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タチハラ スイケン ニッキ
[立原翠軒日記] / 立原翠軒著

Material Type Books
Publisher [出版地不明] : [出版者不明]
Year [出版年不明]
Size 3冊 ; 28cm

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Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) [1] 121.8||T3||1 000089581 M034-10 The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) [2] 121.8||T3||2 000089579 M034-8 The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection
Imadegawa Library The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection・Special Collections (Rare Books) [3] 121.8||T3||3 000089580 M034-9 The Komuro and Sawabe Memorial Collection

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Bibliography ID BB10009876
Text Language Japanese
Notes 内容[1] : 天明8年戊申正月元日〜12月25日,寛政元年己酉6月2日〜10月8日[2] : 寛政7年乙卯正月8日〜12月20日[3] : 寛政13年辛酉正月7日〜亨和3年癸亥2月6日
Authors  立原, 翠軒(1744-1823) <タチハラ, スイケン>
NCID OM70000651

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