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ユニュウ トウケイ ヒンモク ヒョウ

Material Type Journals
Volumes(year) 1976 (1976)-1987 (1987)
Publisher 東京 : 日本関税協会

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Faculty of Economics [Ryoshinkan] 1976-1987 1976-1987 359.67||Y5 統計コーナー
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Faculty of Economics [Ryoshinkan] Statistics Corner 一括所蔵 1111
Faculty of Economics [Ryoshinkan] Statistics Corner 一括所蔵 1111 359.67||Y5

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Bibliography ID SB00967707
Text Language Japanese
Other titles variant access title:輸入統計品目表
translation of title by cataloging agency:Import statistical schedule
Notes about History of the Documents Continues:輸出入統計品目表 = Statistical classification of commodities for Japanese foreign trade / 大蔵省税関部関税研究会編
NCID AN10052085