
Knox, John, 1505-1572


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 His The first blast of the trumpet ... 1558
生没年等 1505-1572
コード類 典拠ID=AU00105907  NCID=DA0218323X
1 On rebellion / John Knox ; edited by Roger A. Mason : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
2 カルヴァンとその周辺 / [カルヴァンほか著] ; 久米あつみ訳 1,2. - 東京 : 教文館 , 1986.2-1993.3
3 An harborowe for faithfull and trewe subiectes, agaynst the late blowne blaste, concerninge the gouernmet of wemen, wherin be confuted all such reasons as a straunger of late made in that behalfe : with a breife exhortation to obedience [Amsterdam : Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. - New York : Da Capo Press , 1972]
4 The first blast of the trumpet against the monstruous regiment of women [Amsterdam : Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. - New York : Da Capo Press , 1972]
5 The works of John Knox / collected and edited by David Laing v. 1 - v. 6. - New York : AMS Press , 1966