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カンケ ブンソウ
菅家文草 12巻 / [菅原道真著]

Material Type Books
Publisher [出版地不明] : [出版者不明]
Year 元禄13 [1700] 跋
Size 4冊 ; 25.8×17.8cm
Digital Collection

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Imadegawa Library Neesima Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻第1-3 919.3||S9422||1-3 000063907
The Neesima Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library Neesima Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻第4-6 919.3||S9422||4-6 000063908
The Neesima Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library Neesima Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻第7-9 919.3||S9422||7-9 000063909
The Neesima Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library Neesima Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻第10-12 919.3||S9422||10-12 000063910
The Neesima Memorial Collection

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Bibliography ID BB00563332
Text Language Japanese
Other titles other title:校訂菅家文草
Notes 和漢古書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌作成
跋の書名: 校訂菅家文草
跋に「元禄十三年庚辰之秋 常陽水戸府中村顧言謹跋」とあり
四周双辺無界9行18字注文双行, 白口双花魚尾
表紙の書き入れによる冊次: 巻第1-3: 元, 巻第4-6: 亨, 巻第7-9: 利, 巻第10-12: 貞
Authors  菅原, 道真 (845-903) <スガワラノ, ミチザネ>
Uniform title  菅家文草(菅原道真 : KOTEN:143500) <カンケ ブンソウ>
Vol 巻第1-3 Export RefWorks(Selected volume only)
巻第4-6 Export RefWorks(Selected volume only)
巻第7-9 Export RefWorks(Selected volume only)
巻第10-12 Export RefWorks(Selected volume only)
NCID BA60505789

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