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ヨーロッパ ブンガク ケンキュウ
ヨーロッパ文学研究 / 早稲田大学文学部 [編]

Material Type Journals
Volumes(year) 1号 (1961)-40号 (1993)
Publisher 東京 : 理想社
Year 1961-1993
Size 冊 ; 22cm

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Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 16-40 1969-1993 P900.1||Y2
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Please select year to confirm magazines published in the year.
Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 37-40 1990-1993
Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 37-40 1990-1993 P900.1||Y2 Y00062774

Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 34-36 1986-1989
Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 34-36 1986-1989 P900.1||Y2 Y00062773

Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 30-33 1982-1985
Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 30-33 1982-1985 P900.1||Y2 862074352

Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 25-29 1977-1981
Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 25-29 1977-1981 P900.1||Y2 850105161

Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 20-24 1972-1976
Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 20-24 1972-1976 P900.1||Y2 850105162

Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 16-19 1969-1971
Faculty of Letters [Tokushokan] Department of English 16-19 1969-1971 P900.1||Y2 850105169

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Bibliography ID SB00962379
Text Language Japanese
Other titles colophon title:ヨーロッパ文学
back cover title:Etude de la littérature Européenne
other title:Etudes de littératures Européennes
Notes about History of the Documents Continued by:ロシア文化研究 / 早稲田大学ロシア文学会 [編]
Notes 奥付タイトル: ヨーロッパ文学研究 (-40号 (1993))
裏表紙タイトル: Etudes de littératures Européennes (-40号 (1993))
特集号: ヨーロッパ文学の現状と展望 (254p, 1988.3発行)
奥付の編集者表示: 早稲田大学文学部ヨーロッパ文学研究会
Authors  早稲田大学文学部 <ワセダ ダイガク ブンガクブ>
 早稲田大学文学部ヨーロッパ文学研究会 <ワセダ ダイガク ブンガクブ ヨーロッパ ブンガク ケンキュウカイ>
ISSN 05132770
NCID AN00247565