
Boethius, d. 524


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 His Boezio Seuerino della consolazione della filosofia, 1551: t.p. (BOEZIO SEVERINO) p. 3 (Seuerino Boezio)
Index Aureliensis (Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, ca. 480-524?)
Srednevekovʹe v svidetelʹstvakh sovremennikov, 1984: t.p. (Boethius) p. 4 (Boėt︠s︡iĭ; Severin Boėt︠s︡iĭ)
EDSRC:Boethius : De consolatione philosophiae / Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus Boethius ; tr. by John Walton ; ed. with introd., notes & glossary by Mark Science(Early English Text Society, 1971)
生没年等 -524
別名 Boetius, d. 524
Boetius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus, d. 524
Boʹisi, d. 524
Boezio, d. 524
Boezio, Anicio Manlio Severino, d. 524
Boèce, d. 524
Boezio Severino, d. 524
Boezio Seuerino, d. 524
Boezio, Severino, d. 524
Boezio, Seuerino, d. 524
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, d. 524
Boėt︠s︡iĭ, d. 524
Boėt︠s︡iĭ, Severin, d. 524
Severin Boėt︠s︡iĭ, d. 524
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus
Boecio, Anicio Manlio Torcuato Severino
コード類 典拠ID=AU00050043  NCID=DA01010815
1 音楽教程 / ボエティウス [著] ; 伊藤友計訳 東京 : 講談社 , 2023.11
2 哲学のなぐさめ / ボエティウス [著] ; 松﨑一平訳 京都 : 京都大学学術出版会 , 2023.1
3 Boèce, La consolation de philosophie / introduction et traduction annotée du texte en prose par Alain Galonnier ; présentation de la métrique boécienne, disposition, ponctuation et traduction annotée du texte en vers et petit glossaire métrique par Jean-Louis Charlet ; préface de Pierre Magnard Louvain-la-Neuve : Éditions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie. - Leuven : Peeters , 2022
4 Philosophiae consolatio = Trost der Philosophie : Lateinisch/Deutsch / Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius ; herausgegeben, übersetzt und erläutert von Joachim Gruber Stuttgart : Anton Hiersemann , 2020
5 La consolazione della filosofia / Severino Boezio ; a cura di Fabio Troncarelli 1a edizione. - Firenze : Bompiani , 2019
6 The Old English Boethius : with verse prologues and epilogues associated with King Alfred / edited and translated by Susan Irvine and Malcolm R. Godden Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , 2012
7 On Aristotle On interpretation 4-6 / Boethius ; translated by Andrew Smith London : Bristol Classical Press , 2011
8 La ricerca della felicità : Consolazione della filosofia III : con testo a fronte / Severino Boezio ; a cura di Marco Zambon ; [traduzione dal latino di Marco Zambon] 1a edizione. - Venezia : Marsilio , 2011
9 Böece de confort remanié / edition critique par Glynnis M. Cropp London : Modern Humanities Research Association , 2011
10 On Aristotle On interpretation 1-3 / Boethius ; translated by Andrew Smith London : Duckworth , 2010
11 The consolation of philosophy : authoritative text, contexts, criticism / Boethius ; edited by Douglas C. Langston : pbk. - New York : Norton , c2010
12 The Old English Boethius : an edition of the Old English versions of Boethius's De consolatione philosophiae / edited by Malcolm Godden and Susan Irvine ; with a chapter on the metres by Mark Griffith ; and contributions by Rohini Jayatilaka : set,v. 1,v. 2. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2009
13 Notker Latinus zu Boethius, De consolatione Philosophiae / Notker der Deutsche ; herausgegeben von Petrus W. Tax Buch 1/2 : Geb - Buch 4/5 : Kart. - Tübingen : M. Niemeyer , 2008
14 La consolation de philosophie / Boèce ; édition de Claudio Moreschini ; traduction et notes de Eric Vanpeteghem ; introduction de Jean-Yves Tilliette [Paris] : Livre de poche , c2008
15 New directions in Boethian studies / edited by Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr. and Philip Edward Phillips : hbk,: pbk. - Kalamazoo, Mich. : Medieval Institute Publications , 2007
16 Capita dogmatica : traités II, III, IV / texte latin de l'édition de Claudio Moreschini ; introduction, traduction et commentaire par Alain Galonnier ; préface de Jean Jolivet : be,: fr. - Louvain-la-Neuve : Éditions de l'Institut supérieure de philosophie. - Louvain ; Paris : Peeters , 2007
17 Le livre de Boece de consolacion / edition critique par Glynnis M. Cropp Genève : Droz , 2006
18 De consolatione philosophiae ; Opvscvla theologica / Boethivs ; edidit Claudio Moreschini Editio altera. - Monachii : K.G. Saur , c2005
19 An exposition of the On the hebdomads of Boethius / St. Thomas Aquinas ; introduction and translation by Janice L. Schultz and Edward A. Synan : pbk. - Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press , c2001
20 Consolation of philosophy / Boethius ; translated, with introduction and notes, by Joel C. Relihan : pbk.,: hbk. - Indianapolis, IN : Hackett Pub. Co. , c2001
21 De consolatione philosophiae ; Opvscvla theologica / Boethivs ; edidit Claudio Moreschini Monachii : K.G. Saur , 2000
22 Traités théologiques / Boèce ; présentation, traductions, chronologie, bibliographie et notes par Axel Tisserand Paris : Flammarion , c2000
23 Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii De arithmetica / cura et studio Henrici Oosthout et Iohannis Schilling : hard,: pbk. - Turnhout : Brepols , 1999
24 On Aristotle's On interpretation 9 / Ammonius ; translated by David Blank . With, On Aristotle's On interpretation 9 : first and second commentaries / Boethius ; translated by Norman Kretzmann ; with essays by Richard Sorabji, Norman Kretzmann, & Mario Mignucci : cloth. - Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press , 1998
25 Trost der Philosophie = Consolatio philosophiae / Boethius ; herausgegeben und übersetzt von Ernst Gegenschatz und Olof Gigon ; eingeleitet und erläutert von Olof Gigon 5. Aufl. - Düsseldorf : Artemis & Winkler , c1998
26 Lieder aus König Alfreds Trostbuch : die Stabreimverse der altenglischen Boethius-Übertragung / herausgegeben und übersetzt von Wolfgang Obst und Florian Schleburg Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag C. Winter , c1998
27 Institution arithmétique / Boèce ; texte établi et traduit par Jean-Yves Guillaumin Paris : Les Belles lettres , 1995
28 Five texts on the mediaeval problem of universals : Porphyry, Boethius, Abelard, Duns Scotus, Ockham / translated and edited by Paul Vincent Spade : pbk. - Indianapolis : Hackett , c1994
29 哲学の慰め / [ボエティウス著] ; チョーサー[英訳] ; 樋口昌幸訳 広島 : 渓水社 , 1991.7
30 Boethius's In Ciceronis topica / translated, with notes and an introduction by Eleonore Stump Ithaca : Cornell University Press , 1988
31 Die Theologischen Traktate / Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius ; übersetzt, eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Michael Elsässer Hamburg : F. Meiner , c1988
32 Boethius, "De consolatione philosophiæ" / Notker der Deutsche ; herausgegeben von Petrus W. Tax Buch 1/2 : Geb - Buch 4/5 : Kart. - Tübingen : M. Niemeyer , 1986-1990
33 Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii Philosophiae consolatio / iteratis curis edidit Ludouicus Bieler hard,pbk.. - Turnholti : Typographi Brepols , 1984
34 Boethian number theory : a translation of the De institutione arithmetica (with introduction and notes) / by Michael Masi Amsterdam : Rodopi , 1983
35 Queen Elizabeth's Englishings of Boethius, Plutarch, and Horace / edited by Caroline Pemberton Millwood, N.Y. : Kraus Reprint , 1981
36 Boethius : De consolatione philosophiae / edited by Mark Science Millwood : Kraus Reprint , 1981
37 Wortkonkordanz zu Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, De institutione musica / von Michael Bernhard München : Verlag der Bayer. Akad. d. Wiss. , 1979. - München : Beck [in Komm.] , 1979
38 Boethius's De topicis differentiis / translated, with notes and essays on the text, by Eleonore Stump Ithaca : Cornell University Press , 1978
39 An edition and codicological study of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge MS 214 / William Charles Hale Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International , c1978
40 The consolation of philosophy / by Boethius ; tr., with introd. & notes. by Richard Green Indianapolis : The Library of Liberal Arts published by Bobbs-Merrill Educational Pub. , [1978]
41 Boecius De cosolacione philosophie / Anicius M. T. S. Boethius ; tr. by G. Chaucer Amsterdam : Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. - Norwood, N.J. : W. J. Johnson , 1974
42 The theological tractates ; The consolation of philosophy / Boethius ; [first work] translation by H.F. Stewart, E.K. Rand and S.J. Tester ; [second work] translation by S.J. Tester : us,: uk. - New ed. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press. - London : W. Heinemann , 1973
43 The theological tractates ; The consolation of philosophy / Boethius ; [first work] translation by H.F. Stewart, E.K. Rand and S.J. Tester ; [second work] translation by S.J. Tester : us. - New ed. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press , 1973
44 Boethius: De consolatione philosophiae / translated by John Walton ; edited with introduction, notes and glossary by Mark Science Oxford : Early English Text Society. - New York : Kraus Reprint , 1971
45 Trost der Philosophie / Boëthius ; übersetzt und herausgegeben von Karl Büchner ; mit einer einfuhrung von Friedrich Klingner Stuttgart : Reclam , 1971
46 哲学の慰め / ボエティウス [著] ; 渡辺義雄訳 東京 : 筑摩書房 , 1969.6
47 Chaucer's translation of Boethius's 'De consolatione philosophiae' : edited from British Museum additional MS. 10,340, collated with Cambridge University Library MS.Ii.3.2l / by Richard Morris 1st ed. reprinted. - London : Published for the Early English Text Society by Oxford U.P , 1969
48 The consolation of philosophy / Boethius ; translated [from the Latin] with an introduction by V.E. Watts Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1969
49 Trattato sulla divisione / Boezio ; traduzione, introduzione, commento, Lorenzo Pozzi Padova : Liviana Editrice , 1969
50 De hypotheticis syllogismis / A.M. Severino Boezio ; testo, traduzione, introduzione e commento di Luca Obertello Brescia : Paideia Editrice , 1969
51 アウグスティヌス ; ボエティウス / [アウグスティヌス, ボエティウス著] ; 渡辺義雄訳 東京 : 筑摩書房 , 1966.7
52 Anicii Manlii Torquati Severini Boetii De institutione arithmetica libri duo ; De institutione musica libri quinque ; accedit Geometria quae fertur Boetii / e libris manu scriptis edidit Godofredus Friedlein Frankfurt a.M. : Minerva , 1966
53 The consolation of philosophy / in the translation of I.T. ; edited and introducton by William Anderson Arundel : Centaur Press , 1963
54 Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii Philosophiae consolatio / edidit Ludouicus Bieler : hard,: pbk. - Turnholti : Typographi Brepols , 1957
55 哲學の慰め / ボエティウス著 ; 畠中尚志譯 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1938.11
56 The theological tractates / Boethius ; with an English translation by H.F. Stewart and E.K. Rand . The consolation of philosophy / with the English translation of "I.T." (1609) ; revised by H.F. Stewart London : W. Heinemann. - New York : G.P. Putnam , 1918
57 King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Boethius, de consolatione philosophiæ : with a literal English translation, notes and glossary / by Samuel Fox London : G. Bell , 1909
58 Queen Elizabeth's Englishings of Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae, A.D. 1593, Plutarch, De curiositate, Horace, De arte poetica (part), A.D. 1598 / edited from the unique ms, partly in the Queen's hand, in the Public Record Office, London, by Caroline Pemberton London : Publisht for the Early English Text Society by K. Paul, Trench, Trübner , 1899
59 The consolation of philosophy of Boethius / Boethius ; tr. into English prose and verse by H.R. James London : Elliot Stock , 1897
60 Chaucer's translation of Boethius's "De consolatione philosophiæ" : edited from the additional ms. 10,340 in the British Museum, collated with the Cambridge Univ. Libr. ms. Ii. 3. 2l / by Richard Morris London : Published for the Early English Text Society by N. Trübner , 1868
61 Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum / editum consilio et impensis Academiae Litterarum Caesareae Vindobonensis v. 31, pars 1 - v. 69. - Vindobonae : F. Tempsky , 1866-