

Special report / European Court of Auditors

データ種別 図書
出版者 Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
大きさ v. ; 30 cm


1 no. 1/2010 Are simplified customs procedures for imports effectively controlled? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2010
2 No 1/2009 Banking measures in the Mediterranean area in the context of the MEDA Programme and the previous protocols / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Office of Official Publications of the European Communities , 2009
3 no. 1/2011 Has the devolution of the commission's management of external assistance from its headquarters to its delegations led to improved aid delivery? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
4 no. 1/2012 Effectiveness of European Union development aid for food security in sub-Saharan Africa / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
5 no 1/2013 Has the EU support to the food-processing industry been effective and efficient in adding value to agricultural products? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
6 no.01/2014 Effectiveness of EU-supported public urban transport projects / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , c2014
7 no. 2/2010 The effectiveness of the design studies and construction of new infrastructures support schemes under the Sixth Framework Programme for Research / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2010
8 No 2/2009 The European Union's public health programme (2003-07) : an effective way to improve health? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , 2009
9 no. 2/2011 Follow-up of special report no 1/2005 concerning the management of the European Anti-Fraud Office / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
10 no. 2/2012 Financial instruments for SMEs co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
11 no 2/2013 Has the Commission ensured efficient implementation of the seventh framework programme for research? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
12 no. 2/2014 Are preferential trade arrangements appropriately managed? / [European Court of Auditors] Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2014
13 No 3/2009 The effectiveness of structural measures spending on waste water treatment for the 1994-99 and 2000-06 programme periods / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications ofthe European Communities , 2009
14 no. 3/2010 Impact assessments in the EU institutions : do they support decision-making? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2010
15 no. 3/2011 The efficiency and effectiveness of EU contributions channelled through United Nations Organisations in conflict-affected countries / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
16 no. 3/2012 Structural Funds : did the Commission successfully deal with deficiencies identified in the Member States' management and control systems? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
17 no 3/2013 Have the Marco Polo programmes been effective in shifting traffic off the road? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
18 no. 3/2014 Lessons from the European Commision's development of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) / [European Court of Auditors] Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2014
19 No 4/2009 The Commission's management of non-state actors' involvement in EC development cooperation / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , 2009
20 no. 4/2010 Is the design and management of the mobility scheme of the Leonardo da Vinci programme likely to lead to effective results? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2010
21 no. 4/2011 The audit of the SME guarantee facility / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
22 no. 4/2012 Using Structural and Cohesion Funds to co-finance transport infrastructures in seaports : an effective investment? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
23 no 4/2013 EU cooperation with Egypt in the field of governance / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
24 No 5/2009 The Commission's treasury management / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , 2009
25 no. 5/2010 Implementation of the leader approach for rural development / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2010
26 no. 5/2011 Single payment scheme (SPS) : issues to be addressed to improve its sound financial management / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
27 no. 5/2012 The common external relations information system (CRIS) / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
28 no 5/2013 Are EU cohesion policy funds well spent on roads? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
29 no. 6/2009 European Union food aid for deprived persons : an assessment of the objectives, the means and the methods employed / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2009
30 no. 6/2010 Has the reform of the sugar market achieved its main objectives? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2010
31 no. 6/2011 Were ERDF co-financed tourism projects effective? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
32 no. 6/2012 European Union assistance to the Turkish Cypriot community / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
33 no. 6/2013 Have the member states and the Commission achieved value for money with the measures for diversifying the rural economy? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
34 no. 7/2009 The management of the Galileo programme's development and validation phase / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities , 2009
35 no. 7/2010 Audit of the clearance of accounts procedure / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2010
36 no. 7/2011 Is agri-environment support well designed and managed? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
37 no. 7/2012 The reform of the common organisation of the market in wine : progress to date / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
38 no. 7/2013 Has the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund delivered EU added value in reintegrating redundant workers? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
39 no. 8/2009 'Networks of excellence' and 'integrated projects' in community research policy : did they achieve their objectives? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2009
40 no. 8/2010 Improving transport performance on trans-European rail axes : have EU rail infrastructure investments been effective? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2010
41 no. 8/2011 Recovery of undue payments made under the common agricultural policy / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
42 no. 8/2012 Targeting of aid for the modernisation of agricultural holdings / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
43 no. 8/2013 Support for the improvement of the economic value of forests from the European Agricultural Fund for rural development / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
44 no. 9/2009 The efficiency and effectiveness of the personnel selection activities carried out by the European Personnel Selection Office / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2009
45 no. 9/2010 Is EU structural measures spending on the supply of water for domestic consumption used to best effect? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2010
46 no. 9/2011 Have the e-government projects supported by ERDF been effective? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
47 no. 9/2012 Audit of the control system governing the production, processing, distribution and imports of organic products / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
48 no. 9/2013 EU support for governance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
49 no. 10/2009 Information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2009
50 no. 10/2010 Specific measures for agriculture in favour of the outermost regions of the Union and the smaller Aegean Islands / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2010
51 no. 10/2011 Are the school milk and school fruit schemes effective? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
52 no. 10/2012 The effectiveness of staff development in the European Commission / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
53 no. 10/2013 Common agricultural policy : is the specific support provided under Article 68 of Council Regulation (EC) no 73/2009 well designed and implemented? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
54 no. 11/2009 The sustainability and the commission's management of the life-nature projects / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2009
55 no. 11/2010 The commission's management of general budget support in ACP, Latin American and Asian countries / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
56 no. 11/2011 Do the design and management of the geographical indications scheme allow it to be effective? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
57 no. 11/2012 Suckler cow and ewe and goat direct aids under partial implementation of SPS arrangements / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
58 no. 11/2013 Getting the gross national income (GNI) data right : a more structured and better-focused approach would improve the effectiveness of the commission's verification / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
59 no. 12/2009 The effectiveness of the commission's projects in the area of justice and home affairs for the Western Balkans / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2009
60 no. 12/2010 EU development assistance for basic education in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
61 no. 12/2011 Have EU measures contributed to adapting the capacity of the fishing fleets to available fishing opportunities? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
62 no. 12/2012 Did the Commission and Eurostat improve the process for producing reliable and credible European statistics? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
63 no. 12/2013 Can the commission and member states show that the EU budget allocated to the rural development policy is well spent? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
64 no. 13/2009 Delegating implementing tasks to executive agencies : a successful option? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2009
65 no. 13/2010 Is the new European neighbourhood and partnership instrument successfully launched and achieving results in the Southern Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia)? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
66 no. 13/2011 Does the control of customs procedure 42 prevent and detect VAT evasion? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
67 no. 13/2012 European union development assistance for drinking water supply and basic sanitation in sub-Saharan countries / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
68 no. 13/2013 EU development assistance to Central Asia / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
69 no. 14/2009 Have the management instruments applied to the market in milk and milk products achieved their main objectives? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2009
70 no. 14/2010 The commission's management of the system of veterinary checks for meat imports following the 2004 hygiene legislation reforms / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
71 no.14/2011 Has EU assistance improved Croatia's capacity to manage post-accession funding? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
72 no. 14/2012 Implementation of EU hygiene legislation in slaughterhouses of countries that joined the EU since 2004 / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
73 no.14/2013 European Union direct financial support to the Palestinian authority / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
74 no. 15/2009 EU assistance implemented through United Nations organisations : decision-making and monitoring / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Office for Publications of the European Union , 2009
75 no. 15/2011 Do the Commission's procedures ensure effective management of state aid control? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
76 no. 15/2012 Management of conflict of interest in selected EU agencies / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
77 no.15/2013 Has the environment component of the life programme been effective? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
78 no. 16/2009 The European Commission's management of pre-accession assistance to Turkey / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2009
79 no.16/2011 EU financial assistance for the decommissioning of nuclear plants in Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovakia : achievements and future challenges / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2011
80 no. 16/2012 The effectiveness of the single area payment scheme as a transitional system for supporting farmers in the new member states / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
81 no.16/2013 Taking stock of 'single audit' and the Commission's reliance on the work of national audit authorities in cohesion / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , c2014
82 no. 17/2009 Vocational training actions for women co-financed by the European Social Fund / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2009
83 no. 17/2012 The European Development Fund (EDF) contribution to a sustainable road network in Sub-Saharan Africa / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
84 no.17/2013 EU climate finance in the context of external aid / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2014
85 no. 18/2009 Effectiveness of EDF support for regional economic integration in East Africa and West Africa / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2010
86 no. 18/2012 European Union assistance to Kosovo related to the rule of law / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
87 no.18/2013 The reliability of the results of the Member States' checks of the agricultural expenditure / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2014
88 no. 19/2012, 19/2013 Report of the follow-up of the European Court of Auditors' special reports / European Court of Auditors 2011,2012. - Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012-
89 no 20/2012 Is structural measures funding for municipal waste management infrastructure projects effective in helping member states achieve EU waste policy objectives? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
90 no 21/2012 Cost-effectiveness of cohesion policy investments in energy efficiency / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
91 no 22/2012 Do the European Integration Fund and European Refugee Fund contribute effectively to the integration of third-country nationals? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2012
92 no 23/2012 Have EU structural measures successfully supported the regeneration of industrial and military brownfield sites? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013, c2012
93 no 24/2012 The European Union Solidarity Fund's response to the 2009 Abruzzi earthquake : the relevance and cost of operations / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013
94 no 25/2012 Are tools in place to monitor the effectiveness of European Social Fund spending on older workers? / European Court of Auditors Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union , 2013


書誌ID BB10316106
本文言語 英語
一般注記 Publisher name slightly varies.
著者標目  European Court of Auditors
NCID BA87349990