
Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950


著者の属性 個人
出生地等 Dublin
一般注記 His Ḥokhmat ha-g'enṭelman, 1977
EDSRC:Fabian essays / George Bernard Shaw, editor(Pickering & Chatto, 1996): introduction(b. in Dublin)
EDSRC:萧伯纳与中国 / 倪平编著(河北人民出版社, 2001.8)
EDSRC:Пьесы / Бернард Шоу ; [вступительная статья, составление и примечания З. Гражданской] (Изд-во "Художественная литература",1969)
EDSRC:Muž budoucnosti / George Bernard Shaw ; přeloz̆ili Bedřich Felix a Vladimír Vendyš(Družstevní práce, 1933)
EDSRC:解説社会主義と資本主義 : 有識婦人のために / ショウ著 ; 加藤朝鳥訳 (ゆまに書房, 2001.12): 上, p. 11 (ジョージ・バーナード・ショー)
EDSRC:London music in 1888-89 / as heard by Corno di Bassetto (later known as Bernard Shaw) ; with some further autobiographical particulars(Constable, 1937)
EDSRC:分からぬもんですよ / バァナード・ショウ作 ; 市川又彦譯(岩波書店, 1940.1)
EDSRC:Пьесы / Бернард Шоу ; [вступительная статья, составление и примечания З. Гражданской](Изд-во "Художественная литература", 1969)
生没年等 1856-1950
別名 Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950
Shaw, G. Bernard, 1856-1950
Shaw, G. B.
Shawa, G. B.
Shou, Bernard
Шоу, Бернард
Bassetto, Corno di
Corno di Bassetto
ショウ, バナァド<ショウ, バナァド>
ショウ, バァナード<ショウ, バァナード>
ショウ, バァナァド<ショウ, バァナァド>
ショー, バーナード<ショー, バーナード>
ショー, バーナド<ショー, バーナド>
ショー, ジョージ・バーナード<ショー, ジョージ・バーナード>
萧, 伯纳<xiao, bo na>
蕭, 伯納<xiao, bo na>
萧伯纳, 乔治<xiao bo na, qiao zhi>
蕭伯納, 喬治<xiao bo na, qiao zhi>
萧伯纳, G (1856-1950)<xiao bo na, G>
蕭伯納, G (1856-1950)<xiao bo na, G>
コード類 典拠ID=AU00050482  NCID=DA0101884X
1 ピグマリオン / バーナード・ショー著 ; 小田島恒志訳 東京 : 光文社 , 2013.11
2 My fair lady / from a play by Bernard Shaw ; screenplay by Alan Jay Lerner ; produced by Jack L. Warner ; directed by George Cukor [Japan] : NBCユニバーサル・エンターテイメント [distributor] , c2013
3 The intelligent women's guide to socialism and capitalism, 1928 / Bernard Shaw Tokyo : Edition Synapse , 2010
4 Скорбное бесчувствие / ジョージ・バーナード・ショウ原作 ; ユーリー・アラーボフ脚本 ; アレクサンドル・ソクーロフ監督 : 著作権処理済DVD. - [出版地不明] : Filmofond Lenfilm Studio. - [Tokyo] : 紀伊國屋書店 (発売) , 2007
5 Галатея = ガラテア / [directed and screenplay by] アレクサンドル・ベルリンスキー ; [choreographed by] ドミトリー・ツリャンツェフ ; [story by] バーナード・ショー : 著作権承認DVD. - [Tokyo] : アイ・ヴィー・シー [distributor] , 2007
6 Pygmalion : a romance in five acts / George Bernard Shaw . and, My fair lady : based on Shaw's Pygmalion / adaptation and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner ; music by Frederick Loewe : pbk. - 50th anniversary ed. - New York : New American Library , [2006?]
7 William Morris : artist writer socialist / May Morris ; with an introduction by Peter Faulkner : set,v. 1,v. 2. - Tokyo : Edition Synapse , 2005
8 Mrs. Warren's profession / Bernard Shaw ; edited by L.W. Conolly : pbk. - Peterborough, Ont. : Broadview Press , c2005
9 シーザーとクレオパトラ / ショー著 ; 楠山正雄訳 オンデマンド版. - 東京 : ゆまに書房 , [2004]
10 完全なるワーグナー主義者 / バーナード・ショー著 ; 高橋宣也訳 東京 : 新書館 , 2003.12
11 森皚峰・佐藤紅緑集 / 森皚峰, 佐藤紅緑 [訳] ; 川戸道昭, 中林良雄, 榊原貴教編集 東京 : 大空社 , 2003.7
12 松居松葉集 / 松居松葉 [訳] ; 川戸道昭, 中林良雄, 榊原貴教編集 東京 : 大空社 , 2003.3
13 Bernard Shaw and Barry Jackson / edited by L.W. Conolly Toronto : University of Toronto Press , c2002
14 Bernard Shaw and the Webbs / edited by Alex C. Michalos and Deborah C. Poff Toronto : University of Toronto Press , c2002
15 George Bernard Shaw's plays : Mrs Warren's profession, Pygmalion, Man and superman, Major Barbara : contexts and criticism : pbk. - 2nd ed / edited by Sandie Byrne. - New York : W.W. Norton , c2002
16 解説社会主義と資本主義 : 有識婦人のために / ショウ著 ; 加藤朝鳥訳 上,下. - 復刻. - 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 2001.12
17 翻訳 / 伊藤野枝著 ; 井手文子, 堀切利高編 東京 : 學藝書林 , 2000.12
18 Plays unpleasant / George Bernard Shaw London : Penguin , 2000
19 ピグマリオン / ガブリエル・パスカル製作 ; アンソニー・アスキン, レスリー・ハワード監督 ; ジョージ・バーナード・ショー原作 [出版地不明] : アイ・ヴィー・シー (発売) , 2000
20 Bernard Shaw and Gabriel Pascal / edited by Bernard F. Dukore Toronto : Buffalo : Univerity of Toronto Press , c1996
21 Not bloody likely! : and other quotations from Bernard Shaw / Bernard F. Dukore New York : Columbia University Press , c1996
22 Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells / edited by J. Percy Smith Toronto : University of Toronto Press , c1995
23 人と超人 ピグマリオン : ベスト・オブ・ショー / バーナード・ショー[著] ; 倉橋健,喜志哲雄訳 東京 : 白水社 , 1993.11
24 The drama observed / Bernard Shaw ; edited and with an introduction by Bernard F. Dukore v. 1 - v. 4. - University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press , c1993
25 The complete prefaces / Bernard Shaw ; edited by Dan H. Laurence and Daniel J. Leary v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Allen Lane the Penguin Press , 1993-
26 Bernard Shaw's book reviews / edited and with an introduction by Brian Tyson [v. 1],v. 2. - University Park : Pennsylvania State University Press , c1991-c1996
27 マイ・フェア・レディ / ジョージ・キューカー監督 ; ジャック・L・ワーナー製作 ; バーナード・ショウ原作 前編,後編. - [東京] : フォックスビデオジャパン , 1991
28 The shewing-up of Blanco Posnet ; and Fanny's first play : definitive text / Bernard Shaw ; under the editorial supervision of Dan H. Laurence Harmondsworth, Middlesex : Penguin , 1987
29 Bernard Shaw's letters to Siegfried Trebitsch / edited by Samuel A. Weiss : alk. paper. - Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press , 1986
30 The Playwright and the Pirate : Bernard Shaw and Frank Harris, a correspondence / edited with an introduction by Stanley Weintraub University Park : Pennsylvania State University Press , c1982
31 Bernard Shaw's Arms and the man : a composite production book / compiled and with an introd. by Bernard F. Dukore Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press , c1982
32 Mrs. Warren's profession : a facsimile of the holograph manuscript / Bernard Shaw ; introduction by Margot Peters New York : Garland , 1981
33 You never can tell : a facsimile of the holograph manuscript / Bernard Shaw ; introduction by Daniel J. Leary New York : Garland , c1981
34 Widowers' houses : facsimiles of the shorthand and holograph manuscripts and the 1893 published text / Bernard Shaw ; introd. by Jerald E. Bringle New York : Garland , 1981
35 The philanderer : a facsimile of the holograph manuscript / Bernard Shaw ; introduction by Julius Novick New York : Garland , 1981
36 Major Barbara : a facsimile of the holograph manuscript / Bernard Shaw ; introduction by Bernard F. Dukore New York : Garland , 1981
37 The man of destiny & Caesar and Cleopatra : facsimiles of the holograph manuscripts / Bernard Shaw ; introduction by J.L. Wisenthal New York : Garland , 1981
38 Captain Brassbound's conversion : a facsimile of the holograph manuscript / Bernard Shaw ; introduction by Rodelle Weintraub New York : Garland , 1981
39 Arms and the man : a facsimile of the holograph manuscript / Bernard Shaw ; introd. by Norma Jenckes New York : Garland , 1981
40 The devil's disciple : a facsimile of the holograph manuscript / Bernard Shaw ; introduction by Robert F. Whitman New York : Garland , 1981
41 Heartbreak house : a facsimile of the revised typescript / Bernard Shaw ; introduction by Stanley Weintraub and Anne Wright New York : Garland , 1981
42 Shaw's music : the complete musical criticism in three volumes / edited by Dan H. Laurence v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Max Reinhardt, the Bodley Head , 1981
43 Selected plays / Bernard Shaw ; preface by Rex Harrison ; introductory essay, "Shaw and his plays" by David Bearinger New York : Dodd, Mead , [1981]
44 The doctor's dilemma : a facsimile of the holograph manuscript / Bernard Shaw ; introduction by Margery M. Morgan New York : Garland Pub. , 1981
45 Candida & How he lied to her husband : facsimiles of the holograph manuscripts / Bernard Shaw ; introduction by J. Percy Smith New York : Garland Pub. , 1981
46 ショー / 野上豊一郎著 復刻版. - 東京 : 研究社出版 , 1980.6
47 The collected screenplays of Bernard Shaw / edited with an introduction by Bernard F. Dukore London : Prior , 1980
48 Shaw and Ibsen : Bernard Shaw's The quintessence of Ibsenism and related writings / edited with an introductory essay by J.L. Wisenthal Toronto ; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press , c1979
49 The great composers : reviews and bombardments / by Bernard Shaw ; edited with an introduction by Louis Crompton : pbk.. - Berkeley : University of California Press , c1978
50 The portable Bernard Shaw / edited, with an introd. and notes, by Stanley Weintraub New York : Viking Press , 1977
51 Samuel Beckett, Bertolt Brecht, T. S. Eliot, Federico GarcíaLorca,Ödön von Horváth, Sean O'Casey, Bernard Shaw Frankfult am Main : Suhrkamp , 1976
52 Bernard Shaw's Rhyming picture guide to Ayot Saint Lawrence [Folcroft, Pa.] : Folcroft Library Editions , 1973
53 ウィリアム・バトラー・イェイツ ; ジョージ・バーナード・ショー ; ユージン・オニール / 尾島庄太郎[ほか]訳 東京 : 主婦の友社 , 1972.4
54 A concordance to the plays and prefaces of Bernard Shaw / compiled by E. Dean Bevan v. 1. Aaaa—Brother - v. 10. Told—Zymotic. - Detroit : Gale Research , c1971
55 Shaw on Shakespeare : an anthology of Bernard Shaw's writings on the plays and production of Shakespeare / Edited, and with an introd., by Edwin Wilson Freeport, N.Y. : Books for Libraries Press , [1971, c1961]
56 Florence Farr, Bernard Shaw and W.B. Yeats / edited by Clifford Bax [Dublin] : T.M. MacGlinchey, for the Irish University Press , 1971
57 Bernard Shaw's plays : Major Barbara, Heartbreak House, Saint Joan, Too true to be good : with backgrounds and criticism / edited by Warren Sylvester Smith : pbk,: hbk. - New York : Norton , c1970
58 The Bodley Head Bernard Shaw : collected plays with their prefaces v. 1 - v. 7. - London : Max Reinhardt, the Bodley Head , 1970-1974
59 Shaw : an autobiography / [Bernard Shaw] ; selected from his writings by Stanley Weintraub 1856-1898,1898-1950: The playwright years. - London : M. Reinhardt , 1970-1971
60 Shaw's Guide to socialism / Bernard Shaw ; edited with introd. and notes by S. Hasegawa Tokyo : Seibido , 1968
61 Fabian essays in socialism / by G. Bernard Shaw ... [et al.] ; edited by G. Bernard Shaw Gloucester : P. Smith , 1967
62 Plays unpleasant ; Widowers' houses ; The Philanderer ; Mrs Warren's profession / by Bernard Shaw Harmondsworth : Penguin , c1967
63 バーナード・ショー名作集 / バーナード・ショー [著] ; 鳴海四郎 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 白水社 , 1966.5
64 Collected letters / Bernard Shaw ; edited by Dan H. Laurence [v. 1]. 1874-1897 - v. 4. 1926-1950. - London : M. Reinhardt , 1965-1988
65 G.B. Shaw : a collection of critical essays / edited by R.J. Kaufmann Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall , c1965
66 The complete plays of Bernard Shaw London : P. Hamlyn , 1965
67 George Bernard Shaw on language / edited by Abraham Tauber ; foreword by James Pitman 1st British Commonwealth ed. - London : Peter Owen , 1965
68 The rationalization of Russia / by Bernard Shaw ; edited with an introduction by Harry M. Geduld Bloomington : Indiana University Press , c1964
69 Die heilige Johanna : Schiller, Shaw, Brecht, Claudel, Mell, Anouilh / [herausgegeben von Joachim Schondorff ; mit einem Vorwort von Peter Demetz] München : Albert Langen, Georg Müller , 1964
70 Complete plays : with prefaces / Bernard Shaw v. 1 - v. 6. - New York : Dodd, Mead , 1962-1963
71 The matter with Ireland / Bernard Shaw ; edited with an introduction by David H. Greene and Dan H. Laurence London : Hart-Davis , 1962
72 Platform and pulpit / Bernard Shaw ; edited with an introduction by Dan H. Laurence London : Rupert Hart-Davis , 1962, c1961
73 Hedda Gabler / Henrik Ibsen ; [translated from the Norwegian by Edmund Gosse and William Archer] . Pygmalion / Bernard Shaw . The Emperor Jones / Eugene O'Neill . The cherry orchard / Anton Chekhov ; [translated by Robert W. Corrigan] Rev. ed. - New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston , c1962
74 Fabian essays / George Bernard Shaw ... [et al.] ; with a new introduction by Asa Briggs 6th ed. - London : G. Allen & Unwin , 1962
75 How to become a musical critic / Bernard Shaw ; edited with an introduction by Dan H. Laurence London : R. Hart-Davis , 1960
76 Shaw's dramatic criticism (1895-98) / Bernard Shaw ; a selec. by John F. Matthews New York : Hill & Wang , 1959
77 人と超人 / バーナド・ショー作 ; 市川又彦訳 改版. - 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1958.7
78 Plays pleasant : Arms and the man, Candida, The man of destiny, You never can tell / by Bernard Shaw [Harmondsworth] : Penguin , [1958]
79 Shaw on theatre / edited by E.J. West New York : Hill and Wang , c1958
80 An unfinished novel / by Bernard Shaw ; edited by Stanley Weintraub London : Constable. - New York : Dodd, Mead , 1958
81 Man and superman : a comedy and a philosophy / Bernard Shaw Harmondsworth : Penguin Books , [1957]
82 Bernard Shaw / by A.C. Ward 3th ed.. - London : Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green , 1957
83 Hedda Gabler / Henrik Ibsen . Pygmalion / Bernard Shaw . The Emperor Jones / Eugene O'Neill . Death of a salesman / Arthur Miller New York : Rinehart , 1957
84 Selected plays and other writings / Bernard Shaw ; with an introd. by William Irvine New York : Rinehart , 1956
85 The apple cart : a political extravaganza / by Bernard Shaw [repr.]. - Harmondsworth : Penguin Books , 1956
86 Saint Joan ; Major Barbara ; Androcles and the lion / Bernard Shaw New York : Modern Library , 1956
87 Shaw on music : a selection from the music criticism of Bernard Shaw / made by Eric Bentley Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday , 1955
88 Arms and the man : an anti-romantic comedy in three acts / by Bernard Shaw ; with an introduction and notes by A.C. Ward London : Longmans, Green , 1955
89 シーザーとクレオパトラ / ショウ作 ; 山本修二譯 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1953
90 Selected prose / Bernard Shaw ; selected by Diarmuid Russell 1st English ed. - London : Constable , 1953, c1952
91 資本主義・社会主義・ファシズム・共産主義 / バーナード・ショオ著 ; 藤本良造訳 上巻,下巻. - 東京 : 同光社磯部書房 , 1952.9-1953.2
92 Bernard Shaw and Mrs. Patrick Campbell : their correspondence / edited by Alan Dent London : V. Gollancz , 1952
93 Plays & players : essays on the theatre / Bernard Shaw ; selected with an introduction by A.C. Ward London : Oxford University Press , 1952
94 Thirty years with G.B.S. / by Blanche Patch London : V. Gollancz , 1951
95 Buoyant billions ; Farfetched fables ; &, Shakes versus shav / by Bernard Shaw New York : Dodd, Mead & Co , 1951
96 Cæsar and Cleopatra : a history / by Bernard Shaw : pbk. - Baltimore, Maryland : Penguin , 1951
97 Buoyant billions, Farfetched fables, & Shakes versus shav / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1950
98 The rehearsal copies of Bernard Shaw's plays / a bibliographical study by F.E. Loewenstein London : Reinhardt & Evans , 1950
99 Sixteen self sketches / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed.. - London : Constable , 1949
100 Ellen Terry and Bernard Shaw : a correspondence / edited by Christopher St. John London : Reinhardt & Evans , 1949
101 Shaw on vivisection / [Bernard Shaw] ; comp. and ed. by G. H. Bowker London : George Allen & Unwin, for the National Anti-vivisection Society , 1949
102 Fabian essays / by Bernard Shaw ... [et al.] ; with a postscript by the original editor Bernard Shaw jubilee ed. - London : George Allen & Unwin , 1948
103 Saint Joan : a chronicle play in six scenes and an epilogue / by Bernard Shaw Harmondsworth : Penguin , c1946
104 Geneva, Cymbeline refinished, & Good King Charles / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1946
105 The doctor's dilemma : a tragedy / by Bernard Shaw Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1946
106 Plays pleasant / by Bernard Shaw Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1946
107 Everybody's political what's what? / by Bernard Shaw 2nd ed. - London : Constable , 1945
108 Major Barbara / by Bernard Shaw : pbk. - London : Penguin Books , 1945
109 Everybody's political what's what? / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1944
110 カンディダ ; ウォーレン夫人の職業 : 他1篇 / バァナード・ショウ作 ; 市川又彦譯 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1941.8
111 Pygmalion : a romance in five acts / by Bernard Shaw ; with over a hundred drawings by Feliks Topolski Harmondsworth : Penguin Books , c1941
112 分からぬもんですよ / バァナード・ショウ作 ; 市川又彦譯 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1940.1
113 In good King Charles's golden days : a history lesson / by Bernard Shaw ; illustrated by Feliks Topolski London : Constable , 1939
114 London music in 1888-89 / as heard by Corno di Bassetto (later known as Bernard Shaw) ; with some further autobiographical particulars London : Constable , 1937
115 The Simpleton, the six, and the millionairess : being three more plays / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , c1936
116 The Simpleton ; The six ; and, The millionairess : being three more plays / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1936
117 ショー / 野上豐一郎著 東京 : 研究社 , 1935.3
118 Nine plays : with prefaces and notes / by Bernard Shaw New York : Dodd, Mead & Co. , 1935
119 社会主義と資本主義 / G.B.ショウ著 ; 加藤朝鳥訳 上,下. - 東京 : 松柏館書店 , 1934.8-9
120 Too true to be good, village wooing & on the rocks : three plays / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1934
121 The black girl in search of God and Some lesser tales / by Bernard Shaw ; with wood engravings by John Farleigh Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1934
122 The adventures of the black girl in her search for God / Bernard Shaw New York : Dodd, Mead , c1933
123 聖女ヂョウン / バァナァド・ショウ著 ; 野上豊一郎訳 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1932.8
124 The doctor's dilemma ; Getting married ; &, The shewing-up of Blanco Posnet / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
125 Misalliance ; The dark lady of the sonnets ; &, Fanny's first play / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
126 Saint Joan a chronicle, and The apple cart a political extravaganza / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
127 Cashel Byron's profession / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
128 Doctors' delusions ; Crude criminology ; and, Sham education / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
129 Essays in Fabian socialism / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
130 The intelligent woman's guide to socialism, capitalism, Sovietism and fascism / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
131 Love among the artists : a novel / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
132 Major critical essays / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
133 Our theatres in the nineties : in three volumes / by Bernard Shaw v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
134 Pen portraits and reviews / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
135 Translations and tomfooleries / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
136 An unsocial socialist : a novel / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1932
137 Music in London 1890-94 / by Bernard Shaw v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - London : Constable , 1932
138 The adventures of the black girl in her search for god / Bernard Shaw 1st ed. - London : Constable , 1932
139 思想の達し得る限り / バァナァド・ショウ作 ; 相良徳三譯 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1931.7
140 The complete plays of Bernard Shaw / [Bernard Shaw] London : Constable and Co., Ltd , 1931
141 Back to Methuselah : a metabiological pentateuch / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1931
142 Heartbreak house / by Berbard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1931
143 What I really wrote about the war / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed.. - London : Constable , 1931
144 Frank Harris on Bernard Shaw : an unauthorized biography based on firsthand information / with a postscript by Mr. Shaw London : V. Gollancz , 1931
145 Plays, pleasant and unpleasant / by Bernard Shaw 1st v.,2nd v.. - Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1931
146 John Bull's other Island ; with, How he lied to her husband ; and, Major Barbara / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1931
147 Androcles and the lion ; Overruled ; Pygmalion / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1931
148 Three plays for Puritans. The devil's disciple, Cæsar and Cleopatra, and Captain Brassbound's conversion / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1931
149 Man and superman. A comedy and a philosophy / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1931
150 Immaturity / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed. - London : Constable , 1931
151 The irrational knot : a novel / by Bernard Shaw Standard ed.. - London : Constable , 1931
152 Saint Joan : a chronicle play in six scenes and an epilogue / by George Bernard Shaw ; with introduction and notes by Tsuneo Aoki Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1930
153 The apple cart : a political extravaganza / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1930
154 Oscar Wilde : his life & confessions / by Frank Harris New York : Covici, Friede , 1930
155 Arms and the man and The man of destiny / by George Bernard Shaw with translation and notes by M. Ichikawa Tokyo : Eibungakusha , 1929.8
156 鰥夫の家 / バァナード・ショウ作 ; 市川又彦訳 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1929.1
157 Mrs. Warren's profession : a play in four acts / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1929
158 人と超人 / バーナード・ショー作 ; 市川又彦訳 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1929
159 解説社會主義と資本主義 : 有識婦人のために / バァナァド・ショウ著 ; 加藤朝鳥訳 上,下. - 東京 : 春秋社 , 1929
160 英吉利及愛蘭戲曲集 / [バァナアド・ショウ, ゴールズワアジイ, シング作] ; 北村喜八 [ほか] 譯 東京 : 新潮社 , 1928.4
161 The intelligent woman's guide to socialism and capitalism / by Bernard Shaw New York : Brentano's Publishers , 1928
162 The intelligent woman's guide to socialism and capitalism / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1928
163 The intelligent woman's guide to socialism and capitalism / by Bernard Shaw New York : Garden City Publishing Company, Inc. , 1928
164 聖ジヨウン : 戯曲的年代記 / バアナアド・シヨウ作 ; 北村喜八譯 東京 : 原始社 , 1926.2
165 Translations and tomfooleries / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1926
166 The socialism of Shaw / George Bernard Shaw ; edited, with introduction, by James Fuchs New York : Vanguard Press , 1926
167 Translations and tomfooleries / by Bernard Shaw New York : Brentano's , 1926
168 悪魔の弟子 / ショオ作 ; 市川又彦訳 東京 : 新潮社 , 1924.1
169 The irrational knot / by Bernard Shaw Popular ed. - London : Constable , 1924
170 Saint Joan : a chronicle play in six scenes and an epilogue / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1924
171 ショウ一幕物全集 / バナード・ショウ作 ; 市川又彦譯 東京 : 新潮社 , 1922.12
172 Man and superman : a comedy and a philosophy / by George Bernard Shaw ; with introduction and notes by Y. Okakura 東京 : 研究社 , 1922.2
173 Man and superman : a comedy and a philosophy / by George Bernard Shaw ; with introduction and notes by Y. Okakura Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1922
174 Dramatic opinions and essays with an apology by Bernard Shaw / containing as well a word on the dramatic opinions and essays of Bernard Shaw by James Huneker v. 1,v. 2. - New York : Brentano's , 1922
175 Three plays for Puritans / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1922
176 Androcles and the lion ; Pygmalion : two plays / by Bernard Shaw Copyright ed. - Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz , 1921
177 Back to Methuselah : a metabiological pentateuch / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1921
178 Fanny's first play : an easy play for a little theatre / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1921
179 Ruskin's politics / by Bernard Shaw [London] : The Ruskin Centenary Council , 1921
180 Fabian essays in socialism / by G. Bernard Shaw ... [et al.] ; edited with preface by G. Bernard Shaw ; introduction by Sidney Webb 1920 ed. - London : Fabian Society , 1920
181 Overruled, &, The dark lady of the sonnets / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1920
182 Getting married : a disquisitory play / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1920
183 Heartbreak house ; Great Catherine ; Playlets of the war / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1919
184 Heartbreak house ; Great Catherine ; and Playlets of the war / by Bernard Shaw New York : Brentano's , 1919
185 Misalliance : with a treatise on Parents & children / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1919
186 Oscar Wilde : his life and confessions / by Frank Harris v. 1,v. 2. - New York : Printed and published by the author , 1918, c1916
187 How to settle the Irish question / by Bernard Shaw Dublin : Talbot Press. - London : Constable , c1917
188 Pygmalion : a romance in five acts / by Bernard Shaw ; with over a hundred drawings by Feliks Topolski Harmondsworth : Penguin Books , 1916
189 Androcles and the lion ; Overruled ; Pygmalion / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1916
190 The doctor's dilemma : a tragedy / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1915
191 An unsocial socialist / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1914
192 Misalliance ; The dark lady of the sonnets ; and, Fanny's first play ; with a treatise on Parents and children / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1914
193 Getting married ; and The shewing-up of Blanco Posnet / by Bernard Shaw Copyright ed. - Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz , 1914
194 The three unpleasant plays / by Bernard Shaw Copyright ed. - Leipzig : B. Tauchnitz , 1914
195 Cashel Byron's profession / by Bernard Shaw 2nd revised ed. with The Admirable Bashville 1901. - London : Constable , 1914
196 Three plays for Puritans : The devil's disciple, Cæsar and Cleopatra, and Captain Brassbound's conversion / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1914
197 人と超人 / バナァド・ショウ作 ; 細田枯萍譯 東京 : 敬文館 , 1913.12
198 The quintessence of Ibsenism : now completed to the death of Ibsen / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1913
199 The philanderer : a topical comedy of the year 1893 / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1913
200 The shewing-up of Blanco Posnet : a sermon in crude melodrama / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1913
201 John Bull's other island : in four acts / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1913
202 Man and superman : a comedy and a philosophy / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , [1911]
203 Major Barbara : in three acts / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1910
204 Fabian essays in socialism / by G. Bernard Shaw ... [et al.] ; edited by G. Bernard Shaw ; with a new preface for this edition by Mr. Shaw Boston : Ball Publishing , 1909, c1908
205 Mrs. Warren's profession : a play in four acts / by Bernard Shaw London : A. Constable , 1907
206 Candida : a mystery / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1906
207 You never can tell : a comedy in four acts / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1906
208 Man and superman : a comedy and a philosophy / by Bernard Shaw London : Constable , 1903
209 An unsocial socialist / by Bernard Shaw New York : Boni and Liveright , [19--]
210 Plays, pleasant and unpleasant / by Bernard Shaw v. 1,v. 2. - London : Constable , 1898
211 Fabian essays in socialism / by G. Bernard Shaw, Sidney Webb, William Clarke, Sydney Olivier, Annie Besant, Graham Wallas, and Hubert Bland ; edited by G. Bernard Shaw London : W. Scott , [1889]
212 Bernard Shaw library Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England ; New York, N.Y., USA : Penguin Books
213 The dramatic works of Bernard Shaw London : Constable