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American University intramural law review

Material Type Journals
Volumes(year) Vol. 2, no. 1 (Dec. 1952)-v. 5, no. 2 (May 1956)
Publisher Washington, D.C. : Washington College of Law
Year 1952-1956

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Faculty of Law [Koenkan] 1(1),2-5 1952-1956 P320.3||A17
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Faculty of Law [Koenkan] 一括所蔵 1111
Faculty of Law [Koenkan] 一括所蔵 1111 P320.3||A17

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Bibliography ID SB00939081
Text Language English
Notes about History of the Documents Continues:American University Washington College of Law intramural law review
Continued by:American University law review
ISSN 02751674
NCID AA00049220