


一般注記 Dynes, W. The illuminations ... 1978 (subj.) t.p. (Stavelot Bible) CIP galley (Bible of Stavelot of A. D. 1093-1097; a Latin manuscript of the Romanesque school in the Meuse Valley; 28106-28107 in the Brit. Mus. Dept. of Mss' Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts) [Name relates to Stavelot Abbey]
EDSRC:الكتاب المقدس : أي كتب العهد القديم والعهد الجديد (جمعيات الكتاب المقدس المتحدة,1962)
EDSRC:पवित्र बाइबिल, अर्थात्, पुराना और नया धर्म नियम (बाइबिल सोसाइटी ओफ इंडीया,[19--])
EDSRC:Sveto Pismo : Stare in Nove Zaveze(Britanska biblična družba, 1975)
EDSRC:Bible Svatá, aneb, Všecka Svatá písma Starého i Nového Zákona : podle posledního vydání kralického z roku 1613(Biblické Dílo, [1971])
EDSRC:Svätá Biblia : z pôvodnych jazykov / preložil Jozef Roháček(Svetová biblická spoločnosť, 1974)
EDSRC:Biblija, ili, Sveto Pismo Staroga i Novoga zavjeta / preveo Stari zavjet Djuro Daničić ; Novi zavjet preveo Vuk Stef. Karadžić(Biblijsko Društvo, 1975)
EDSRC:Библия, или, Свещеното писание на стария и новия заветъ : вѣрно и точно преведена отъ оригинала(Библейско Дружество, [19--])
EDSRC:Библія : книги священнаго писанія Ветхаго и Новаго завѣта : каноническія : въ русскомъ переводѣ съ параллельными мѣстами(Сѵнодальная тип., 1907:American Bible Society, 1919])
EDSRC:Աստուածաշունչ Մատեան Հին եւ Նոր Կտակարանաց : ըստ ճշգրիտ թարգմանութեան նախնեաց մերոց : համեմատութեամբ եբրայական եւ յունական բնագրաց(Ամերիկեան Ընկերութիւն Գրոց սրբոց, 1929)
EDSRC:Szent Biblia : azaz, Istennek Ó és Újtestamentomában foglatatott egész Szent Írás / magyar nyelvre fordította Károlyi Gáspár(A Bibliatanácsok Világsövetsége, 1957)
EDSRC:Τα Ιερα Γραμματα : μεταφρασθεντα εκ των θειων αρχετυπων(Βιβλικη Εταιρεια, 1958)
EDSRC:Біблія : або, Книги святого письма Старого й Нового заповіту : із мови давньоєврейської й грецької на українську дослівно наново перекладена(Брітанське и закордонне бібліине товариство, 1962)
別名 Biblio
Bible of Stavelot
Stavelot Bible
Sveto pismo
Svätá Biblia
Szent Biblia
Bible Svatá
Hē Agia Graphē
Η Αγια Γραφη
聖經<sheng jing>
al-Kitāb al-muqaddas
الكتاب المقدس
पवित्र बाइबिल
Pavitra bāibila
コード類 典拠ID=UN00369135 NCID=EA00009499
1 The new Oxford annotated Bible : New Revised Standard version : with Apocrypha / Michael D. Coogan, editor ; Marc Z. Brettler, Carol A. Newsom, and Pheme Perkins, associate editors Fully rev. 5th ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , c2018
2 聖書 : 旧約聖書続編付き : 引照・注付き / 聖書協会共同訳 SIO43DC. - 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , c2018
3 聖書 : 新改訳2017 : 引照・注付 / 新日本聖書刊行会訳 : [小型スタンダード版],: [中型スタンダード版],: [大型スタンダード版]. - 東京 : いのちのことば社 , 2017.10-
4 ファイヤーバイブル : フルライフ・スタディ・バイブルグローバル版 / ドナルド・C.スタンプス編集長 ; J.ウェスレー・アダムス副編集長 ; [Life Publishers International Firebible翻訳委員会翻訳] Springfield : ライフ・パブリッシャーズ. - 鳩山町 (埼玉) : 伝道文書販売センター (発売) , 2016.9
5 Die Bibel nach Martin Luthers Übersetzung : Lutherbibel / herausgegeben von der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland : hbk. - Revidiert 2017, Jubiläumsausgabe "500 Jahre Reformation" mit Sonderseiten zu Martin Luthers Wirken als Reformator und Bibelübersetzer. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , c2016
6 聖書 : スタディ版 : わかりやすい解説つき : 新共同訳 : NI53study. - 改訂版. - 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 2014.10
7 الكتاب المقدس . العهد القديم طبعة 8. - بيروت : دار المشرق , 2012
8 聖書 : 原文校訂による口語訳 / フランシスコ会聖書研究所訳注 東京 : サンパウロ , 2011.8
9 The holy Bible Quater centenary anniversary ed. / with an anniversary essay by Gordon Campbell. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2010
10 Biblia sacra : iuxta Vulgatam versionem / adiuvantibus B. Fischer ... [et al.] ; recensuit et brevi apparatu critico instruxit Robert Weber Editionem quintam emendatam retractatam / praeparavit Roger Gryson. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , 2007
11 Holy Bible : with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books : New Revised Standard Version New York : Harper Bibles , c2007
12 The Bible : King James Version with the Apocrypha / edited with an introduction and notes by David Norton London : Penguin , 2006
13 The new Cambridge paragraph Bible : with the Apocrypha : King James Version / edited by David Norton : hardback. - Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press , c2005
14 La Bible nouvellement translatée par Sébastien Castellion (1555) ; préface : Pierre Gibert et Jacques Roubaud ; notes et commentaires : Marie-Christine Gomez-Géraud édition 2005. - Paris : Bayard , 2005
15 聖書 : 新共同訳 : digital recording [CD1] - [CD6]. - MP3版. - 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , [2005]
16 Pelplińskiego egzemplarza Biblii Gutenberga : facsimile, set - commentary. - Pelplin : Wydawnictwo Diecezji Pelplińskiej "Bernardinum" , 2004
17 Die Deutsche Bibel : set - Begleitheft. - Sonderedition. - Weimar : H. Böhlau Nachfolger , c2001
18 La Bible / [traduction, Philippe Abadie ... et al.] : Bayard,: Médiaspaul. - Paris : Bayard. - Montréal : Médiaspaul , c2001
19 The New Strong's expanded exhaustive concordance of the Bible / James Strong ; dictionaries include contributions by John R. Kohlenberger, III : hc,: ss. - Red-letter ed. - Nashville : T. Nelson , c2001
20 Alkitab + Deuterokanonika : berita baik Ed. 2. - Petaling Jaya : Bible Society of Malaysia , c2001
21 The Bible : authorized King James version / with an introduction and notes by Robert Carroll and Stephen Prickett : pbk. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 1998
22 The Bishops' Bible : a facsimile of the 1568 edition Tokyo : Elpis , 1998
23 聖書 : 新共同訳 : 旧約聖書続編つき / 共同訳聖書実行委員会 [編] NI64DC,NI69DCS. - 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , [1997]
24 聖書 : 新共同訳 / 共同訳聖書実行委員会 [編] NI44. - 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1996
25 The revised English Bible : a literary selection : with new and revised annotations / annotated by A. Arai & H. Funato Tokyo : Oxford University Press , 1995
26 Biblia sacra : iuxta Vulgatam versionem / adiuvantibus B. Fischer ... [et al.] ; recensuit et brevi apparatu critico instruxit Robertus Weber Editionem quartam emendatam / cum sociis B. Fischer ... [et al.] ; praeparavit Roger Gryson. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , 1994
27 الكتاب المقدس : أي كتب العهد القديم والعهد الجديد : وقد ترجم من اللغات الأصلية [د.م.] : دار الكتاب المقدس في الشرق الأوسط , [1994]
28 Biblia Sacra Utriusque Testamenti editio Hebraica et Graeca Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , c1994
29 The complete parallel Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books : New Revised Standard Version, Revised English Bible, New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible New York : Oxford University Press , c1993
30 The Cambridge annotated study Bible : New Revised Standard Version / notes and references by Howard Clark Kee Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , [1993], c1989
31 聖書 : 新共同訳 : 旧約聖書続編つき : 引照つき / 共同訳聖書実行委員会[訳] : NIO53DC,: NIO59DCQS,NIO53DC. - 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1993
32 La Bible d'Olivétan : Neufchâtel 1535 Éd. fac-similée. - Kyoto : Rinsen , 1992
33 Holy Bible facsim. reprint. - Cambridge : University Press , 1992
34 Biblia Latina cum glossa ordinaria : facsimile reprint of the editio princeps, Adolph Rusch of Strassburg 1480/81 / introduction by Karlfried Froehlich and Margaret T. Gibson : set - tomus 4. - Turnhout : Brepols , 1992
35 聖經 : CU53A,: CU57A,: CU58A. - 香港 : 香港聖經公會 , 1992
36 G'ui Sha Ve Li Hpu : 拉祜文 南京 : 中国基督教协会 , 1992
37 La Bible / traduite et présentée par André Chouraqui 3e éd. - [Paris] : Desclée de Brouwer , 1991, c1989
38 The Gospel of St. John / John Marsh London : Penguin Books , 1991
39 聖書 : 新共同訳 : 聖画入り / 共同訳聖書実行委員会[編] 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1991
40 Die Bibel : Einheitsübersetzung der Heiligen Schrift : Gesamtausgabe : Psalmen und Neues Testament Ökumenischer Text / [hrsg. im Auftr. d. Bischöfe Deutschlands... ; Für die Psalmen u. d. Neue Testament auch im Auftr. d. Rates d. Evang. Kirche in Deutschland u. d. Dt. Bibelges. (Evang. Bibelwerk) : kart - : Ldr. - 6. Aufl. - Stuttgart : Katholische Bibelanstalt. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelstiftung , 1990, c1980
41 The revised English Bible with the Apocrypha : OUP,: CUP. - [New Rochelle, N.Y.] : Oxford University Press : Cambridge University Press , 1989
42 The revised English Bible : OUP,: CUP. - [Oxford] : Oxford University Press. - [Cambridge] : Cambridge University Press , 1989
43 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments New rev. standard version. - New York : Oxford University Press , c1989
44 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books New rev. standard version. - New York : Oxford University Press , c1989
45 The New American Bible, revised New Testament / authorized by the Board of Trustees of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and approved by the Administrative Committee/Board of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the United States Catholic Conference : Costello,: Eerdmans. - [Rev. ed.]. - Northport, N.Y. : Costello. - Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans , 1988, c1986
46 聖書 : 新共同訳 / 共同訳聖書実行委員会 [訳] NI63 - NI34. - 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1987-
47 聖書 : 新共同訳 : 旧約聖書続編つき / 共同訳聖書実行委員会 [編] NI53DC[ビニールクロス装],NI53DCS[皮装]. - 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , c1987
48 Longman guide to Bible quotations / [compiled by] Kenneth McLeish, Valerie McLeish Harlow, Essex, England : Longman , 1986
49 The Holy Bible : new international version Reference ed., with concordance and maps. - London : Hodder & Stoughton , 1986
50 貧者の聖書 [本体],別冊. - 限定版. - 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1985.2
51 The Holy Bible : an exact reprint in Roman type, page for page of the authorized version published in the year 1611 / with an introduction by Alfred W. Pollard [Main vol.],付. - Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1985
52 Die Bibel / nach der übersetzung Martin Luthers ; [hrsg. von der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland] : Linson schwarz - : Leder schwarz. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , c1985
53 Die Bibel nach der übersetzung Martin Luthers mit Apokryphen / [hrsg. von der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland und vom Bund der Evangelischen Kirchen in der DDR] : Linson schwarz - : Leder schwarz mit Reißverschluß. - Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft , c1985
54 Biblia sacra : iuxta Vulgatam versionem / adiuvantibus Bonifatio Fischer ... [et al.] rec. et brevi apparatu instruxit Robertus Weber t. 1. Genesis-Psalmi,t. 2. proverbia, Apocalypsis, Appendix. - Ed. tertia emendata. - Stuttgart : Württembergische Bibelanstalt , 1983
55 The Holy Bible : a facsimile of the Authorized Version published in the year 1611 / with an introduction by Yoshio Terasawa : set,[本体],別冊. - Tokyo : Nan'un-do , 1982
56 Die Bibel : in heutigem Deutsch : die Gute Nachricht des Alten und Neuen Testaments : mit den Spätschriften des Alten Testaments (Deuterokanonische Schriften/Apokryphen) : Paperback - : Leder. - 2., durchgesehene Aufl. - Stuttgart : Deutsche bibelgesellschaft , c1982
57 The Holy Bible : set - v. 4. - New York : AMS Press , [1982]
58 舊新約聖書 JL63,JL69S. - 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , c1982
59 La Bible : ancien et nouveau testament : traduite de l'hébreu et du grec en français courant [London?] : Alliance Biblique Universelle. - Pierrefitte : Société biblique française , c1982
60 聖書 新改訳. - 東京 : いのちのことば社 , 1981.9
61 聖書 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1981
62 聖書 : 旧約・新約 / フェデリコ・バルバロ訳 東京 : 講談社 , 1980.11
63 Die Bibel : Psalmen und Neues Testament, ökumenischer Text : Einheitsübersetzung der Heiligen Schrift : kart - : Ldr. - Stuttgart : Katholische Bibelanstalt , c1980
64 Die Bibel : Altes und Neues Testament ; Einheitsübersetzung :pbk. - Freiburg ; Basel ; Wien : Herder , c1980
65 La Bibbia di Gerusalemme 4a ed. - Bologna : EDB , 1980
66 リビングバイブル 限定版. - 東京 : いのちのことば社 , 1979.3
67 聖經 : 現代中文譯本 : TCV040P,: TCV043P,: TCV040PS. - 2版. - 香港 : 香港聖經公會 , 1979
68 聖書 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1979
69 リビングバイブル 東京 : いのちのことば社 , 1978.4
70 The Bible and Holy Scriptvres conterned in the Olde and Newe Testament Facsim. ed. - Tokyo : Kodansha , 1977
71 The Bible : selections from the King James version for study as literature / edited with an introduction and notes by Roland Mushat Frye : pbk. - 1st princeton pbk. - Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press , 1977, c1965
72 Sagrada Biblia : version directa de las lenguas originales / por Eloíno Nácar Fuster y Alberto Colunga ; revisión del texto y de los estudios introductorios por una comisión de escrituristas presidida por Maximiliano García Cordero 35a ed. - Madrid : Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos , 1977
73 The New English Bible, with the Apocrypha / Samuel Sandmel, general editor, M. Jack Suggs, New Testament editor, Arnold J. Tkacik, Apocrypha editor Oxford Study ed. - New York : Oxford University Press , 1976
74 The new English Bible : a literary selection / With annotations by Hideo Funato and Akira Arai Tokyo : Oxford Univ. Press , 1975
75 Biblia sacra : iuxta Vulgatam versionem / adiuvantibus Bonifatio Fischer ... [et al.] recensuit et brevi apparatu instruxit Robertus Weber t. 1,t. 2. - Ed. altera emendata. - Stuttgart : Württembergische Bibelanstalt , 1975, c1969
76 Sveto Pismo : Stare in Nove Zaveze Ekumenska izdaja. - Ljubljana : Britanska biblična družba , 1975
77 Svätá Biblia : z pôvodnych jazykov / preložil Jozef Roháček Revidovane vydanie. - [Slovakia] : Svetová biblická spoločnosť , 1974
78 Hellenistic Greek texts / [ed. by Allen Wikgren] Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press , [1974]
79 聖書 : 引照つき 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1974
80 La sainte Bible / tr. d'après les textes originaux hebreu et grec par Louis Segond Éd. revue avec references. - [S.l.] : La société biblique , [1973]
81 Biblían : pað er Heilög Ritning Reykjavík : Hið Íslenzka Biblíufélag , 1973
82 新舊約全書 [香港] : 聖經公會在香港 , 1973
83 The New English Bible / with illustrations by Horace Knowles London : British and Foreign Bible Society. - Edinburgh : National Bible Society of Scotland , 1972
84 聖書 : 引照つき 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1972
85 New American Standard Bible Reference ed. - New York : World Pub. , [c1971]
86 The new American Bible / Translated from the original languages, with critical use of all ancient sources by members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America [Catholic de luxe ed.]. - Chicago : Good Counsel Publishers , [1971]
87 The Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : revised standard version / translated from the original languages, being the version set forth A.D. 1611, revised A.D. 1881-1885 and A.D. 1901, compared with the most ancient authorities, and revised A.D. 1952, second edition of the New Testament A.D. 1971 New York : American Bible Society , c1971?
88 聖書 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1971
89 聖書 / 新改訳聖書刊行会訳 新改訳版. - 東京 : 日本聖書刊行会 , 1970.9
90 The New English Bible with the Apocrypha [London] : Oxford University Press. - [Cambridge] : Cambridge University Press , 1970
91 The new American Bible / Translated from the original languages, with critical use of all the ancient sources by members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America New York : P.J. Kenedy , [1970]
92 聖書の世界 東京 : 講談社 , 1970-1974
93 山室軍平聖書注解全集 : 民衆の聖書 / 山室軍平著 東京 : 教文館 , 1970-1972
94 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments in the Authorized King James version Chicago : Timothy Press , [c1970]
95 الكتاب المقدس : أي كتب العهد القديم والعهد الجديد : وقد ترجم اللغات الاصلية وهي اللغة العبرانية واللغة الكلدانية واللغة اليونانية al-Qāhirah : Dār al-Kitāb al-Muqaddas , [1970]
96 Biblia sacra : iuxta Vulgatam versionem / adiuvantibus Bonifatio Fischer ... [et al.] rec. et brevi apparatu instruxit Robertus Weber t. 1,t. 2. - Stuttgart : Württembergische Bibelanstalt , c1969
97 The Holy Bible : the new Berkeley version in modern English : a completely new translation from the original languages, with informative notes to aid the understanding of the reader / Gerrit Verkuyl editor-in-chief [Rev. ed.]. - Grand Rapids : Zondervan Pub. House , [c1969]
98 聖書 : 引照つき 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1969
99 聖書 / 前田護郎責任編集 東京 : 中央公論社 , 1968.10
100 The Jerusalem Bible / general editor, Alexander Jones ; with abridged introductions and notes London : Darton, Longman & Todd , 1968
101 [Gutenberg Bible] New York : Brussel & Brussel , 1968
102 聖書 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1968
103 La sacra Bibbia : traduzione dai testi originali Roma : Edizioni Paoline , [1968]
104 The English Bible / translated out of the original tongues by the commandment of King James the First, anno 1611 v. 1 - v. 6. - New York : AMS Press , 1967
105 The Bible : selections from the Old and New Testaments / ed. with an introd. & notes by Allan G. Chester New York : Holt, Rinehart & Winston , [1967]
106 The Jerusalem Bible / general editor, Alexander Jones London : Darton, Longman & Todd , 1966
107 The Holy Bible : containing the old and new testaments / translated from the original tongues being the version set forth A.D. 1611 revised A.D. 1881-1885 and A.D. 1901, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1952 Revised standard version. - [London] : Thomas Nelson , [c1965]
108 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments in the Autholized King James Version Chicago : Good Counsel Pub. , [c1965]
109 La sainte Bible : qui comprend l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament / tr. d'après les textes originaux hébreu et grec par Louis Segond Nouvelle éd. revue. - Paris : [s.n.] , 1965
110 The Bible for students of literature and art / selec., with an introd. by G.B. Harrison Garden City : Doubleday , [1964]
111 聖書 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1964
112 La Sainte Bible : qui comprend l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament / traduits sur les textes originaux hébreu et grec par Louis Segond Neuv. éd. rev. - Genève ; Paris : La Maison de la Bible , 1962
113 La Sainte Bible : qui comprend l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament / traduits sur les textes originaux hébreu et grec par Louis Segond Neuv. éd. rev. avec parallèles. - Paris : [s. n.] , 1962
114 聖書 JCO53. - 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1961
115 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments in the Autholized King James Version Chicago : Good Counsel Pub. , [c1960]
116 The Holy Bible : the Berkeley version in modern English : containing the Old and New Testaments / translated afresh from the original languages and diligently compared with previous translations with numerous helpful non-doctrinal notes to aid the understanding of the reader, Gerrit Verkuyl, editor-in-chief 4th ed. - London : Oliphants , 1960
117 聖書 / フランシスコ会聖書研究所訳注 東京 : 中央出版社 , 1958-
118 Pyhä Raamattu Turku [Finland] : Suomen Pipliaseura , 1958
119 La Bible : Ancien Testament / édition publiée sous la direction d'Édouard Dhorme 1,2. - [Paris] : Gallimard , c1956-c1959
120 聖書 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1955
121 1200 Jahre deutsche Sprache : die Entfaltung der deutschen Sprachgestalt in ausgewählten Stücken der Bibelübersetzung vom Ausgang des 8. Jahrhunderts bis in die Gegenwart : ein Lese- und ein Arbeitsbuch / herausgegeben von Fritz Tschirch Berlin : Walter de Gruyter , 1955
122 聖書 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1955
123 聖書 / 日本聖書協会訳 東京 : 日本聖書協会 , 1955
124 The Bible : authorized version / edited by John Stirling ; drawings by Horace Knowles London : British & Foreign Bible Society , 1954
125 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments, translated from the original tongues being the version set forth A.D. 1611 revised A.D. 1881-1885 and A.D. 1901 compared with most ancient authorities and reviesed A.D. 1952 Revised standard version. - New York : Thomas Nelson , [1952?]
126 Die Bibel, oder, Die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments / nach der deutschen Übersetzung D. Martin Luthers Taschenausgabe. - Stuttgart : Privileg. Wüertt. Bibelanstalt , [1952]
127 The interpreter's Bible : the holy scriptures in the King James and revised standard versions with general articles and introduction, exegesis, exposition for each book of the Bible / George Arthur Buttrick ... [et al.] v. 1 - v. 12. - New York ; Nashville : Abingdon-Cokesbury Press , c1951-c1957
128 Библия, сирѣчь, свещеното писание на Ветхия и Новия Завѣтъ Ženeva : Obedineni Biblejski Obštestva , 1951
129 The Bible in Basic English [Cambridge] : Cambridge University Press in association with Evans Brothers , 1949
130 Esra und Nehemia : samt 3. Esra / von Wilhelm Rudolph Tübingen : Mohr , 1949
131 From Bethlehem to Calvary, or, The Gospels in one story : authorized version / edited with notes by Mamoru Shimizu Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1949
132 Prove all things : scriptural passages / selec. & arr. by Henry M. Bindt Berkeley, Calif. : Edward Johnson Foundation , 1946
133 Piibli raamat : see on kõik wana ja uue seaduse püha kiri Helsinki : Briti ja Wäljamaa Piibliselts , 1945
134 The complete Bible : an American translation Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press , 1939
135 新約全書 奉天 : 聖書公會 , 1937
136 The Bible designed to be read as literature / edited and arranged by Ernest Sutherland Bates London : W. Heinemann , [1936?]
137 The Bible : an American translation Chicago, Ill. : Univ. of Chicago Press , c1935
138 A new translation of the Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments / James Moffatt [Rev. and final ed.]. - New York : Harper & Bros. , c1935
139 旧新約聖書 上海 : 聖書公会 , 1933
140 La sankta biblio : malnova kaj nova testamentoj, tradukitaj el la originalaj lingvoj Londono : Brita kaj Alilanda Biblia Societo. - Edinburgo : Nacia Biblia Societo de Skotlando , [1931]
141 The Bible : an American translation Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press , 1931
142 Τα Ιερα Γραμματα : μεταφρασθεντα εκ των θειων αρχετυπων London : [At the University Press] , 1931
143 舊新約聖書 : 引照附 神戸 : 英国聖書協会 , 1930.12
144 Die Bibel, oder, Die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments / nach der deutschen Übersetzung D. Martin Luthers ; mit bildern von Rudolf Schäfer ; herausgegeben von der Sächsischen hauptbibelgesellschaft und der Privileg, Württfembergischen Bibelanstalt Stuttgart : Privileg. Württembergische Bibelanstalt , c1929
145 Աստուածաշունզ Մատեան Հին եւ Նոր Կտակարանաց : ըստ ճշգրիտ թարգմանութեան նախնեաց մերոց : համեմատութեամբ եբրայական եւ յունական բնագրաց Վիեննա : Ամերիկեան Ընկերութիւն Գրոց Սրբոց , 1929
146 Die Heilige Schrift : Alten u. Neuen Testaments / Übers. von Hermann Menge Stuttgart : Privileg Württemb Bibelanstalt , [1928]
147 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : a new translation / by James Moffatt New York : Doubleday, Doran , [c1926]
148 Die Bibel : oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments / nach der deutschen übersetzung Martin Luthers Berlin : Britische und Ausländische Bibelgesellschaft , 1922
149 The analytical reference Bible : containing four valuable aids to the student of the word of God New York : Funk & Wagnalls , c1918
150 引照舊新約全書 9版. - 神戸 : 大英国北英国聖書会社 , 1916.11
151 引照舊新約全書 神戸 : 英国聖書会社 , 1916
152 舊新約聖書 東京 : 米國聖書協會 , 1914.1
153 The interlinear Bible : the authorised version and the revised version : together with the marginal notes of the revised version London : Oxford University Press : Cambridge University Press , 1910
154 La Sainte Bible : qui comprend l'Ancien et le Nouveau testament traduits sur les textes originaux hébreu et grec Nouvelle édition revue avec parallèles. - Paris : [s,n,] , 1910
155 The Authorised Version of the English Bible, 1611 / edited by William Aldis Wright v. 1 - v. 5. - Cambridge : University Press , 1909
156 Die Bibel, oder, Die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments / nach der deutschen Übersetzung D. Martin Luthers Berlin : Britische und Ausländische Bibelgesellschaft , 1909
157 The sacred edict : translated into the Vernacular of the Bible used throughout Chinchew, Changchew and Formosa Amoy : the Poe-Bun-Tsai Press , 1908
158 舊約全書 ; 新約全書 [出版地不明] : 聖書公會 , 1908
159 The Holy Bible ; the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : the Revised Version without the marginal notes of the revisers Oxford : The University Press , 1906
160 引照舊新約全書 横浜 : 米国聖書会社 , 1904.3
161 引照舊新約全書 横浜 : 米国聖書会社 , 1904.3
162 引照舊新約全書 神戸 : 英国聖書会社 , 1904
163 The English Bible : containing the Old Testament & the New / translated out of the original tongues by special command of His Majesty King James the First ; and now reprinted with the text revised by a collation of its early and other principal editions and edited by F.H. Scrivener ... for the Syndics of the University Press, Cambridge v. 1 - v. 5. - Hammersmith : Doves Press , 1903-1905
164 The Holy Bible : the Revised Version, without the marginal notes of the revisers London : British and Foreign Bible Society , 1903
165 舊約全書 ; 新約全書 / British and foreign socirty[編] [出版地不明] : 聖書公會 , 1902
166 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues, being the version set forth A.D. 1611, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1881-1885, newly edited by the American Revision Committee, A.D. 1900 Standard ed. - New York : Thomas Nelson , c1901
167 The Holy Bible : containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues being the version set forth A.D. 1611 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1881-1885 / newly edited by the American Revision Committee, A.D, 1901 Standard ed.. - New York : Thomas Nelson , c1901
168 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues, being the version set forth A.D. 1611 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1881-1885 / newly edited by the American Revision Committee, A.D. 1901 Standard [American] ed. - New York : T. Nelson , c1901
169 Biblia sau Sfînta Scriptură : a Vechiului și Noului Testament ; cu Trimeteri [S.l.] : Societatea Biblica , [19--?]
170 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared Authorized (King James) version, self-pronouncing ed. - Philadelphia : Made for Gideons by National Bible Press , [19--]
171 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments / translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by His Majesty's special command ; appointed to be read in Churches ; authorized King James version Oxford : Oxford University Press , [19--]
172 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared Authorized (King James) version, self-pronouncing reference ed. - Philadelphia : Made for Gideons by National Bible Press , [19--]
173 舊新約聖書 紐育 : 聖書協会聨盟 , [19--]
174 新旧约全书 和合本. - [出版地不明] : [出版者不明] , [19--]
175 The Bible designed to be read as literature / edited and arranged by Ernest Sutherland Bates London : W. Heinemann , [19--]
176 A commentary on the Bible / edited by Arthur S. Peake ; with the assistance for the New Testament of A.J. Grieve ; introduction by Melancthon Woolsey Stryker New York : T. Nelson. - London : T.C. & E.C. Jack , [19--]
177 Bijbel : dat is de gansche Heilige Schrift : bevattende al de kanonieke boeken des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments / door last van de Hoog-Mog. Heeren Staten-Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden, en volgens het besluit van de Synode Nationaal gehouden te Dordrecht in de jaren MDCXVIII en MDCXIX, uit de oorspronkelijke talen in onze Nederlandsche getrouwelijk overgezet Amsterdam : Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap , [19--]
178 Bijbel : dat is de gansche Heilige Schrift : bevattende al de kanonieke boeken van het Oude en Nieuwe Testaments / op last van de Hoog-Mogende Heeren Staten-Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden, en volgens het besluit van de Nationale Synode gehouden te Dordrecht in de jaren 1618 en 1619, uit de oorspronkelijke talen in onze Nederlandsche getrouwelijk overgezet Amsterdam : Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap , [19--]
179 Bijbel : dat si de gansche heilige schrift, vervattende al de kanonieke boeken des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments, door last van de Hoog mog. heeren staten generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden en volgens het besluit van de synode nationaal, gehouden te dordrecht in de jaren MDCXVIII en MDCXIX, uit de oorspronkelijke talesn in onze Nederlandsche Getrouwelijk overgezet Londen : Britsche en Buitenlandsche Nederlandsch Bijbelgenootschap , 1899
180 引照舊新約全書 横浜 : 大日本聖書館 , 1899
181 The interlinear Bible : the authorised version and the revised version, together with the marginal notes of both versions and central references London : Oxford University Press , [1898]
182 The Sacred Books of the Old and New Testaments : a new English translation / ed. by Paul Haupt London : James Clarke , 1898-
183 The new illuminated Holy Bible : self-pronouncing, with marginal references, concordance, maps and numerous helps : containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised Teacher's ed. - New York : American Bible House , 1898
184 聖經全書 上海 : 美華書館 , 1896
185 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments / translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command International ed. - London : William Collins, Sons. - New York : International Bible Agency , [1894]
186 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments in Japanese : tr. according to the Authorised Version Romaji Edition. - Yokohama : Bible Societies' Committee for Japan , 1892
187 Bibelens : eller den hellige Skrifts kanonilke Bøger Christiania : Det norske Bibelselskiabs , 1891
188 引照舊新約全書 横浜 : 大日本聖書館 , 1891
189 引照舊新約全書 横浜 : 大日本聖書館 , 1890
190 引照舊新約全書 横浜 : 米国聖書会社 , 1890
191 引照舊新約全書 横浜 : 米國聖書會社 , 1889
192 Familienbibel : Auszug aus der heil. Schrift für häusliche Erbauung und Jugendunterricht 2. Aufl. - Schwanden : Confortiums für die Familienbibel , 1888
193 An index to the Holy Bible : containing also a harmony of the Gospels, and a list and index of the parables, miracles and discourses of our Lord, ... and believers saved New York : Board of publication of the Reformed Church in America , 1886
194 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues : being the version set forth A.D. 1611 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised Oxford : At the University Press , 1885
195 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues : and with the former translations diligently compared and revised New York : American Bible Society , 1884
196 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues : and with the former translations diligently compared and revised New York : American Bible Society , 1872
197 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues : and with the former translations diligently compared and revised New York : American Bible Society , 1872
198 La Sainte Bible : contenant l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament / traduite sur la Vulgate par Lemaistre de Sacy Paris : Ch. Meyrueis , 1870
199 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command, appointed to be read in churches Cambridge ; London : Printed at the University Press, for the British and Foreign Bible Society , 1870
200 新約全書 上海 : 美華書館 , 1869
201 新約全書 上海 : 美華書館 , 1866
202 馬可傳福音書畧解 上海 : 美華書局 , 1866
203 Die Heilige Schrift, Alten und Neuen Testaments / verdeutscht von D. Martin Luther ; mit zweihundert und dreissig Bildern von Gustav Doré ... 1. Bd,2. Bd. - Stuttgart : Druck und Verlag von Eduard Hallberger , [1866?]
204 新約全書 馬太至黙示録 第一巻至廿七巻止. - 上海 : 美華書館 , 1864
205 Polyglotten-Bibel zum praktischen Handbrauch : die Heilige Schrift, Alten und Neuen Testaments ... / bearb. von R. Stier u. K.G.W. Theile 4. sorgfältig durchgesehene u. verbesserte Aufl. - Bielefeld : Verhagen u. Klasing , 1863-
206 Polyglotten-Bibel, zum praktischen Handgebrauch : die Heilige Schrift alten und Neuen Testaments : in übersichtlicher Nebeneinanderstellung des Urtextes, der Septuaginta, Vulgata und Lutheruebersetzung, so wie der wichtigsten Varianten der vornehmsten deutschen Uebersetzungen / bearbeitet von R. Stier und R.G.W. Theile Bielefeld : Velhagen & Klasing , 1863-1864
207 Die heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments / uebersetzt von M. W. L. de Wette 4. berichtigte Aufl. - Heidelberg : J.C.B. Mohr , 1858
208 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised New York : American Bible Society , 1858
209 Bibeln [S.l.] : [s.n.] , [1847?]
210 La Sacra Bibbia secondo la Volgata, tradotta in lingua italiana da Antonio Martini v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - Firenze : D. Passigli , 1844-1846
211 Die heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments / übers. von W. M. L. de Wette 1. Teil,2. Teil,3. Teil. - 3. verbesserte Ausg. - Heidelberg : J.C.B. Mohr , 1839
212 Sainte Bible : contenant l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament / avec une traduction française en forme de paraphrase, par le R.P. de Carrières ; et les commentaires de Ménochius t. 1 - t. 8. - Besançon : Outhenin-Chalandre , 1838-1839
213 La Sacra Bibbia / tradotta da Giovanni Diodati ; edizione londinese riveduta da Giambattista Rolandi Londra : Stampato per R. Priestley , 1819
214 Die Bibel : oder die Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments / nach der deutschen Ubersetzung Martin Luthers Berlin : Britische und Ausländische Bibelgesellschaft , [18--]
215 Die Bibel, oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der deutschen Uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luther's Stereotyp-ausgabe. - Bremen : Depot der Amerikanischen Bibelgesellschaft , [18--]
216 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command, appointed to be read in churches London : British and Foreign Bible Society , [18--]
217 [Holy Bible in Arabic] [S.l. : s.n. , 18--?]
218 Die Heilige Schrift, des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nebst einer vollständigen Erklärung derselben : Welche aus den auserlesensten Anmerkungen verschiedener Engländischen Schriftsteller zusammengetragen, und aus der holländischen Sprache an das Licht gestellet, nunmehr aber in dieser deutschen Uebersetzung aufs neue durchgesehen, und mit Vielen Anmerkungen begleitet worden / von Johann Augustin Dietelmair u. Siegmund Jacob Baumgarten Leipzig : Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf , 1756-
219 Библия : книги священного писания Ветхого и Нового Завета : канонические : в русском переводе с параллельными местами [S.l.] : Библейские общества , [1---]
220 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command London : British and Foreign Bible Society , [1---]
221 Biblia sacra : Vulgatae editionis, Sixti V pontificis maximi jussu recognita et Clementis VIII auctoritate edita Parisiis : Apud R. Roger et F. Chernoviz , [1---]
222 Библия : книги священного Писания ветхого и нового завета : Канонические : В русском переводе с параллельными местами [n.p.] : Библейские общества , [1---]
223 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command London : British and Foreign Bible Society , [n.d.]
224 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues ... : containing sixty thousand original and selected parallel references and marginal readings London : William Collins, sons , [n.d.]
225 The Holy Bible : translated from the Latin Vulgate ... : with annotations, references and an historical and chronological index New York : John Murphy , [n.d.]
226 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command : appointed to be read in Churches London : Collins' Clear-type Press , [1---]
227 Ja Li Yaw Shui [S.l.] : [s.n.] , [1---]
228 Wu-S Si Xy To L [S.l.] : [s.n.] , [1---]
229 The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by His Majesty's special command, appointed to be read in churches Oxford : Printed at the Univ. Press , [n.d.]
230 漢訳聖書の研究 / Morrison, Milne[原著] ; 菱本丈夫編 [出版地不明] : [菱本丈夫] , [出版年不明]
231 民衆の聖書 東京 : 救世軍出版及供給部
232 Ta Iera Grammata metaphrasthenta ek ton theion archetypon En Oxonia : Etypōthē di epimeleias tōn typothetōn tēs Akadēmias dapanē tēs Hierographikēs Hetairias