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American aviation : including Airlift and skyways

Material Type Journals
Volumes(year) Vol. 27, no. 2 (July 1963)-v. 33, no. 3 (July 7, 1969)
Publisher Washington : American Aviation
Year 1963-1969

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Faculty of Science and Engineering [Rikagakukan] The Mechanical System 32(4-15) 1968-1968 P538||A7
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Faculty of Science and Engineering [Rikagakukan] The Mechanical System 一括所蔵 1111
Faculty of Science and Engineering [Rikagakukan] The Mechanical System 一括所蔵 1111 P538||A7

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Bibliography ID SB00944947
Frequency biweekly
Text Language English
Other titles other title:American aviation : including aerospace technology
Notes about History of the Documents Continues:Airlift : world air transportation
Is Merger of:Aerospace technology
Continued by:Airline management and marketing including American aviation
Notes Other title information varies: including aerospace technology
Punlisher varies: Ziff-Davis Pub
ISSN 00964913
NCID AA00519426