
Benedict, Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 Népek nagy nevelője--, 1981: t.p. (Szent Benedeknek)
His Three Middle-English versions of the rule of St. Benet ... 1987: CIP t.p. (St. Benet)
Migne, v. 66: t.p. (S. Benedicti monachorum Occidentalium patris) v. 218: auteurs du VIe siècle (S. Benoît, fondateur de l'ordre des Bénédictins, né vers l'an 480, mort vers l'an 543) index biographicus auctorum (Benedictus (S.), monachorum Occidentalium dux et sospitator)
別名 Benedikt, von Nursia, Saint
Benoît, de Nursie, Saint
Benedict, Saint, of Nursia
Benedictus Nursinus, Saint
Benedetto, Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino
Benoît, Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino
Benedictus, Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino
Benedek, Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino
Benet, Saint
Benedict, Saint, ca. 480-543
コード類 典拠ID=AU00118048  NCID=DA02505198
1 Die Benediktsregel : Lateinisch/Deutsch / übersetzt von Gernot Krapinger ; herausgegeben von P. Ulrich Faust Ditzingen : Reclam , 2018
2 The rule of Benedict / translated with an introduction and notes by Carolinne White London : Penguin , 2008
3 聖ベネディクトの戒律 / 古田暁訳 東京 : すえもりブックス , 2000.12
4 Recusant translators : Elizabeth Cary, Alexia Grey / introduced by Frances E. Dolan Aldershot : Ashgate , c2000
5 Three Middle-English versions of the rule of St. Benet and two contemporary rituals for the ordination of nuns / edited by Ernst A. Kock Millwood, N.Y. : Kraus Reprint , 1987
6 The Rule of St. Benedict : the Abingdon copy / edited from Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS. 57 by John Chamberlin : pbk. - Toronto : Published for the Centre for Medieval Studies by the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies , c1982
7 S. Benedicti monachorum Occidentalium patris Opera omnia ... præcedente Sancti Benedicti vita ex libro II Sancti Gregorii Magni excerpta ... ; simul excusa sunt Joannis II, Agapeti I et Sylverii summorum pontificum necnon Sancti Laurentii Novariensis episcopi scripta universa Turnholti : Brepols , 1979
8 Die Winteney-Version der Regula S. Benedicti / hrsg. von Arnold Schröer Tübingen : M. Niemeyer , 1978
9 The rule of S. Benet : Latin and Anglo-Saxon : interlinear version / edited by H. Logeman New York : Kraus Reprint , 1973
10 The rule of St. Benedict : Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 48 / Edited by D.H. Farmer Copenhagen : Rosenkilde and Bagger , 1968
11 The rule of Saint Benedict / translated with an introd. by Cardinal Gasquet New York : Cooper Square , 1966
12 Die Althochdeutsche Benediktinerregel des Cod. Sang 916 / herausgegeben von Ursula Daab Tübingen : M. Niemeyer , 1959
13 St. Benedikt und sein werk : zum 1400 jährigen Bestehen des benediktinischen Mönchtums 1. - München : Hans Eder , [1929]
14 Three Middle-English versions of the rule of St. Benet and two contemporary rituals for the ordination of nuns / edited with an introduction, notes, and glossaries by Ernst A. Kock London : Published for the Early English Text Society by K. Paul, Trench, Trübner , 1902