
トウホウ ブッキョウ キョウカイ


著者の属性 団体
出生地等 京都
一般注記 EDSRC:The Eastern Buddhist. New series, Sept. 1965: masthead (The Eastern Buddhist Society)
別名 東方仏教協会<トウホウ ブッキョウ キョウカイ>
イースタンブディスト協会<イースタン ブディスト キョウカイ>
Eastern Buddhist Society
Tōhō Bukkyō Kyōkai
コード類 典拠ID=AU00269386  NCID=DA07546953
1 The Eastern Buddhist. Third series / the Eastern Buddhist Society Vol. 1, no. 1 (2021)-. - Kyoto : Eastern Buddhist Society , c2021-
2 Buddhist temples of Kyōto and Kamakura / Beatrice Lane Suzuki ; edited by Michael Pye ; with the assistance of the Eastern Buddhist Society : hardback,: paperback. - Sheffield : Equinox Pub. , 2013
3 Collected writings on Shin Buddhism / Daisetz Teitarō Suzuki ; edited by the Eastern Buddhist Society 1st ed. - Kyoto : Shinshū Ōtaniha , 1973
4 The Kyōgyōshinshō : the collection of passages expounding the true teaching, living, faith, and realizing of the Pure Land / Gutoku Shaku Shinran ; translated by Daisetz Teitarō Suzuki ; edited by the Eastern Buddhist Society 1st ed. - Kyoto : Shinshū Ōtaniha , 1973
5 The Eastern Buddhist. New series / the Eastern Buddhist Society Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1965)-v. 49, nos. 1&2 (2018). - Kyoto : Eastern Buddhist Society , 1965-c2021
6 The Eastern Buddhist Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1921)-v. 8, no. 4 (Aug. 1958). - Kyoto : Eastern Buddhist Society , 1921-1958