

Camden Society publications

データ種別 図書
出版者 London : Camden Society


1 no. 1 Historie of the arrivall of Edward IV. in England and the finall recouerye of his kingdomes from Henry VI. A.D. M.CCCC.LXXI / edited by John Bruce London : Published for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1838
2 no. 2 Kynge Johan : a play in two parts / by John Bale ; edited by J. Payne Collier from the ms. of the author in the library of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1838
3 no. 3 Alliterative poem on the deposition of King Richard II. ; Ricardi Maydiston De concordia inter Ric. II. et civitatem London / edited by Thomas Wright London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1838
4 no. 4 Plumpton correspondence : a series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII, and Henry VIII / edited by Thomas Stapleton from Sir Edward Plumpton's book of letters ; with notices historical and biographical of the family of Plumpton, of Plumpton, com. Ebor. London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1839
5 no. 5 Anecdotes and traditions : illustrative of early English history and literature, derived from ms. sources / edited by William J. Thoms London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1839
6 no. 6 The political songs of England, from the reign of John to that of Edward II. / edited and translated by Thomas Wright London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1839
7 no. 7 Annals of the first four years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth / by Sir John Hayward ; edited from a ms. in the Harleian collection, by John Bruce London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1840
8 no. 8 Ecclesiastical documents / now first published by the Rev. Joseph Hunter London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1840
9 no. 9 Speculi Britanniae pars : an historical and chorographical description of the county of Essex / by John Norden, 1594 ; edited from the original manuscript in the Marquess of Salisbury's Library at Hatfield, by Sir Henry Ellis London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1840
10 no. 10 A chronicle of the first thirteen years of the reign of King Edward the Fourth / by John Warkworth ; edited, from the ms. now in the library of St. Peter's College, by James Orchard Halliwell London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1839
11 no. 11 Kemps nine daies wonder : performed in a daunce from London to Norwich / with an introduction and notes by the Rev. Alexander Dyce London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1840
12 no. 12 The Egerton papers : a collection of public and private documents, chiefly illustrative of the times of Elizabeth and James I. : from the original manucripts, the property of the Right Hon. Lord Francis Egerton / edited by J. Payne Collier London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1840
13 no. 13 Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda : de rebus gestis Samsonis abbatis monasterii Saneti Edmundi / nunc primum typis mandata curante Johanne Gage Rokewode Londini : sumptibus Societatis Camdenensis , 1840
14 no. 14 Narratives illustrative of the contests in Ireland in 1641 and 1690 / edited by Thomas Crofton Croker London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1841
15 no. 15 The chronicle of William de Rishanger, of the Barons' wars ; The miracles of Simon de Montfort / edited from manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, by James Orchard Halliwell London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1840
16 no. 16 The Latin poems commonly attributed to Walter Mapes / collected and edited by Thomas Wright London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1841
17 no. 17 The second book of the travels of Nicander Nucius, of Corcyra / edited from the original greek ms. in the Bodleian Library, with and English translation, by the Rev. J.A. Cramer London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1841
18 no. 19 The private diary of Dr. John Dee, and the catalogue of his library of manuscripts : from the original manuscripts in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, and Trinity College Library, Cambridge / edited by James Orchard Halliwell London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1842
19 no. 21 Rutland papers : original documents illustrative of the courts and times of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. : selected from the private archives of His Grace the Duke of Rutland, &c. ... / by William Jerdan London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1842
20 no. 22 The diary of Dr. Thomas Cartwright, bishop of Chester : commencing at the time of his elevation to that see, August M.DC.LXXXVI, and terminating with the visitation of St. Mary Magdalene College, Oxford, October M.DC.LXXXVII / now first printed from the original ms. in the possession of the Rev. Joseph Hunter London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1843
21 no. 23 Original letters of eminent literary men of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries / with notes, and illustrations by Sir Henry Ellis London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1843
22 no. 24 A contemporary narrative of the proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler : prosecuted for sorcery in 1324, by Richard de Ledrede, Bishop of Ossory / edited by Thomas Wright London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1843
23 no. 25, 54, 89 Promptorium parvulorum sive clericorum, lexicon anglo-latinum princeps, auctore fratre Galfrido grammatico dicto e predicatoribus lenne episcopi, northfolciensi, A.D. circa M.CCCC.XL. / Olim e prelis Pynsonianis editum, nunc ab integro, commentariolis subjectis, ad fidem codicum recensuit Albertus Way tom. 1,tom. 2,tom. 3. - Londini : sumptibus Societatis Camdenensis , 1843-1865
24 no. 26 Three chapters of letters relating to the suppression of monasteries / edited from the originals in the British Museum by Thomas Wright London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1843
25 no. 27 Correspondence of Robert Dudley, earl of Leycester, during his government of the Low Countries, in the years 1585 and 1586 / edited by John Bruce London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1844
26 no. 28 Croniques de London, depuis l'an 44 Hen. III. jusqu'à l'an 17 Edw. III. / edited, from a ms. in the Cottonian Library, by George James Aungier London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1844
27 no. 29 Three books of Polydore Vergil's English history, comprising the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III. from an early translation, preserved among the mss. of the old royal library in the British Museum / edited by Sir Henry Ellis London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1844
28 no. 30 The Thornton romances : the early English metrical romances of Perceval, Isumbras, Eglamour, and Degrevant / selected from manuscripts at Lincoln and Cambridge, edited by James Orchard Halliwell London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1844
29 no. 31 Verney papers : notes of proceeding in the Long parliament, temp. Charles I. : printed from original pencil memoranda taken in the House by Sir Ralph Verney, knight, member for the Borough of Aylesbury, and now in the possession of Sir Harry Verney, Bart. / edited by John Bruce London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1845
30 no. 32 The autobiography of Sir John Bramston, K.B., of Skreens, in the hundred of Chelmsford : now first printed from the original ms. in the possession of his lineal descendant Thomas William Bramston London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1845
31 no. 33 Letters from James Earl of Perth, Lord Chancellor of Scotland, &c., to his sister, the Countess of Erroll, and other members of his family / edited by William Jerdan London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1845
32 no. 34 De antiquis legibus liber : cronica maiorum et vicecomitum Londoniarum et quedam, que contingebant temporibus illis ab anno MCLXXVIIIo ad annum MCCLXXIVm : cum appendice / nunc primum typis mandata curante Thoma Stapleton Londoniis : Sumptibus Societatis Camdenensis , 1846
33 no. 35 The chronicle of Calais, in the reigns of Henry VII. and Henry VIII. to the year 1540 / edited from mss. in the British Museum, by John Gough Nichols London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1846
34 no. 36 Polydore Vergil's English history, from an early translation preserved among the mss. of the old royal library in the British Museum / edited by Sir Henry Ellis v. 1. - London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1846
35 no. 37 A relation, or rather, A true account, of the island of England : with sundry particulars of the customs of these people, and of the royal revenues under King Henry the Seventh, about the year 1500 / translated from the Italian, with notes, by Charlotte Augusta Sneyd London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1847
36 no. 38 Documents relating to the foundation and antiquities of the collegiate church of Middleham, in the County of York : with an historical introduction, and incidental notices of the castle, town, and neighbourhood / by the Rev. William Atthill London : Printed for the Camden Society , 1847
37 no. 39, 55, 61, 73, 87, 104 The Camden miscellany v. 1 - v. 6. - [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1847-1871
38 no. 40 A commentary of the services and charges of William Lord Grey of Wilton, K.G. / by his son Arthur lord Grey of Wilton, K.G., with a memoir of the author, and illustrative documents ; edited by Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1847
39 no. 41 Diary of Walter Yonge, esq., justice of the peace, and M.P. for Honiton, written at Colyton and Axminster, co. Devon, from 1604 to 1628 / edited by George Roberts London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1848
40 no. 42 The diary of Henry Machyn, citizen and merchant-taylor of London, from A.D.1550 to A.D. 1563 / edited by John Gough Nichols London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1848
41 no. 43 The visitation of the county of Huntingdon : under the authority of William Camden, Clarenceux King of Arms / by his deputy Nicholas Charles, Lancaster Herald, A.D. MDCXIII ; edited by Sir Henry Ellis London : Printed for the Camden Society , 1849
42 no. 44 The obituary of Richard Smyth, secondary of the Poultry compter, London : being a catalogue of all such persons as he knew in their life : extending from A.D. 1627 to A.D. 1674 / edited by Sir Henry Ellis London : Printed for the Camden Society , 1849
43 no. 45 Certaine considerations upon the government of England / by Sir Roger Twysden, kt. and bart. ; edited from the unpublished manuscript by John Mitchell Kemble [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1849
44 no. 46 Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI. of Scotland : some of them printed from originals in the possession of the Rev. Edward Ryder, and others from a MS. which formerly belonged to Sir Peter Thompson, Kt. / edited by John Bruce [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1849
45 no. 47 Chronicon Petroburgense / nunc primum typis mandatum, curante Thomâ Stapleton Londini : Sumptibus Societatis Camdenensis , 1849
46 no. 48 The chronicle of Queen Jane, and of two years of Queen Mary, and especially of the rebellion of Sir Thomas Wyat / written by a resident in the Tower of London ; edited, with illustrative documents and notes, by John Gough Nichols [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1850
47 no. 49 Wills and inventories : from the registers of the commissary of Bury St. Edmund's and the archdeacon of Sudbury / edited by Samuel Tymms [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1850
48 no. 50 Gualteri Mapes De nugis curialium, distinctiones quinque / edited, from the unique manuscript in the Bodleian library at Oxford, by Thomas Wright [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1850
49 no. 51 The pylgrymage of Sir Richard Guylforde to the Holy Land, A.D. 1506 : from a copy believed to be unique, from the press of Richard Pynson / edited by Sir Henry Ellis London : Printed for the Camden Society , 1851
50 no. 52 Moneys received and paid for secret services of Charles II. and James II. from 30th March, 1679, to 25th December, 1688 / [Henry Guy] ; edited from a ms. in the possession of William Selby Lowndes, by John Yonge Akerman [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1851
51 no. 53 Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London / edited by John Gough Nichols [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1852
52 no. 56 Letters and papers of the Verney family down to the end of the year 1639 : printed from the original mss. in the possession of Sir Harry Verney, Bart. / edited by John Bruce London : Printed for the Camden Society, by J.B. Nichols , 1853
53 no. 57 The ancren riwle : a treatise on the rules and duties of monastic life / edited and translated from a semi-Saxon ms. of the thirteenth century, by James Morton London : Printed for the Camden Society , 1853
54 no. 57 The ancren riwle : a treatise on the rules and duties of monastic life / edited and translated from a semi-Saxon ms. of the thirteenth century by James Morton New York : AMS Press , [1968]
55 no. 58 Letters of the Lady Brilliana Harley, wife of Sir Robert Harley, of Brampton Bryan, Knight of the Bath / with introduction and notes by Thomas Taylor Lewis London : Printed for the Camden Society , 1854
56 no. 59, 62 A roll of the household expenses of Richard de Swinfield, Bishop of Hereford, during part of the years 1289 and 1290 / edited by the Rev. John Webb [1],[2]. - [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1854-1855
57 no. 60 Grants, etc., from the crown during the reign of Edward the Fifth, from the original docket-book ms. Harl. 433. and two speeches for opening Parliament / by John Russell, bishop of Lincoln, Lord Chancellor ; with an historical introduction by John Gough Nichols [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1854
58 no. 63 Charles I. in 1646 : letters of King Charles the First to Queen Henrietta Maria / edited by John Bruce [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1856
59 no. 64 An English chronicle of the reigns of Richard II., Henry IV., Henry V., and Henry VI. written before the year 1471 : with an appendix, containing the 18th and 19th years of Richard II. and the Parliament at Bury St. Edmund's, 25th Henry VI. and supplementary additions from the Cotton. ms. chronicle called "Eulogium." / edited by the Rev. John Silvester Davies [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1856
60 no. 65 The Knights Hospitallers in England : being the report of prior Philip de Thame to the grand master Elyan de Villanova for A.D. 1338 / edited by the Rev. Lambert B. Larking ; with an historical introduction by John Mitchell Kemble [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1857
61 no. 66 Diary of John Rous, incumbent of Santon Downham, Suffolk, from 1625 to 1642 / edited by Mary Anne Everett Green [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1856
62 no. 67, 84, 105 Trevelyan papers / edited by J. Payne Collier [pt. 1],pt. 2,pt. 3. - [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1857-1872
63 no. 68 Journal of the Very Rev. Rowland Davies, LL.D., Dean of Ross (and afterwards Dean of Cork,) from March 8, 1688-9, to September 29, 1690 / edited, with notes and an appendix, and some account of the author and his family, by Richard Caulfield [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1857
64 no. 69 The domesday of St. Paul's of the year M.CC.XXII. : or, Registrum de visitatione maneriorum per Robertum Decanum, and other original documents relating to the manors and churches belonging to the dean and chapter of St. Paul's, London in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / with an introduction, notes, and illustrations, by William Hale Hale [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1858
65 no. 70 Liber famelicus of Sir James Whitelocke : a judge of the court of King's Bench in the reigns of James I. and Charles I. : now first published from the original manuscript / edited by John Bruce [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1858
66 no. 71 Savile correspondence : letters to and from Henry Savile, esq., envoy at Paris, and vice-chamberlain to Charles II. and James II., including letters from his brother George, Marquess of Halifax ... / edited by William Durrant Cooper [London] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1858
67 no. 72 The romance of Blonde of Oxford and Jehan of Dammartin / by Philippe de Reimes, a trouvère of the thirteenth century ; edited, from the unique ms. in the Imperial Library in Paris, by M. Le Roux de Lincy [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1858
68 no. 74 Diary of the marches of the royal army during the great civil war : kept by Richard Symonds : now first published from the original ms. in the British Museum / edited by Charles Edward Long [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1859
69 no. 75 Original papers illustrative of the life and writings of John Milton : including sixteen letters of state written by him, now first published from mss. in the State Paper Office : with an appendix of documents relating to his connection with the Powell family / collected and edited, with the permission of the master of the rolls, by W. Douglas Hamilton [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1859
70 no. 76 Letters from George Lord Carew to Sir Thomas Roe, ambassador to the court of the Great Mogul, 1615-1617 / edited by John Maclean [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1860
71 no. 77 Narratives of the days of the reformation : chiefly from the manuscripts of John Foxe the martyrologist : with two contemporary biographies of Archbishop Cranmer / edited by John Gough Nichols [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1859
72 no. 78 Correspondence of King James VI. of Scotland with Sir Robert Cecil and others in England, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth : with an appendix containing papers illustrative of transactions between King James and Robert earl of Essex : principally published for the first time from manuscripts of the Most Hon. the Marquis of Salisbury / edited by John Bruce [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1861
73 no. 79 Letters written by John Chamberlain during the reign of Queen Elizabeth / edited from the originals by Sarah Williams [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1861
74 no. 80 Proceedings, principally in the county of Kent, in connection with the Parliaments called in 1640, and especially with the Committee of religion appointed in that year / edited by the Rev. Lambert B. Larking, from the collections of Sir Edward Dering, with a preface by John Bruce [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1862
75 no. 81 Parliamentary debates in 1610 / edited, from the notes of a member of the House of Commons, by Samuel Rawson Gardiner [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1862
76 no. 82 Lists of foreign Protestants, and aliens, resident in England 1618-1688 : from returns in the State Paper Office / edited by Wm. Durrant Cooper [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1862
77 no. 83 Wills from Doctors' Commons : a selection from the wills of eminent persons proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1495-1695 / edited by John Gough Nichols and John Bruce [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1863
78 no. 85 The life of Marmaduke Rawdon of York : or, Marmaduke Rawdon the second of that name : now first printed from the original ms. in the possession of Robert Cooke / edited by Robert Davies [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1863
79 no. 86 Letters of Queen Margaret of Anjou and Bishop Beckington and others : written in the reigns of Henry V. and Henry VI. : from a ms. found at Emral in Flintshire / edited by Cecil Monro [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1863
80 no. 88 Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew / edited by John Maclean [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1864
81 no. 90, 98 Letters and other documents illustrating the relations between England and Germany at the commencement of the Thirty Years' War / edited by Samuel Rawson Gardiner [1st ser.],2nd ser. - [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1865-1868
82 no. 91 Registrum, sive, Liber irrotularius et consuetudinarius Prioratus Beatæ Mariæ Wigorniensis / with an introduction, notes, and illustrations, by William Hale Hale Londini : Sumptibus Societatis Camdenensis , 1865
83 no. 92 Pope Alexander the Seventh and the College of Cardinals / by John Bargrave, with a catalogue of Dr. Bargrave's Museum ; edited by James Craigie Robertson [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1867
84 no. 93 Accounts and papers relating to Mary Queen of Scots / edited by Allan J. Crosby and John Bruce [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1867
85 no. 94, 97 History from marble / compiled in the reign of Charles II. by Thomas Dingley ; printed in photolithography by Vincent Brooks, from the original in the possession of Sir Thomas E. Winnington ; with an introduction and descriptive table of contents by John Gough Nichols [v. 1],v. 2. - [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1867-1868
86 no. 95 Manipulus vocabulorum : a dictionary of English and Latin words, arranged in the alphabetical order of the last syllables / by Peter Levins ; now re-edited, with a preface and alphabetical index, by Henry B. Wheatley [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1867
87 no. 96 Journal of a voyage into the Mediterranean, by Sir Kenelm Digby, A.D. 1628 / edited, from the original autograph manuscript in the possession of William Watkin E. Wynne, by John Bruce [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1868
88 no. 99 Diary of John Manningham, of the Middle Temple, and of Bradbourne, Kent, Barrister-at-law, 1602-1603 / edited from the original manuscript by John Bruce ; and presented to the Camden Society by William Tite Westminster : Printed by J.B. Nichols , 1868
89 no. 100 Notes of the treaty carried on at Ripon between King Charles I. and the covenanters of Scotland, A.D. 1640 / taken by Sir John Borough, Garter King of Arms ; edited, from the original ms. in the possession of Lieutenant-Colonel Carew, by John Bruce [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1869
90 no. 101 El hecho de los tratados del matrimonio pretendido por el Principe de Gales con la serenissima infante de Espana Maria, tomado desde sus principios para maior demostracion de la verdad, y ajustado con los papeles originales desde consta / por el F. Francisco de Jesus . Narrative of the Spanish marriage treaty / edited and translated by Samuel Rawson Gardiner [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1869
91 no. 102 Churchwardens' accounts of the town of Ludlow, in Shropshire, from 1540 to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth / edited, from the original manuscript, by Thomas Wright [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1869
92 no. 103 Notes of the debates in the House of Lords : officially taken by Henry Elsing, clerk of the Parliaments, A.D. 1621 / edited, from the original ms. in the possession of lieutenant-colonel Carew, by Samuel Rawson Gardiner [Westminster] : Printed for the Camden Society , 1870


書誌ID BB00093457
本文言語 und
別書名 異なりアクセスタイトル:Camden Society publication
その他のタイトル:Camden old series
NCID BA06838061