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ヨウギョウ キョウカイシ
窯業協會誌 = Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan

Material Type Journals
Volumes(year) 58集643号 (昭25. 1)-95集1108号 (昭62. 12)
Publisher 東京 : 窯業協会
Year [1950.1]-

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Faculty of Science and Engineering [Rikagakukan] The Chemical System 64-73,74(846-850,852-856),75,76(869-870,872-879),77(881-883,886-892),78-95 1956-1987 P573||Y
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Faculty of Science and Engineering [Rikagakukan] The Chemical System 一括所蔵 1111
Faculty of Science and Engineering [Rikagakukan] The Chemical System 一括所蔵 1111 P573||Y

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Bibliography ID SB00962326
Text Language Japanese
Other titles variant access title:Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan
other title:セラミックスと材料科学
other title:窯業協会誌
other title:The Yogyo Kyokai shi
Notes about History of the Documents Continues:窯業協会雑誌 / 窯業協会
Aplit into:セラミックス / 窯業協会 [編]
Continued by:日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 : Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai gakujutsu ronbunshi = Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan
Authors  窯業協会 <ヨウギョウ キョウカイ>
ISSN 00090255
NCID AN00245650