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マンドリン ト ギター ケンキュウ シリョウ

Material Type Journals
Volumes(year) 1號 ([昭17.1])-
Publication [東京] : 武井樂團 , 1942.1-
Size 冊 ; 37cm

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Imadegawa Library The Nakano Music Scores Collection 1-12 1942-1943 P763||M3
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Please select year to confirm magazines published in the year.
Imadegawa Library The Nakano Music Scores Collection・Archives 1-12 1942.01-1943.11
Imadegawa Library The Nakano Music Scores Collection・Archives 1-12 1942.01-1943.11 P763||M3 861071238 カウンター請求 The Nakano Music Scores Collection

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Bibliography ID SB10004914
Frequency bimonthly
Text Language Japanese
Notes タイトルは題字欄による
NCID AA12389510

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