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OECD Environmental Outlook

Material Type Electronic Journal
Publisher Paris : OECD Publishing

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Bibliography ID OJ00044718
Text Language English
Notes Current Publication Frequency:Irregular
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Summary:The OECD Environmental Outlook periodically provides analyses of economic and environmental trends, and simulations of policy actions to address the key challenges. It systematically examines the pressures on the environment such as consumption, population, globalisation, and urbanisation; the environmental impacts such as climate change, air pollution, water pollution, loss of biodiversity, and waste management issues; and sectoral policy responses for agriculture, transport, energy, and industry
Other editions available:Perspectives de l'environnement de l'OCDE ISSN:1999-1568
Authors Dow Jones Reuters Business Interactive LLC
Subjects FREE:Environment
Media type 機械可読データファイル
ISSN 1999155X

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