

Cambridge texts in the history of political thought

データ種別 図書
出版者 Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press


1 The politics / Aristotle ; edited by Stephen Everson : hdc,: pbk. - Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , c1988
2 A fragment on government / Jeremy Bentham : hard,: pbk. - New authoritative ed. / by J.H. Burns and H.L.A. Hart ; with an introduction by Ross Harrison. - Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1988
3 Political writings / Benjamin Constant ; translated and edited by Biancamaria Fontana : pbk. - Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] : Cambridge University Press , 1988
4 The Prince / Machiavelli ; edited by Quentin Skinner and Russell Price : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1988
5 Two treatises of government / John Locke ; edited with an introduction and notes by Peter Laslett : pbk. - Student ed. - Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1988
6 Political writings / Leibniz ; translated and edited with an introduction and notes by Patrick Riley : hard,: pbk. - 2nd ed. - Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1988
7 On liberty ; with, The subjection of women ; and, Chapters on socialism / John Stuart Mill ; edited by Stefan Collini : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] : Cambridge University Press , 1989
8 Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity : preface, book I, book VIII / Richard Hooker ; edited by Arthur Stephen McGrade : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1989
9 The spirit of the laws / Montesquieu ; translated and edited by Anne M. Cohler, Basia Carolyn Miller, Harold Samuel Stone : pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1989
10 Utopia / Thomas More ; edited by George M. Logan and Robert M. Adams : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1989
11 Political writings / Thomas Paine ; edited by Bruce Kuklick : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1989
12 Policraticus of the frivolities of courtiers and the footprints of philosophers / John of Salisbury ; edited and translated by Cary J. Nederman : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1990
13 Political writings / Kant ; edited with an introduction and notes by Hans Reiss ; translated by H.B. Nisbet : hbk,: pbk. - 2nd, enl. ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1991
14 Statism and anarchy / Michael Bakunin ; translated, and edited by Marshall S. Shatz : hdc,: pbk. - Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1990
15 Politics drawn from the very words of Holy Scripture / Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet ; translated and edited by Patrick Riley : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] : Cambridge University Press , 1990
16 On duties / Cicero ; edited by M.T. Griffin and E.M. Atkins : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1991
17 Patriarcha, and other writings / Sir Robert Filmer ; edited by Johann P. Sommerville : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
18 Political writings / John Milton ; edited by Martin Dzelzainis ; translated by Claire Gruzelier : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
19 Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes ; edited by Richard Tuck : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
20 Elements of the philosophy of right / G.W.F. Hegel ; edited by Allen W. Wood ; translated by H.B. Nisbet : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
21 Luther and Calvin on secular authority / edited and translated by Harro Höpfl : pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
22 On the duty of man and citizen according to natural law / Samuel Pufendorf ; edited by James Tully ; translated by Michael Silverthorne : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
23 The Radical reformation / edited and translated by Michael G. Baylor : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
24 The Catholic concordance / Nicholas of Cusa ; edited and translated by Paul E. Sigmund : hard. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
25 On sovereignty : four chapters from The six books of the commonwealth / Jean Bodin ; edited and translated by Julian H. Franklin : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1992
26 Political writings / Richard Price ; edited by D.O. Thomas : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
27 Political writings / James Mill ; edited by Terence Ball : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1992
28 Political writings / Denis Diderot ; translated and edited by John Hope Mason and Robert Wokler : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1992
29 The commonwealth of Oceana and A system of politics / James Harrington ; edited by J.G.A. Pocock : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1992
30 A short discourse on the tyrannical government : over things divine and human, but especially over the empire and those subject to the empire, usurped by some who are called highest pontiffs / William of Ockham ; edited by Arthur Stephen McGrade ; translated by John Kilcullen : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, England ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1992
31 An essay on the principle of population, or, A view of its past and present effects on human happiness : with an inquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which it occasions / T.R. Malthus ; selected and introduced by Donald Winch using the text of the 1803 edition as prepared by Patricia James for the Royal Economic Society, 1990, showing the additions and corrections made in the 1806, 1807, 1817, and 1826 editions : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York, N.Y., USA : Cambridge University Press , 1992
32 Culture and anarchy and other writings / Matthew Arnold ; edited by Stefan Collini : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press , 1993
33 Politica sacra et civilis / George Lawson ; edited by Conal Condren Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1992
34 The Dutch revolt / edited and translated by Martin van Gelderen : pbk. - Cambridge ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press , 1993
35 Writings on the Empire : Defensor minor and De translatione Imperii / Marsiglio of Padua ; edited by Cary J. Nederman : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1993
36 Political writings / Joseph Priestley ; edited by Peter N. Miller : hbk,: pbk. - New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press , 1993
37 The preconditions of socialism / Eduard Bernstein ; edited and translated by Henry Tudor : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1993
38 Pre-Revolutionary writings / Edmund Burke ; edited by Ian Harris : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] : Cambridge University Press , 1993
39 Political writings / Herbert Spencer ; edited by John Offer : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
40 On rebellion / John Knox ; edited by Roger A. Mason : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
41 What is property? / Pierre-Joseph Proudhon ; edited and translated by Donald R. Kelley and Bonnie G. Smith : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
42 Pre-prison writings / Antonio Gramsci ; edited by Richard Bellamy ; translated by Virginia Cox : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [UK] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
43 Liberalism and other writings / L.T. Hobhouse ; edited by James Meadowcroft : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press , 1994
44 A holy commonwealth / Richard Baxter ; edited by William Lamont : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
45 Early political writings / Marx ; edited and translated by Joseph O'Malley with Richard A. Davis : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1994
46 Political writings / Voltaire ; edited and translated by David Williams : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1994
47 A treatise of orders and plain dignities / Loyseau ; edited and translated by Howell A. Lloyd : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
48 Political writings / Weber ; edited by Peter Lassman and Ronald Speirs : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
49 Dialogue on the government of Florence / Guicciardini ; edited and translated by Alison Brown : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1994
50 On the genealogy of morality / Friedrich Nietzsche ; edited by Keith Ansell-Pearson ; translated by Carol Diethe : hard,: pbk. - New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
51 Utopias of the British Enlightenment / edited by Gregory Claeys : hc,: pbk. - Cambridge, Eng. ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press , 1994
52 Political essays / David Hume ; edited by Knud Haakonssen : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge, England ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
53 The book of the body politic / Christine de Pizan ; edited and translated by Kate Langdon Forhan : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press , 1994
54 Telemachus, son of Ulysses / Francois de Fenelon ; edited and translated by Patrick Riley : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
55 Considerations on France / Joseph De Maistre ; translated and edited by Richard A. Lebrun ; introduction by Isaiah Berlin : pbk. - Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press , 1994
56 Political writings / King James VI and I ; edited by Johann P. Sommerville : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
57 The ego and its own / Max Stirner ; edited by David Leopold : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] : Cambridge University Press , 1995
58 The province of jurisprudence determined / John Austin ; edited by Wilfrid E. Rumble : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1995
59 Statesman / Plato ; edited by Julia Annas and Robin Waterfield ; translated by Robin Waterfield : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge, England ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1995
60 News from nowhere, or, An epoch of rest : being some chapters from a utopian romance / by William Morris ; edited by Krishan Kumar : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press , 1995
61 On crimes and punishments, and other writings / Beccaria ; edited by Richard Bellamy ; and translated by Richard Davies with Virginia Cox and Richard Bellamy : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1995
62 Moral and political essays / Seneca ; edited and translated by John M. Cooper and J.F. Procopé : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press , 1995
63 A vindication of the rights of men ; with, A vindication of the rights of woman, and Hints / Mary Wollstonecraft ; edited by Sylvana Tomaselli : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1995
64 The conquest of bread, and other writings / Peter Kropotkin ; edited by Marshall Shatz : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1995
65 Early Greek political thought from Homer to the sophists / translated and edited by Michael Gagarin, Paul Woodruff : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1995
66 A letter to the Friars Minor, and other writings / William of Ockham ; edited by Arthur Stephen McGrade and John Kilcullen ; translated by John Kilcullen : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1995
67 An essay on the history of civil society / Adam Ferguson ; edited by Fania Oz-Salzberger : hard,: pbk. - New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press , 1995
68 Later political writings / Marx ; edited and translated by Terrell Carver : hc,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1996
69 The theory of the four movements / Charles Fourier ; edited by Gareth Stedman Jones and Ian Patterson : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1996
70 Court maxims / Sidney ; edited and introduced by Hans W. Blom, Eco Haitsma Mulier, Ronald Janse : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1996
71 The early political writings of the German romantics / edited and translated by Frederick C. Beiser : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1996
72 Political writings / Thoreau ; edited by Nancy L. Rosenblum : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1996
73 Monarchy / Dante ; translated and edited by Prue Shaw : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1996
74 Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes ; edited by Richard Tuck : hbk,: pbk. - Rev. student ed. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1996
75 Political writings / Astell ; edited by Patricia Springborg : pbk. - New York : Cambridge University Press , 1996
76 The politics and the constitution of Athens / Aristotle ; edited by Stephen Everson : hbk,: pbk. - Rev. student ed. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , c1996
77 On the laws and governance of England / Sir John Fortescue ; edited by Shelley Lockwood : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1997
78 The discourses and other early political writings / Rousseau ; edited and translated by Victor Gourevitch : hdk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1997
79 The education of a Christian prince / Erasmus ; translated by Neil M. Cheshire and Michael J. Heath ; edited by Lisa Jardine : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press , 1997
80 The social contract and other later political writings / Rousseau ; edited and translated by Victor Gourevitch : hardback,: paperback. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1997
81 The British idealists / edited by David Boucher : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1997
82 Polical essays / Locke ; edited by Mark Goldie : hbk,: pbk. - New York : Cambridge University Press , 1997
83 Political writings / Bolingbroke ; edited by David Armitage : hbk,: pbk. - New York : Cambridge University Press , 1997
84 Andrew Fletcher : political works / edited by John Robertson : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1997
85 Conciliarism and papalism / edited by J. H. Burns and Thomas M. Izbicki : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1997
86 The history of the reign of King Henry VII and selected works / Francis Bacon ; edited by Brian Vickers : pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1998
87 The English Levellers / edited by Andrew Sharp : hbk,: pbk. - New York : Cambridge University Press , 1998
88 On the citizen / Thomas Hobbes ; edited and translated by Richard Tuck, Michael Silverthorne : pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1998
89 The city of God against the pagans / Augustine ; edited and translated by R.W. Dyson : hardbound,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1998
90 Early political writings / [by] Auguste Comte ; edited and translated by H.S. Jones : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1998
91 Political writings / G.W.F. Hegel ; edited by Laurence Dickey and H.B. Nisbet ; translated by H.B. Nisbet : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999
92 Reflections on violence / Georges Sorel ; edited by Jeremy Jennings : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999
93 On the commonwealth ; and, On the laws / Cicero ; edited by James E.G. Zetzel : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999
94 Political writings / Thomas Paine ; edited by Bruce Kuklick : hard,: pbk. - Rev. student ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , c2000
95 Political writings / Bayle ; edited by Sally L. Jenkinson : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2000
96 The republic / Plato ; edited by G.R.F. Ferrari ; translated by Tom Griffith : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press , 2000
97 Augustine : political writings / Augustine ; edited by E.M. Atkins and R.J. Dodaro : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2001
98 The English constitution / Bagehot ; edited by Paul Smith : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge. UK : Cambridge University Press , 2001
99 Community and civil society / Ferdinand Tönnies ; edited by José Harris ; translated by José Harris and Margaret Hollis :,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2001
100 The first new science / Vico ; edited and translated by Leon Pompa : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2002
101 Utopia / Thomas More ; edited by George M. Logan and Robert M. Adams : pbk. - Rev. ed. - Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press , 2002
102 Political writings / St. Thomas Aquinas ; edited and translated by R.W. Dyson : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2002
103 The Federalist / Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay ; [edited by Terence Ball] . with Letters of "Brutus" / edited by Terence Ball : pbk. - Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press , 2003
104 Political Writings / Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle ; edited by Susan James : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2003
105 State, trust and corporation / F.W. Maitland ; edited by David Runciman and Magnus Ryan : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , c2003
106 Politica sacra et civilis / George Lawson ; edited by Conal Condren : pbk. - Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press , 2003
107 The autobiography and other writings on politics, economics, and virtue / Franklin ; edited by Alan Houston : pbk. - Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2004
108 The holy history of mankind and other writings / Moses Hess ; translated and edited with an introduction by Shlomo Avineri : pbk. - Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press , 2004
109 The defender of the peace / Marsilius of Padua ; edited and translated by Annabel Brett : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2005
110 On the genealogy of morality / Friedrich Nietzsche ; edited by Keith Ansell-Pearson ; translated by Carol Diethe : hardback,: pbk. - Rev. student ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2007
111 Political writings / Emerson ; edited by Kenneth S. Sacks : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press , 2008
112 Fichte : Addresses to the German nation / edited with an introduction and notes by Gregory Moore : pbk,: hbk. - New York : Cambridge University Press , 2008
113 Gorgias, Menexenus, Protagoras / Plato ; edited by Malcolm Schofield ; translated by Tom Griffith : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2010
114 The Ancien Régime and the French Revolution / Tocqueville ; translated by Arthur Goldhammer ; edited with an introduction by Jon Elster : pbk. - Cambridge ; Tokyo : Cambridge University Press , 2011
115 Political writings / Condorcet ; edited by Steven Lukes, Nadia Urbinati : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2012
116 Abraham Lincoln : political writings and speeches / edited by Terence Ball : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2013
117 The war of the Peloponnesians and the Athenians / Thucydides ; edited and translated by Jeremy Mynott : pbk,: hbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2013
118 Revolutionary writings : reflections on the revolution in France and the first letter on a regicide peace / Edmund Burke ; edited by Iain Hampsher-Monk : hardback,: pbk. - Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press , 2014
119 Utopia / Thomas More ; edited by George M. Logan ; translated by Robert M. Adams : hardback,: pbk. - 3rd ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2016
120 Laws / Plato ; edited by Malcolm Schofield ; translated by Tom Griffith : pbk,: hardback. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2016
121 The discourses and other early political writings / Rousseau ; edited and translated by Victor Gourevitch : hardcover,: pbk. - 2nd ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2019
122 The social contract and other later political writings / Rousseau ; edited and translated by Victor Gourevitch : hardcover,: pbk. - 2nd ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2019
123 The power of nonviolence / Richard Bartlett Gregg ; edited and introduction by James Tully : hardcover,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2018
124 The Prince / Machiavelli ; edited by Quentin Skinner and Russell Price : hbk,: pbk. - 2nd ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2019
125 Kumazawa banzan : governing the realm and bringing peace to all below heaven / [Kumazawa Banzan] ; edited and translated by John A. Tucker : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2021
126 Political writings / William Penn ; edited by Andrew R. Murphy : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2021
127 The essentials of governance / Wu Jing ; edited by Hilde De Weerdt, Glen Dudbridge, Gabe van Beijeren : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2020
128 Political thought in Portugal and its empire, c.1500-1800 / edited by Pedro Cardim, Nuno Gonçalo Monteiro ; translation, Igor Knezevic with the assistance of Rich Lizardo : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2021
129 The political thought of the Irish Revolution / edited by Richard Bourke, Niamh Gallagher : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2022
130 W.E.B. Du Bois : international thought / W.E.B. Du Bois ; [edited by] Adom Getachew, Jennifer Pitts : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2022
131 Medieval Muslim mirrors for princes : an anthology of Arabic, Persian and Turkish political advice / Louise Marlow : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2023
132 Albert Venn Dicey : writings on democracy and the referendum / Albert Venn Dicey ; edited by Gregory Conti : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2023
133 Political writings / Catharine Macaulay ; edited by Max Skjönsberg : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2023
134 Caliphate and imamate : an anthology of medieval Muslim texts on political theology / translated and edited by Hassan Ansari, Nebil Husayn : pbk. - New York : Cambridge University Press , 2023
135 The ruins and Catechism of natural law / Volney ; edited and translated by Colin Kidd ; translated by Lucy Kidd : pbk. - [1st ed.]. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2024


書誌ID BB00077829
本文言語 und
NCID BA04916244
