
Bible. N.T. Gospels


一般注記 Its CLM 4453, between 1974 and 1978: spine title (CLM 4453)
Das Evangeliar Ottos III., c1978: t.p. (Das Evangeliar Ottos III., Clm 4453 der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München)
EDSRC:The four Gospels(John Deighton, 1849)
別名 Gospels (Books of the New Testament)
Bible. N.T. Synoptic Gospels
Synoptic Gospels (Books of the New Testament)
Bible. N.T. Evangelie
Fukuinsho (Books of the New Testament)
別名リンク Codex Assemanianus<EA00230621>
コード類 典拠ID=UN00369177 NCID=EA00011719
1 The Gospel of Judas : a new translation with introduction and commentary / David Brakke : hardcover. - New Haven : Yale University Press , c2022
2 新約聖書 : 本文の訳 / 田川建三訳 東京 : 作品社 , 2018.7
3 四福音書対観表 : ギリシア語-日本語版 / クルト・アーラントギリシア語版監修 ; 荒井献, 川島貞雄日本語版監修 東京 : 日本基督教団出版局 , 2000.1
4 Story as history - history as story : the Gospel tradition in the context of ancient oral history / Samuel Byrskog Tübingen : J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) , c2000
5 Comparative edition of the Syriac Gospels : aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonianus, Peshîṭtâ and Ḥarklean versions / George Anton Kiraz : set : alk. paper - v. 4. - Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1996
6 The Old English version of the Gospels / edited by R.M. Liuzza v. 1,v. 2. - London : Published for the Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press , 1994-2000
7 Das Goslarer Evangeliar / mit Erläuterungen von Renate Kroos und Frauke Steenbock Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt , c1991
8 The Book of Kells Fine art facsimile ed. - [Luzern] : Faksimile Verlag Luzern , c1990
9 The Pepysian Gospel harmony / edited by Margery Goates New York : Kraus Reprint , 1987
10 Jefferson's extracts from the Gospels : "The philosophy of Jesus" and "The life and morals of Jesus" / Dickinson W. Adams, editor ; Ruth W. Lester, assistant editor ; introduction by Eugene R. Sheridan :alk. paper. - Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press , c1983
11 The life and words of Jesus / compiled by Pat Alexander 1st U.S. ed. - San Francisco : Harper & Row , c1982
12 The Durham Gospels : together with fragments of a gospel book in uncial, Durham, Cathedral Library, MS.A. II.17 / edited by Christopher D. Verey, T. Julian Brown, Elizabeth Coatsworth ; with an appendix by Roger Powell Copenhagen : Rosenkilde and Bagger , 1980
13 Synopse der drei ersten Evangelien / [von] Albert Huck 12. Aufl. / Unverändeter Nachdruck der unter Mitwirkung von H.G. Opitz von Hans Lietzmann völlig neu bearbeiteten 9. Auflage. - Tübingen : J.C.B. Mohr , 1975
14 The Pepysian Gospel harmony / edited by Margery Goates New York : Kraus Reprint , 1971
15 福音書異同一覧 : 前三福音書共観 / 塚本虎二著 東京 : 伊藤節書房 , 1970
16 Synopticon : the verbal agreement between the Greek texts of Matthew, Mark and Luke contextually exhibited / [edited by] William R. Farmer London : Cambridge University Press , 1969
17 Synopsis quattuor evangeliorum : locis parallelis evangeliorum apocryphorum et patrum adhibitis / edidit Kurt Aland Stuttgart : Württembergische Bibelanstalt , c1964
18 Grammar of the Gothic language, and, The Gospel of St. Mark, selections from the other Gospels and the Second Epistle to Timothy : with notes and glossary / by Joseph Wright 2nd ed., with a supplement to the grammar / by O.L. Sayce. - Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1954
19 A new harmony of the Gospels : the Gospel records of the message and mission of Jesus Christ, based on the Revised standard version / by Albert Cassel Wieand 3rd ed. - Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans , 1953
20 The beginning of the Gospel / by T.W. Manson London : Oxford University Press , 1950
21 The message of Jesus Christ : the tradition of the early Christian communities / Martin Dibelius ; restored & tr. into German by Martin Dibelius ; tr. into English by Frederick C. Grant New York : Scribners , 1939
22 Synopsis of the first three gospels / Albert Huck ; a complete revision of earlier edtions by Hans Lietzmann ; English edition by Frank Leslie Cross 9th ed. - Tübingen : J.C.B. Mohr , 1936
23 Synopse der drei ersten Evangelien / von A. Huck 6., durchgesehene und verb. Aufl. - Tübingen : Mohr , 1922
24 Die vier Evangelien und die Offenbarung St. Johannis, mit zweiundfünfzig abbildungen nach den holzschnitten des meisters Albrecht Dürer [S.l.] : [s.n.] , 1920. - Berlin : Amsler & Ruthardt
25 Die Koridethi Evangelien : Θ 038 / herausgegeben von Gustav Beermann und Caspar René Gregory Leipzig : J.C. Hinrichs , 1913
26 Griechisch-deutsche Synopse : der vier neutestamentlichen Evangelien nach literarhistorischen Gesichtspunkten und mit textkritischem Apparat / von Wilhelm Larfeld Tübingen : J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) , 1911
27 Synopse der drei ersten Evangelien / von A. Huck 4, durchgesehene und verb. Aufl. - Tübingen : Mohr , 1910
28 The old Syriac Gospels, or, Evangelion da-Mepharreshê : being the text of the Sinai or Syro-Antiochene Palimpsest, including the latest additions and emendations, with the variants of the Curetonian text, corroborations from many other mss., and a list of quotations from ancient authors / edited by Agnes Smith Lewis London : Williams and Norgate , 1910
29 The synoptic Gospels : arranged in parallel columns / by J.M. Thompson 1st ed. - London : Oxford University Press : H. Milford , 1910
30 The gospels : Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Wycliffe and Tyndale versions / arranged in parallel columns with preface and notes by Joseph Bosworth ; assisted by George Waring 4th ed. - London : Gibbings , 1907
31 A harmony of the Gospels for historical study : an analytical synopsis of the four Gospels / by Wm. Arnold Stevens and Ernest DeWitt Burton 7th ed., rev. - New York : Charles Scribner's Sons , 1907, c1904
32 A harmony of the Gospels for historical study : an analytical synopsis of the four Gospels / by Wm. Arnold Stevens and Ernest Dewitt Burton 6th ed., rev. - New York : Scribner , 1906
33 Господа Нашего Iисуса Христа Святое Евангелiе : отъ Матθея, Марка, Луки и Iоанна Санктпетербургь : Сvнодальная Типографiя , 1904
34 Chikoro utarapa ne Yesu Kiristo : Ashiri Ekambakte-I Markos, Roukos, newa Yoanne orowa no asange ashkanne pirika shongo London : British and Foreign Bible Society , 1891
35 The four Gospels / by W. Walsham How London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge , 1890
36 The New Testament for English readers / by Henry Alford vol. 1, pt. 1 - vol. 2, pt. 2. - New ed. - Boston : Lee and Shepard , 1872-1884
37 The four Gospels 6th ed. - London : Rivingtons. - Cambridge : Deighton, Bell , 1868
38 Commentary on a harmony of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke / by John Calvin ; translated from the original Latin, and collated with the author's French version, by William Pringle v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - Edinburgh : Printed for the Calvin Translation Society , 1845-1846
39 Ke Kauoha Hou : a ko kakou Haku e ola'i, a Iesu Kristo : oia ka olelo hemolele no ke ola, a na lunaolelo i kakau ai / ua unuhiia, mai ka olelo Helene Oahu : Na na Misionari i pai , 1843
40 The four gospels : with a commentary / by Abiel Abbot Livermore vol. 2. - New ed. - New York : J.Miller , [1842]
41 A harmony of the Gospels in Greek, in the general order of Le Clerc and Newcome, with Newcome's notes : printed from the text with the various readings of Knapp : the whole revised and the Greek text newly arranged / by Edward Robinson Andover [Mass.] : Gould and Newman. - New York : Leavitt, Lord , 1834
42 The old Syriac Gospels : or, Evangelion da-Mepharreshê : being the text of the Sinai or Syro-Antiochene Palimpsest, including the latest additions and emendations, with the variants of the Curetonian text, corroborations from many other mss., and a list of quotations from ancient authors / ed. by Agnes Smith Lewis [S.l. : s.n. , n.d.]
43 The life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth : extracted textually from the Gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English / by Thomas Jefferson Chicago : Manz Engraving , [n.d.]