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シン ロクタイカ ゼックショウ
清六大家絶句鈔 26巻12冊 (存25巻11冊) / 梁川孟緯(星巌)編

Material Type Books
Publisher 大坂 : 河内屋茂兵衛 : 河内屋藤兵衛 : 河内屋新次郎
Publisher 江戸 : 和泉屋金右衛門 : 和泉屋吉兵衛 : 岡田屋嘉七 : 山城屋佐兵衛 : 須原屋茂兵衛
Publisher 京 : 近江屋佐太郎 : 大文字屋勝助 : 越後屋治兵衛
Year 文久3 [1863]
Size 11冊 ; 23cm
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Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 1 921.6||S9299||1 000043776
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 2 921.6||S9299||2 000043777
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 4 921.6||S9299||4 000043778
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 5 921.6||S9299||5 000043779
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 6 921.6||S9299||6 000043780
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 7 921.6||S9299||7 000043781
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 8 921.6||S9299||8 000043782
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 9 921.6||S9299||9 000043783
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 10 921.6||S9299||10 000043784
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 11 921.6||S9299||11 000043785
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 12 921.6||S9299||12 000043786
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection

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Bibliography ID BB00538185
Text Language Japanese
Contents 1-2: 漁洋絶句抄 4巻 / (清)王漁洋 [撰]
4: 呉梅村絶句抄 5巻 / (清)呉梅村 [撰]
5-9: 隨園絶句抄 10巻 ; 隨園絶句抄 1巻 / (清)袁随園 [撰]
10: 有正味齋絶句抄 2巻 / (清)呉聖徴 [撰]
11-12: 沈徳潜絶句抄 3巻 / (清)沈歸愚 [撰]
Notes 和漢古書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌データ作成
編者は『国書総目録』による (序中に「星嵓梁川」とあり)
序: 嘉永壬子夏月 鷲峰逸人桑原忱撰
見返しに「京都書林 東塘亭 大坂書林 羣玉堂 合梓」とあり
巻末に「浪華書林 河内屋茂兵衛藏板」の出版広告あり
和装 袋綴
Authors  梁川, 星巌 (1789-1858) <ヤナガワ, セイガン>
 王, 士禎 (1634-1711) <wang, shi zhen>
 呉, 偉業 (1609-1671) <wu, wei ye>
 袁, 枚 (1716-1798) <yuan, mei>
 呉, 錫麒 <wu, qing qi>
 沈, 徳潜 (1673-1769) <shen, de qian>
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NCID BA55389485