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エイカン シリャク ying huan zhi lue
瀛環志畧 10巻 / (清)徐繼畬輯著 ; (清)陳慶偕, 鹿澤長叅訂 ; (清)寉明高採譯 ; (日本)井上春洋, 森荻園, 三守柳圃訓點

Material Type Books
Publisher 大阪 : 米津清平
Publisher 大阪 : 前川善兵衛 : 吉岡平輔 (弘通所)
Year 文久1 [1861]
Size 10冊 ; 25.6×18.2cm
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Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻之1 290.8||J||1 000317460
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻之1 290.8||J||1 850805209
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻2 290.8||J||2 000317461
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻2 290.8||J||2 850805210
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻3 290.8||J||3 000317462
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻3 290.8||J||3 850805211
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻4 290.8||J||4 000317463
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻4 290.8||J||4 850805212
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻5 290.8||J||5 000317464
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻5 290.8||J||5 850805213
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻6 290.8||J||6 000317465
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻6 290.8||J||6 850805214
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻之7 290.8||J||7 000317466
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻之7 290.8||J||7 850805215
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻8 290.8||J||8 000317467
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻8 290.8||J||8 850805216
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻9 290.8||J||9 000317468
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻9 290.8||J||9 850805217
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻10 290.8||J||10 000317469
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library Off-Campus Stacks 巻10 290.8||J||10 850805218
The Waichi Araki Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻之1 290.8||J||1 000055316
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻2 290.8||J||2 000055317
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻3 290.8||J||3 000055318
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻4 290.8||J||4 000055319
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻5 290.8||J||5 000055320
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻6 290.8||J||6 000055321
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻之7 290.8||J||7 000055322
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻8 290.8||J||8 000055323
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻9 290.8||J||9 000055324
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 巻10 290.8||J||10 000055325
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection

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Bibliography ID BB00376629
Text Language Chinese,Japanese
Other titles other title:瀛環志略
Notes 和漢古書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
刷り題簽の書名: 瀛環志略
見返しに「文久辛酉仲秋新刋 阿陽 對嵋閣藏梓」とあり
四周双辺有界10行24字注文双行, 単魚尾
Authors  徐, 繼畬(1795-1873) <xu, ji yu>
陳, 慶偕 <chen, qing xie>
鹿, 澤長 <lu, ze chang>
寉, 明高 <he, ming gao>
 井上, 春洋 <イノウエ, シュンヨウ>
 森, 荻園 <モリ, テキエン>
 三守, 柳圃 <ミツモリ, リュウホ>
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NCID BB28454639

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