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ハッブル ギンガ ノ セカイ
ハッブル銀河の世界 / ハッブル [著] ; 戎崎俊一訳
(岩波文庫 ; 青(33)-941-1)

Material Type Books
Publisher 東京 : 岩波書店
Year 1999.8
Size 312p ; 15cm

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Imadegawa Library Neiseikan 1F (Pocket Books)
I||B||941-1 990150975

Learned Memorial Library Pocket Books
I||B||941-1 990251291

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] Bunko・Shinsho
443.6||H221 991050739 IB-B-1096

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Bibliography ID BB00446363
Text Language Japanese
Other titles original title:The realm of the nebulæ
variant access title:銀河の世界
Notes 原著(New Haven: Yale University, 1936)の翻訳
Authors  Hubble, Edwin Powell, 1889-1953
 戎崎, 俊一(1958-) <エビスザキ, トシカズ>
Subjects BSH:銀河
Classification NDC9:443.6
Vol ISBN:4003394119 ; PRICE:700円+税 Export RefWorks(Selected volume only)
NCID BA42656975

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