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ジャジャウマ ナラシ
じゃじゃ馬馴らし / シェイクスピア作 ; 大場建治訳
(岩波文庫 ; 赤(32)-205-9)

Material Type Books
Publisher 東京 : 岩波書店
Year 2008.4
Size 254p ; 15cm

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Imadegawa Library Neiseikan 1F (Pocket Books)
I||R||205-9 089150066

Learned Memorial Library Pocket Books
I||R||205-9 089250206

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] Bunko・Shinsho
932.5||S9681 081050147 IB-R-1886

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Bibliography ID BB10263840
Text Language Japanese
Other titles original title:The taming of the shrew
Notes 本訳の底本は、1623年出版の二つ折本『シェイクスピア戯曲全集』所収の'The Taming of the Shrew'
Authors  Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
 大場, 建治(1931-) <オオバ, ケンジ>
Classification NDC9:932.5
Vol ISBN:9784003220597 ; PRICE:600円+税 Export RefWorks(Selected volume only)
NCID BA85525844

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