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ケイエン イッシ
桂園一枝 3巻 / [香川景樹著]

Material Type Books
Publisher 皇都 : 河南儀兵衞 : 出雲寺文治郎
Publisher 江戸 : 須原屋茂兵衞
Publisher 大坂 : 河内屋太助
Year 天保6 [1835]
Size 3冊 : 26cm
Digital Collection

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Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 911.158||K9370||1 000031008
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 911.158||K9370||2 000031009
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) 911.158||K9370||3 000031010
The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection

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Bibliography ID BB00538395
Text Language Japanese
Notes 和漢古書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌データ作成
和装, 和綴
Authors  香川, 景樹 (1768-1843) <カガワ, カゲキ>
Uniform title  桂園一枝(香川景樹 : KOTEN:166427) <ケイエン イッシ>
Vol 雪 Export RefWorks(Selected volume only)
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NCID BA55432675