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和爾雅 8巻 / 貝原好古編輯

Material Type Books
Publisher 平安 : 柳枝軒
Year 享保2 [1717]
Size 5冊 ; 23cm
Digital Collection

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Imadegawa Library The Emori Ueki Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻之1 813.2||K9174||1 000051014 M041-1 The Emori Ueki Collection
Imadegawa Library The Emori Ueki Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻之2 813.2||K9174||2 000051015 M041-1 The Emori Ueki Collection
Imadegawa Library The Emori Ueki Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻之3-4 813.2||K9174||3-4 000051016 M041-1 The Emori Ueki Collection
Imadegawa Library The Emori Ueki Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻之5-6 813.2||K9174||5-6 000051017 M041-1 The Emori Ueki Collection
Imadegawa Library The Emori Ueki Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻之7-8 813.2||K9174||7-8 000051018 M041-1 The Emori Ueki Collection

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Bibliography ID BB00533939
Text Language Japanese
Other titles other title:新𠞫龢爾雅
other title:新刊和爾雅
variant access title:新刻和爾雅
Notes 和漢古書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
題簽: 新𠞫龢爾雅
見返し: 新刊和爾雅
和装 袋綴
Authors  貝原, 恥軒(1664-1700) <カイバラ, チケン>
Uniform title  和爾雅(貝原恥軒編 : KOTEN:100141) <ワジガ>
Vol 巻之1 Export RefWorks(Selected volume only)
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巻之7-8 Export RefWorks(Selected volume only)
NCID BA54583041

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