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Material Type Journals
Volumes(year) 創刊[1]号 (1974.6.10)-
Publisher 東京 : キリスト教視聴覚センター
Year 1974.6-
Size 冊 ; 30cm

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School of Theology [Shingakukan] 1-115,117-150 1974-2004 P190.1||A2 B3P逐刊大型書架
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Please select year to confirm magazines published in the year.
School of Theology [Shingakukan] Stacks 121-150 1995.02-2004.09
School of Theology [Shingakukan] Stacks 121-150 1995.02-2004.09 P190.1||A2 H10273659

School of Theology [Shingakukan] Stacks 76-115,117-120 1987.01-1994.10
School of Theology [Shingakukan] Stacks 76-115,117-120 1987.01-1994.10 P190.1||A2 Y00098239

School of Theology [Shingakukan] Stacks 52-75 1983.01-1986.11
School of Theology [Shingakukan] Stacks 52-75 1983.01-1986.11 P190.1||A2 Y00098238

School of Theology [Shingakukan] Stacks 1-51 1974.06-1982.11
School of Theology [Shingakukan] Stacks 1-51 1974.06-1982.11 P190.1||A2 860118002

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Bibliography ID SB10007525
Text Language Japanese
Notes タイトルは題字欄による
継続前誌: AVACOニュース
Authors  キリスト教視聴覚センター <キリストキョウ シチョウカク センター>
NCID AB00002585

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