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ヤシオシシ ケンキュウ
八潮市史研究 / 八潮市史編さん委員会 [編]

Material Type Journals
Volumes(year) 創刊号 (昭53.12)-
Publisher 八潮 : 八潮市史編さん室
Year 1978-
Size 冊 ; 21-22cm

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Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 1-19 1978-1998 P213||Y
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Please select year to confirm magazines published in the year.
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 19 1998
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 19 1998 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 18 1996
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 18 1996 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 17 1995
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 17 1995 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 16 1995
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 16 1995 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 15 1994
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 15 1994 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 14 1993
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 14 1993 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 13 1993
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 13 1993 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 12 1993
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 12 1993 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 11 1992
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 11 1992 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 10 1991
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 10 1991 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 9 1991
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 9 1991 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 8 1991
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 8 1991 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 7 1989
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 7 1989 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 6 1987
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 6 1987 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 5 1984
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 5 1984 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 4 1982
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 4 1982 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 3 1981
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 3 1981 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 2 1980
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 2 1980 P213||Y

Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 1 1978
Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences [Keimeikan] 1 1978 P213||Y

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Bibliography ID SB10207202
Text Language Japanese
Notes 奥付の編者表示の変更: 八潮市史編さん委員会 (-7号 (平1.3))→八潮市立資料館協議会 (8号 (平3.2)-)
責任表示の変更: 八潮市史編さん委員会 (-7号 (平1.3))→八潮市立資料館 (8号 (平3.2)-)
出版者変更: 八潮市史編さん室 (-7号 (平1.3))→八潮市立資料館 (8号 (平3.2)-)
Authors  八潮市立資料館 <ヤシオ シリツ シリョウカン>
 八潮市立資料館協議会 <ヤシオ シリツ シリョウカン キョウギカイ>
 八潮市史編さん委員会 <ヤシオ シシ ヘンサン イインカイ>
NCID AN00242233