
Hung, William, 1893-


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 His As it looks to young China ... c1932
Egan, S.C. A latterday Confucian, 1987: CIP t.p. (William Hung, 1893-1980)
SFフィールド漢字名の追加は Index to T'ai p'ing yü lan による
生没年等 1893-1980
別名 Hung, Wei-lien, 1893-1980
Hung, Yeh, 1893-
洪, 業<hong, ye>
コード類 典拠ID=AU00117949  NCID=DA02501812
1 A concordance to Mêng Tzŭ = 孟子引得 : 附標校經文 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1973
2 Index to the authors in Ch'üan Shang Ku San Tai Ch'in Han San Kuo Liu Ch'ao Wen = 全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文作者引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966.
3 A concordance to the poems of Tu Fu = 杜詩引得 Vol. 1,Vol. 2,Vol. 3. - Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
4 Combined concordances to Ch'un-Ch'iu, Kung-yang, Ku-liang and Tso-chuan = 春秋經傳引得 vol. 1 - vol. 4. - Taiwan authorized reprint. - Taipei : distibuted by Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
5 Index to Tʿai pʿing yü lan / [editorial board, William Hung ... [et al.] = 太平御覽引得 / [引得編纂處, 洪業 ... [et al.] Taipei : Chéng-wen Publishing. - Taipei : distributed by Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
6 Index to Shuo Yuan = 説苑引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
7 Index to Po Hu Tung = 白虎通引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
8 Index to K'ao Ku Chih Yi = 考古質疑引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
9 Index to Li Tai T'ung Hsing Ming Lu = 歴代同姓名録引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
10 Index to Ts'ui Tung-pi Yi Shu = 崔東壁遺書引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
11 Index to Yi Li and to the titles quoted in the commentaries = 儀禮引得 (附鄭注及賈疏引書引得) Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
12 Index to Ssu K' Ch'üan Shu Tsung Mu and Wei Shou Shu Mu = 四庫全書總目及未收書目引得 vol. 1-2(上・下). - Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
13 Combined indices to the authors and titles of books and chapters in four collections of Buddhistic literature = 佛藏子目引得 : set - vol. 3. - Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
14 Combined indices to the five collections of miscellaneous notes of Hung Mai = 容齋隨筆五集綜合引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
15 Index to Su Shih Yen Yi / compiled by Hou Yi ; edited by Harvard-Yenching Institute sinological index seried = 蘇氏演義引得 / 候毅編 ; 引得編纂處校訂 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
16 Index to the genealogical tables of the families of chief ministers = 新唐書宰相世系表引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
17 Index to the authors in T'ang Shih Chih Shih = 唐詩紀事著者引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
18 Index to the authors in Sung Shih Chih Shih = 宋詩紀事著者引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
19 Index to the authors in Yuan Shih Chih Shih = 元詩紀事著者引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
20 Index to the titles quoted in the commentary on Wen Hsüan = 文選注引書引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
21 Combined indices to the titles quoted in the commentaries on Chʿun-Chʿiu, Kung-yang, Ku-liang and Tso-chuan = 春秋經傳注疏引書引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
22 Index to the titles quoted in the commentaries on Li Chi = 禮記注疏引書引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
23 Index to the titles quoted in the commentaries on Shih Ching = 毛詩注疏引書引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
24 Combined indices to San Kuo Chih and the notes of P'ei Sung-chih = 三國志及裴注綜合引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
25 Index to the titles quoted in the commentaries on Êrh Ya = 爾雅注疏引書引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
26 Chinese chronological charts with index = 讀史年表附引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
27 Chu shih jan yi = 諸史然疑校訂附引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
28 On indexing / by Wiiliam Hung = 引得説 / 洪業[著] Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
29 The mi garden = 勺園圖録考 / 洪業著 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
30 Bibliographies of Ch'ing Dynasty painters in three collections / edited by William Hung = 清畫傳輯佚三種附引得 / 洪業輯校 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
31 A concordance to Yi Ching = 周易引得 (附 標校經文) Taipei : Chinese Materials And Research Aids Service Center , 1966
32 Yuan Yen Chi abridged = 琬琰集刪存附引得 / 洪業著 : set - vol. 3. - Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
33 A bibliography of orientological contributions in one hundred and seventy-five Japanese periodicals with indices / compiled by Yü shin Yü and Liu Hsüan Min ; edited by Harvard-Yenching Institute sinological index series = 一百七十五種日本期刊中東方學論文篇目附引得 / 于式玉, 劉選民編 ; 引得編纂處校訂 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
34 A table of contents of Liu Yi Chih Yi Lu with index = 六藝之一録目録附引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
35 A concordance to the analects of Confucius = 論語引得 (附 標校經文) Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
36 Index to Êrh Ya = 爾雅引得 (附 標校經文) Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
37 Chin shih t'i ming pei lu of Ch'ing dynasty / enlarged re-edited, and appended with an index, by Fang Chao-ying and Tu Lien-Chê = 増校清朝進士題名碑録附引得 / 房兆楹, 杜聯喆合編 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
38 A concordance to Hsun Tzŭ = 荀子引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
39 A concordance to Hsiao Ching = 考經引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
40 Combined Indices to Twenty Historical Bibliographies = 藝文志二十種綜合引得 v. 1:1-2,v. 2:3-4. - Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
41 Index to Shih Shuo Hsin Yü and to the Titles Quoted in the Commentary = 世説新語引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
42 Index to Li Chi = 禮記引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
43 Combined indices to the economic sections of fifteen standard histories = 食貨志十五種綜合引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
44 Combined Indices to Han Shu and the Notes of Yen Shih-ku and Wang Hsien-ch'ien = 漢書及補注綜合引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
45 Index to Chou Li and to the Titles quoted in the Commentaries = 周禮引得 Taipei : Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center , 1966
46 A Supplementary volume of notes for Tu Fu : China's greatest poet / William Hung Cambridge ; Massachusetts : Harvard University Press , 1952