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Utah code annotated 1953

Material Type Electronic Journal
Publisher Charlottesville, Va. : LEXIS Law Pub.
Year 1953-

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Bibliography ID OJ00153605
Text Language English
Other titles abbreviated title:Utah Code Annot 1953 Utah
uniform title:Laws, etc. (Compiled statutes : 1953)
Notes Subtitle varies
Editors: Charles L. Hopper and others
Published: Indianapolis : A. Smith (1953-1985); Charlottesville, Va. : Michie (1986-1998)
Description based on: v. 3A, 1998 t.p
Kept up to date by pocket parts, advance code service, replacement vols, and advance legislative service
Advance legislative service published: LEXIS Pub. (2000- )
Includes unnumbered parallel tables, Utah code of judicial administration, and Annotation citator volumes and separately numbered Utah court rules (cover title: Utah court rules annotated) volumes
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Authors *Utah
LEXIS Law Publishing
Michie Company
Allen Smith Company
Media type 機械可読データファイル