

Bureau publication / U.S. Department of Labor, Children's Bureau

データ種別 図書
出版者 Washington D.C. : Government Printing Office


1 no. 4 Prenatal care / by Mrs. Max West 4th ed. - Washington : Government Printing Office , 1915
2 no. 6 New Zealand society for the health of women and children : an example of methods of baby-saving work in small towns and rural districts Washington : G.P.O. , 1914
3 no. 8 Infant care Washington : G. P. O. , 1921
4 no. 8 Infant care / by Mrs. Max West Washington : Government Printing Office , 1914
5 no. 9 Infant mortality : results of a field study in Johnstown, Pa., based on births in one calendar year / by Emma Duke Washington : Government Printing Office , 1915
6 no. 11 Infant mortality : Montclair, N.J. : a study of infant mortality in a suburban community Washington : Government Printing Office , 1915
7 no. 12 Employment-certificate system, Connecticut / by Helen L. Sumner and Ethel E. Hanks Washington : Government Printing Office , 1915
8 no. 13 Mental defectives in the District of Columbia : a brief description of local conditions and the need for custodial care and training Washington : G.P.O. , 1915
9 no. 14 Child-welfare exhibits : types and preparation / by Anna Louise Strong Washington, D.C. : Government Printing Office , 1915
10 no. 15 Baby-week campaigns Rev. ed. - Washington : Government Printing Office , 1917
11 no. 17 Employment-certificate system, New York / by Helen L. Sumner and Ethel E. Hanks Washington : Government Printing Office , 1917
12 no. 18 List of references on child labor / compiled under the direction of H.H.B. Meyer ; with the assistance of Laura A. Thompson Washington : Government Printing Office , 1916
13 no. 20 Infant mortality : results of a field study in Manchester, N.H. based on births in one year / by Beatrice Sheets Duncan and Emma Duke Washington : Government Printing Office , 1917
14 no. 21 Summary of child-welfare laws passed in 1916 Washington : G.P.O. , 1917
15 no. 22 Facilities for children's play in the District of Columbia Washington : G. P. O. , 1917
16 no. 23 How to conduct a children's health conference / by Frances Sage Bradley and Florence Brown Sherbon Washington, D.C. : G.P.O. , 1917
17 no. 24 A social study of mental defectives in New Castle County, Delaware / by Emma O. Lundberg Washington : G.P.O. , 1917
18 No. 26 Maternity and infant care in a rural county in Kansas / by Elizabeth Moore Washington : Govt. Print. Off. , 1917
19 no. 27 Care of dependents of enlisted men in Canada / by S. Herbert Wolfe Washington : Government Printing Office , 1917
20 no. 27 Child labor in warring countries : a brief review of foreign reports / by Anna Rochester Washington : Government Printing Office , 1917
21 no. 28 Governmental provisions in the United States and foreign countries for members of the military forces and their dependents / prepared under the direction of S. Herbert Wolfe ; detailed by the Secretary of War Washington : Government Printing Office , 1917
22 no. 29 Infant mortality : results of a field study in Waterbury, Conn. based on births in one year / by Estelle B. Hunter Washington : Government Printing Office , 1918
23 no. 30 The preschool age / by Mrs. Max West Washington : Government Printing Office , 1918
24 no. 31 Norwegian laws concerning illegitimate children / introduction and translation by Leifur Magnusson Washington : Government Printing Office , 1918
25 no. 32 Juvenile delinquency in rural New York / by Kate Holladay Claghorn Washington : Government Printing Office , 1918
26 no. 34 Maternity care and the welfare of young children in a homesteading county in Montana / by Viola I. Paradise Washington : Government Printing Office , 1919
27 no. 35 Milk : the indispensable food for children / by Dorothy Reed Mendenhall Washington : Government Printing Office , 1918
28 no. 37 Infant mortality : results of a field study in Brockton, Mass. based on births in one year / by Mary V. Dempsey Washington : G.P.O. , 1919
29 no. 39 Juvenile delinquency in certain countries at war : a brief review of available foreign sources Washington : G.P.O. , 1918
30 no. 41 Employment-certificate system, Maryland / by Francis Henry Bird and Ella Arvilla Merrit Washington : Government Printing Office , 1919
31 no. 42 Illegitimacy laws of the United States and certain foreign countries / by Ernst Freund Washington : Government Printing Office , 1919
32 no. 43 Children before the courts in Connecticut / by Wm. B. Bailey Washington : Government Printing Office , 1918
33 no. 46 Maternity and infant care : in two rural counties in Wisconsin / by Florence Brown Sherbon and Elizabeth Moore Washington : Government Printing Office , 1919
34 no. 48 Mental defect in a rural county : a medico-psychological and social study of mentally defective children in Sussex County, Delaware / by Walter L. Treadway and Emma O. Lundberg ; a study made through the collaboration of the United States Public Health Service and the Children's Bureau Washington : Government Printing Office , 1919
35 no. 49 Back-to-school drive / prepared in collaboration with the Child Conservation Section of the Field Division, Council of National Defense Washington : U.S. Department of Labor, Children's Bureau , 1919
36 no. 52 Infant mortality : results of a field study in Saginaw, Mich. based on births in one year / by Nila F. Allen Washington : Government Printing Office , 1919
37 no. 53 Advising children in their choice of occupation and supervising the working child / prepared in collaboration with the Child Conservation Section of the Field Division, Council of National Defense Washington : G.P.O. , 1919
38 no. 56 The employment-certificate system : a safeguard for the working child / prepared in collaboration with the Child Conservation Section of the Field Division, Council of National Defense Washington : Government Printing Office , 1919
39 No. 57 Maternity benefit systems in certain foreign countries / by Henry J. Harris Washington : Govt. Print. Off. , 1919
40 no. 58 The states and child labor : lists of states with certain restrictions as to ages and hours / prepared in collaboration with the Child Conservation Section of the Field Division, Council of National Defense Washington : G.P.O. , 1919
41 no. 59 What is malnutrition? : hundreds of thousands of American children are undernourished / by Lydia Robert Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of Labor, Children's Bureau , [1919]
42 no. 60 Standards of child welfare : a report of the Children's Bureau conferences, May and June, 1919 Washington : [G.P.O.] , 1919
43 no. 61 Save the youngest : seven charts on maternal and infant mortality, with explanatory comment Washington : U.S. Department of Labor, Children's Bureau , 1918
44 no. 63 Laws relating to "mothers' pensions" in the United States, Canada, Denmark, and New Zealand / compiled by Laura A. Thompson Washington : Government Printing Office , 1919
45 no. 64 Every child in school : a safeguard against child labor and illiteracy [Washington] : U.S. Dept. of Labor, Children's Bureau , [1919]
46 no. 65 Courts in the United States hearing children's cases : results of a questionnaire study covering the year 1918 / by Evelina Belden Washington : Government Printing Office , 1920
47 no. 66 A brief treatment of the prevalence and significance of birth out of wedlock, the child's status, and the state's responsibility for care and protection : bibliographical material / by Emma O. Lundberg and Katharine F. Lenroot Washington : Government Printing Office , 1920
48 no. 67 Children's year : a brief summary of work done and suggestions for follow-up work Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of Labor, Children's Bureau , 1920
49 no. 69 The child-welfare special : a suggested method of reaching rural communities [Washington] : U.S. Dept. of Labor, Children's Bureau , 1920
50 no. 70 A summary of juvenile-court legislation in the United States / by Sophonisba P. Breckinridge and Helen R. Jeter Washington, D.C. : Government Printing Office , 1920
51 no. 71 State commissions for the study and revision of child-welfare laws [Washington] : [G.P.O.] , [1920]
52 no. 73 Child-welfare programs : study outlines for the use of clubs and classes Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of Labor, Children's Bureau , [1920]
53 no. 74 Industrial instability of child workers : a study of employment-certificate records in Connecticut / by Robert Morse Woodbury Washington : Government Printing Office , 1920
54 no. 75 A study of original records in the City of Boston and in the State of Massachusetts / by Emma O. Lundberg and Katharine F. Lenroot Washington : Government Printing Office , 1921
55 no. 76 Infant-welfare work in Europe : an account of recent experiences in Great Britain, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Italy / by Nettie McGill Washington : G.P.O. , 1921
56 no. 77 Standards of legal protection for children born out of wedlock : a report of regional conferences held under the auspices of the U.S. Children's Bueau and the inter-city Conference on illegitimacy Washington : Government Printing Office , 1921
57 no. 80 Probation in children's courts / by Charles L. Chute Washington : G.P.O. , 1921
58 no. 82 The administration of the aid-to-mothers law in Illinois / by Edith Abbott and Sophonisba P. Breckinridge Washington : Government Printing Office , 1921
59 no.86 Infant mortality in Pittsburgh : an analysis of records for 1920 with six charts / by Glenn Steele Washington : Government Printing Office , 1921
60 no. 87 Statures and weights of children under six years of age / by Robert Morse Woodbury Washington : Government Printing Office , 1921
61 no. 93 (rev. ed.) Child labor : outlines for study Washington : Government Printing Office , 1923
62 no. 96 The practical value of scientific study of juvenile delinquents : monograph prepared for the Children's Bureau / by William Healy Washington : Government Printing Office , 1922
63 no. 97 Proceedings of the Conference on Juvenile-court standards : held under the auspices of the U.S. Children's Bureau and the National Probation Association Washington : Government Printing Office , 1922
64 no. 99 The legal aspect of the juvenile court / by Bernard Flexner and Reuben Oppenheimer Washington : G.P.O. , 1922
65 no. 101 Office administration for organizations supervising the health of mothers, infantes, and children of preschool age : with special reference to public health nursing agencies / by Estelle B. Hunter Washington : Government Printing Office , 1922
66 no. 102 Children of wage-earning mothers : a study of a selected group in Chicago / by Helen Russell Wright Washington : Government Printing Office , 1922
67 No. 104 The Chicago Juvenile Court / by Helen Rankin Jeter Washington [D.C.] : G.P.O. , 1922
68 no. 105 Infant mortality and preventive work in New Zealand / by Robert Morse Woodbury Washington : G.P.O. , 1922
69 no. 106 Child labor and the welfare of children in an anthracite coal-mining district Washington : G.P.O. , 1922
70 no. 107 County organization for child care and protection Washington : Government Printing Office , 1922
71 no. 110 The nutrition and care of children in a mountain county of Kentucky / by Lydia Roberts Washington : G.P.O. , 1922
72 no. 111 Physical status of preschool children, Gary, Ind. / by Anna E. Rude Washington : G.P.O. , 1922
73 no. 112 Infant mortality : results of a field study in Gary, Ind., based on births in one year / by Elizabeth Hughes Washington : G.P.O. , 1923
74 no. 114 Child labor in the United States : ten questions answered Washington : Government Printing Office , 1924
75 no. 116 Standards and problems connected with the issuance of employment certificates : proceedings of conference held under the auspices of the United States Children's Bureau and the National Education Associaation at Boston, Massachusetts, July 5-6, 1922 Washington : Govt. Print. Off. , 1923
76 no. 117 The welfare of children in bituminous coal mining communities in West Virginia / by Nettie P. McGill Washington : Government Printing Office , 1923
77 no. 118 Standards of public aid to children in their own homes / by Florence Nesbitt Washington : Govt. Print. Off. , 1923
78 no. 119 Infant mortality : results of a field study in Baltimore, Md. based on births in one year / by Anna Rochester Washington : Government Printing Office , 1923
79 no. 123 Child labor on Maryland truck farms / by Alice Channing Washington : G.P.O. , 1923
80 no. 125 Unemployment and child welfare : a study made in a Middle-Western and an eastern city during the industrial depression of 1921 and 1922 / by Emma Octavia Lundberg Washington : Government Printing Office , 1923
81 no. 126 Minors in automobile and metal manufacturing industries in Michigan Washington : Government Printing Office , 1923
82 no. 127 Child welfare in the insular possessions of the United States / by Helen V. Bary pt. 1. - Washington : Government Printing Office , 1923
83 no. 129 Child labor in North Dakota Washington : Government Printing Office , 1923
84 no. 131 State commissions for the study and revision of child-welfare laws / by Emma O. Lundberg Washington : G.P.O. , 1924
85 no. 132 Work of children on truck and small-fruit farms in southern New Jersey Washington : G.P.O. , 1924
86 no. 134 The welfare of children in cotton-growing areas of Texas Washington : G.P.O. , 1924
87 no. 135 Habit clinics for the child of preschool age : their organization and practical value / by D.A. Thom Washington : Government Printing Office , 1924
88 no. 136 Foster-home care for dependent children Washington : Government Printing Office , 1924
89 no. 141 Juvenile courts at work : a study of the organization and methods of ten courts / by Katharine F. Lenroot and Emma O. Lundberg Washington : Government printing office , 1925
90 no. 142 Causal factors in infant mortality : a statistical study based on investigations in eight cities / by Robert Morse Woodbury Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off. , 1925
91 no. 143 Child management / by D.A. Thom Washington : Government Printing Office , 1925
92 no. 143 Child management / by D.A. Thom Washington : Government Printing Office , 1937
93 no. 146 The promotion of the welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy : the administration of the act of Congress of November 23, 1921, fiscal year ended June 30, 1924 Washington : Government Printing Office, 1925
94 no. 147 . supplementary to no. 18 References on child labor and minors in industry, 1916-1924 / compiled by Laura A. Thompson Washington : Government Printing Office , 1925
95 no. 151 Child labor in fruit and hop growing districts of the Northern Pacific Coast / by Alice Channing Washington : Government Printing Office , 1926
96 no. 156 The promotion of the welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy : the administration of the act of Congress of November 23, 1921, for fiscal year ended June 30, 1925 Washington : Government Printing Office , 1926
97 no. 158 Maternal mortality : the risk of death in childbirth and from all diseases caused by pregnancy and confinement / by Robert Morse Woodbury Washington, D.C. : G.P.O. , 1926
98 no. 178 The promotion of the welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy : the administration of the act of Congress of November 23, 1921, fiscal year ended June 30, 1926 Washington : Government Printing Office , 1927
99 no. 185 Children engaged in industrial home work / by Mary Skinner Washington : United States Government Printing Office , 1928
100 no. 194 The promotion of the welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy : the administration of the act of Congress of November 23, 1921, fiscal year ended June 30, 1928 Washington : Government Printing Office , 1929
101 no. 202 Are you training your child to be happy? : lesson material in child management Washington : United States Government Printing Office , 1930
102 no. 266 Proceedings of the White House Conference on Children in a Democracy : Washington, D.C. January 18-20, 1940 : including the General report adopted by the conference Washington D.C. : United States Government Printing Office , 1941
103 no. 337 A healthy personality for your child / [U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Social Security Administration] [Washington, D.C.] : [U.S.G.P.O] , 1952


書誌ID BB00143705
本文言語 und
著者標目  United States. Children's Bureau
NCID BA11675057
