet. - Tübingen : Verlag von J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) , 1921-1923
86 The Holy Scriptures according to the Masoretic text : a new translation with the aid of previous versions and with constant consultation of Jewish authorities Philadelphia : Jewish Publication Society of America , c1917
87 Biblia Hebraica / adjuvantiubs G. Beer ... [et al.] ; edidit Rud. Kittel 1,2. - Editio altera emendatior stereotypica iterum recognita. - Lipsiae : J.C. Hinrichs , 1913
88 Kuyak chonso 京城 : 大英聖書公会 , 1912
89 The Old Testament narrative / separated out, set in connected order, and edited by Alfred Dwight Sheffield Boston : Houghton Mifflin. - Cambrigde : Riverside Press , 1910
90 Biblia Hebraica / adjuvantibus G. Beer ... [et al.] ; edidit Rud. Kittel Editio altera emendatior stereotypica. - Lipsiae : J.C. Hinrichs , 1909
91 舊約全書 ; 新約全書 [出版地不明] : 聖書公會 , 1908
92 舊約全書 ; 新約全書 / British and foreign socirty[編] [出版地不明] : 聖書公會 , 1902
93 Leges et historiae 9. ed.. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelstiftung, [19--]
94 Libri poetici et prophetici 9. ed.. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelstiftung, [19--]
95 Old Testament records, poems and addresses : portions of the Old Testament in the version of 1885 arranged for historical study / by Wilbert Webster White New York : International Committee of Young Men's Christian Associations , c1900
96 The books of the Old Testament [S.l.] : [s.n.] , [19--]
97 A Ka Ja Li Yaw Oe Dm Bangkok : Thailand Bible Society , [19--]
98 Hebrew Bible New York : John Wiley , 1899
99 The Old Testament in Greek : according to the Septuagint / edited for the sydnics of the University Press by Henry Barclay Swete v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - 2nd ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1895-1899
100 The Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments in Japanese, transliterated according to the authrised version and publised by the Bible societies' committee for Japan Yokohama : R.Meiklejohn & Co., 1892
101 舊約全書 横浜 : 米國聖書會社 , 1888
102 訓點舊約全書 上篇,下篇. - 横浜 : 米國聖書會社 , 1885
103 訓點舊約全書 上篇,中篇,下篇. - 横濱 : 米國聖書會社 , 1884
104 訓點舊新約全書 横濱 : 大英國聖書會社 , 1883
105 Alt-hebräische Lieder : die in den historischen Büchern des Alten Testamentes enthaltenen poetischen Stücke / Strophische Textausgabe und Uebersetzung von August Palm Zürich : Druck von David B・rkli , 1881-
106 舊約全書 ; 新約全書 福州 : 美華書局 , 1881
107 The Old Testament : revised version : second revision v. 1,v. 2. - [S.l. : s.n. , 1878?]
108 The Old Testament : revised version : first revision v. 1,v. 2. - [S.l. : s.n. , 1877?]
109 The Holy Bible according to the authorized version (A.D. 1611) / with an explanatory and critical commentary and a revision of the translation, by bishops and other clergy of the Anglican Church ; edited by F. C. Cook v. 1 - v. 4. - New York : Scribner, Armstrong , 1873-1884
110 The Holy Bible according to the authorized version (A.D. 1611) / with an explanatory and critical commentary and a revision of the translation, by bishops and other clergy of the Anglican Church ; edited by F. C. Cook v. 1 - v. 6. - New York : Charles Scribner , 1871-1887
111 The Holy Bible : according to the authorized version (A.D. 1611) / with an explanatory and critical commentary and a revision of the translation, by Bishops and other Clergy of the Anglican Church ; edited by F.C. Cook vol. 1, part 2. - London : J.Murray , 1871
112 The holy scriptures of the Old Testament : Hebrew and English Vienna : British & Foreign Bible Society , 1870
113 Das Alte Testament nach Dr. Martin Luthers Uebersetzung mit Einleitungen und erklärenden Anmerkungen / herausgegeben durch Otto Gerlach 1,2. - 5. Aufl., 4. Abdr.. - Berlin : Gustav Schlawitz. , 1870
114 A new translation of Job, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticles : with introductions, and notes, chiefly explanatory / by George R. Noyes 4th ed, carefully revised, with additional notes. - Boston : Amererican Unitarian Association , 1868
115 Vetus Testamentum Graece secundum Septuaginta Interpretes : ex auctoritate Sixti Quinti Pontificis Maximi editum ad exemplar Vaticanum accuratissime expressum / cura et studio Leander van Ess Editio stereotypa Caroli Tauchnitii novis curis correcta et indice locorum Novi Testamenti parallelorum aucta. - Lipsiae : Ernesti Bredtii , 1868
116 The Book of Psalms London ; Oxford : Rivingtons , 1867
117 舊約全書/ [ブリッジマン・カルバートソン訳] [1] - [6]. - 江蘇滬邑 : 美華書館 , 1864
118 舊約全書 卷1 - 卷7. - 香港 : 英華書院 , 1864-1865
119 舊約全書 39巻 [1] - [4]. - 江蘇滬邑 : 美華書館 , 1861-1863
120 舊約全書 巻1,卷2,卷3. - 上海 : 上海墨海書館 , 1859
121 舊約全書 上海 : 黒海書館 , 1858
122 Vetus Testamentum graece juxta LXX interpretes : textum Vaticanum Romanum emendatius edidit, argumenta et locus Novi Testamenti parallelos notavit, omnem lectionis varietatem codicum vetustissimorum Alexandrini, ephraemi Syri, Friderico-Augustini subjunxit, commentationem isagogicam praetexuit, Constantinus Tischendorf Lipsiae : F.A. Brockhaus , 1850
123 Biblia Hebraica : secundum ultimam editionem Jos. Athiæ, a Johanne Leusden denuo recognitam, recensita, atque ad masoram, et correctiores, Bombergi, Stephani, Plantini, aliorumque editiones, exquisite adornata, variisque notis illusrata / ab Everardo van der Hooght Editio nova, recognita, et emendata / a Judah d'Allemand. - Londini : Impensis Jacobi Duncan, Paternoster Row , 1846
124 ヘブライ語聖書対訳シリーズ 東京 : ミルトス
125 The Old Testament in Greek according to the text of Codex Vaticanus : supplemented from other uncial manuscripts, with a critical apparatus containing the variants of the chief ancient authorities for the text of the Septuagint / edited by Alan England Brooke and Norman McLean Cambridge : At the University Press
126 The Old Testament, according to the Authorised Version / with a brief commentary by various authors London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
127 מקרא לישראל : פירוש מדעי למקרא / עורכים, משה גרינברג, שמואל אחיטוב תל אביב : הוצאת ספרים עם עובד. - ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע''ש י''ל מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית
128 A shorter story bible : the promised land / Doshisha University 1 - 4. - ( : In-house reproduction)