
Hobson, J. A. (John Atkinson), 1858-1940


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 His A league of nations, 1915: t.p.(J.A. Hobson)
The social problem : life and work / by J.A. Hobson(James Pott, 1902) 1902)
EDSRC:帝國主義論 / J.A. 홉슨 著 ; 愼洪範, 金鍾澈 共譯(創作과批評社, 1982.2)
EDSRC:ヴェブレン / J.A.ホブスン [著] ; 佐々木専三郎訳(文眞堂, 1980.3)
生没年等 1858-1940
別名 Gobson, Dzh., 1858-1940
Hobson, J. A.
Hobson, John Atkinson, 1858-1940
Hobson, John A.
ホブソン, J. A.<ホブソン, J A>
ホブスン, J. A.<ホブスン, J A>
ホブスン, ジョン アトキンソン<ホブスン, ジョン アトキンソン>
홉슨, J.A.
コード類 典拠ID=AU00025223  NCID=DA00579794
1 Veblen ; and, The Theory of the leisure class / John A. Hobson and Thorstein Veblen ; with a new introduction by Peter Cain London : Routledge/Thoemmes , 1994
2 John Ruskin : his life and work / William Smart . and, John Ruskin : social reformer / J.A. Hobson ; with a new introduction by Peter Cain London : Routledge/Thoemmes , 1994
3 L.T. Hobhouse : his life and work / J.A. Hobson and Morris Ginsberg London : Routledge/Thoemmes Press , 1993
4 The physiology of industry / J.A. Hobson and A.F. Mummery ; with a new introduction by Roger E. Backhouse London : Routledge/Thoemmes Press , 1992
5 The problem of the unemployed : with an appendix, Underconsumption, an exposition and a reply / J.A. Hobson ; with a new introduction by Roger E. Backhouse London : Routledge/Thoemmes Press , 1992
6 The industrial system : an inquiry into earned and unearned income / J.A. Hobson ; with a new introduction by Peter Cain London : Routledge/Thoemmes Press , 1992
7 Work and wealth : a human valuation / J.A. Hobson ; with a new introduction by Peter Cain London : Routledge/Thoemmes Press , 1992
8 Writings on distribution and welfare / J.A. Hobson ; edited with an introduction by Roger E. Backhouse London : Routledge/Thoemmes Press , 1992
9 Writings on imperialism and internationalism / J.A. Hobson ; edited with an introduction by Peter Cain London : Routledge/Thoemmes Press , 1992
10 Imperialism : a study / J.A. Hobson ; with an introduction by J. Townshend : pbk. - 3rd ed. - London : Unwin Hyman , 1988
11 J.A. Hobson : a reader / edited by Michael Freeden : pbk. - London ; Boston : Unwin Hyman , 1988
12 The economics of unemployment / J.A. Hobson New York : Garland Pub. , 1985
13 異端の経済学者の告白 : ホブスン自伝 / J.A.ホブスン〔著〕 ; 高橋哲雄訳 東京 : 新評論 , 1983.12
14 ヴェブレン / J.A.ホブスン著 ; 佐々木専三郎訳 東京 : 文真堂 , 1980.3
15 近代資本主義発達史論 / ホブソン著 ; 住谷悦治, 阪本勝, 松沢兼人共訳 上,下. - 東京 : 改造図書出版販売. - 東京 : 大和書房 (発売) , 1977.2
16 帝国主義論 / ジェー・エー・ホブソン著 ; 石澤新二訳 覆刻版. - 東京 : 改造図書出版. - 東京 : 大和書房(発売) , 1977.2
17 Confessions of an economic heretic : the autobiography of J.A. Hobson / edited and introduced by Michael Freeden Nr. Brighton : Harvester Press. - Hamden, Conn. : Archon Books , 1976
18 L'imperialismo / John A. Hobson ; a cura di Luca Meldolesi ; [traduzione dall'inglese di Luca Meldolesi e Nicoletta Stame] 1a ed. - Milano : ISEDI , 1974
19 Problems of poverty : an inquiry into the industrial condition of the poor / by John A. Hobson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
20 The physiology of industry : being an exposure of certain fallacies in existing theories of economics / by A.F. Mummery and J.A. Hobson New York : A.M. Kelley , 1971
21 The industrial system : an inquiry into earned and unearned income / by John A. Hobson ; with an introduction by Arthur Loeb Bekenstein [New and rev. ed.]. - New York : A.M. Kelley , 1969
22 分配經濟學 / Hobson著 ; 夏道平譯 臺北 : 臺灣銀行 , 1969
23 Work and wealth : a human valuation / by John A. Hobson New York : Augustus M. Kelley , 1968
24 The evolution of modern capitalism : a study of machine production / by John Atkinson Hobson [New & rev. ed.]. - London : George Allen & Unwin , 1965
25 Imperialism : a study / by J.A. Hobson ; new introduction by Philip Siegelman [Ann Arbor] : University of Michigan Press , 1965
26 Veblen / by J.A. Hobson New York : Augustus M. Kelley , 1963
27 The physiology of industry : being an exposure of certain fallacies in existing theories of economics / by A.F. Mummery and J.A. Hobson New York : Kelley & Millman , 1956
28 帝国主義論 / ホブスン著 ; 矢内原忠雄訳 上巻,下巻. - 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1951.8-1952.6
29 The science of wealth / J.A. Hobson 4th ed. / revised by R.F. Harrod. - London ; New York : Oxford University Press , 1950
30 民主政治と文化の變遷 / J.A. ホブソン 著 ; 宮西夏樹訳 京都 : 三一書房, 1946
31 Property and improperty / by John A. Hobson London : Gollancz , 1937
32 Veblen / by J.A. Hobson London : Chapman and Hall , 1936
33 Democracy and a changing civilisation / by J.A. Hobson London : John Lane the Bodley Head , 1934
34 近代資本主義発達史論 / ホブソン著 ; 住谷悦治,阪本勝,松沢兼人共訳 上巻,下巻. - 東京 : 改造社 , 1932.4-6
35 From capitalism to socialism / J.A. Hobson London : The Hogarth Press , 1932
36 The recording angel : a report from earth / J.A. Hobson London : George Allen & Unwin , 1932
37 Poverty in plenty : the ethics of income / by J.A. Hobson London : G. Allen & Unwin , 1931
38 God and Mammon : the relations of religion and economics / by J.A. Hobson London : Watts , 1931
39 Towards social equality / John Atkinson Hobson London : Oxford University Press , 1931
40 Rationalisation and unemployment : an economic dilemma / J.A. Hobson London : G. Allen & Unwin , 1930
41 Rationalisation and unemployment : an economic dilemma / J.A. Hobson 2nd ed. - London : G. Allen & Unwin , 1930
42 Wealth and life : a study in values / by J.A. Hobson London : Macmillan , 1929
43 社会改造の諸原理 / バァトランド・ラッセル著 ; 松本悟朗訳 . 産業自治論 / G.D.H.コール著 ; 島中雄三訳 . 帝国主義論 / J.A.ホブソン著 ; 時国理一訳 東京 : 平凡社 , 1928.12
44 近代資本主義發展史論 / J.A.Hobson著 ; 松澤兼人, 住谷悦治, 阪本勝共譯 東京 : 弘文堂書房 , 1928.6
45 近代資本制発達史 / ホブスン著 ; 石井静人訳 東京 : 巌松堂書店 , 1928
46 The conditions of industrial peace / by John Atkinson Hobson London : Allen & Unwin , 1927
47 The conditions of industrial peace / by J. A. Hobson New York : Macmillan , 1927
48 The industrial system : an inquiry into earned and unearned income / by J.A. Hobson New and rev. ed., reprinted. - London : P.S. King , 1927
49 Free-thought in the social sciences / by J.A. Hobson London : G. Allen & Unwin , 1926
50 The evolution of modern capitalism : a study of machine production / by John Atkinson Hobson Rev. ed. - London : G. Allen & Unwin. - New York : The Macmillan Company , 1926
51 The evolution of modern capitalism : a study of machine production / by John A. Hobson New and revised ed. - London : Walter Scott. - New York : Charles Scribner's Sons , 1926
52 失業經濟 / [ホブソン著] ; 今村源三郎譯 ; 大日本文明協會編輯 東京 : 大日本文明協會事務所 , 1925.3
53 The economics of unemployment / John Atkinson Hobson London : G. Allen & Unwin , 1924
54 Some aspects of recent British economics / John A. Hobson, D.H. Macgregor, Reginald Lennard Chicago : University of Chicago Press , c1923
55 富の研究 / ホブソン著 ; 福田秀一譯 東京 : 大鐙閣 , 1922.7
56 The economics of unemployment / by J.A. Hobson London : G. Allen & Unwin , 1922
57 Incentives in the new industrial order / by J.A. Hobson London : L. Parsons , 1922
58 Problems of a new world / by J.A. Hobson London : Allen & Unwin , 1921
59 デモクラシーの本領 / ホブソン著 ; 田村浩訳 東京 : 邦文社, 1919.6
60 Democracy after the war / by J.A. Hobson 4th ed., rev. and reset. - London : G. Allen & Unwin , 1919
61 Taxation in the new state / by J.A. Hobson London : Methuen , 1919
62 The evolution of modern capitalism : a study of machine production / by John A. Hobson New and rev. ed. - London ; New York : Walter Scott , [1917]
63 The evolution of modern capitalism : a study of machine production / by John A. Hobson New ed. - London ; Felling-on-Tyne ; New York : Walter Scott , 1917
64 The new protectionism / by J.A. Hobson London : T. Fisher Union , 1916
65 Towards international government / by J. A. Hobson London : G. Allen & Unwin. - New York : The Macmillan , 1915
66 Work and wealth : a human valuation / by J.A. Hobson New York : Macmillan , 1914
67 Gold, prices & wages : with an examination of the quantity theory / by J.A. Hobson London : Methuen , 1913
68 The science of wealth / by J.A. Hobson London : Williams and Norgate. - New York : H. Holt , [1911]
69 The crisis of liberalism : new issues of democracy / John Atkinson Hobson London : P.S. King , 1909
70 Problems of poverty : an inguiry into the industrial condition of the poor / by John A. Hobson 7th ed. - London : Methuen , 1909
71 The industrial system : an inquiry into earned and unearned income / by J.A. Hobson London : Longmans, Green , 1909
72 The evolution of modern capitalism : a study of machine production / by John A. Hobson New and rev. ed. - London : Walter Scott , 1906
73 Imperialism : a study / by J. A. Hobson Rev. ed.. - London : Archibald Constable , 1905
74 John Ruskin : social reformer / by J.A. Hobson 3rd ed. - London : J. Nisbet , 1904
75 John Ruskin : social reformer / by J.A. Hobson London : J. Nisbet , 1904
76 International trade : an application of economic theory / by John A. Hobson London : Methuen , 1904
77 Imperialism : a study / by J. A. Hobson London : James Nisbet , 1902
78 The social problem : life and work / by J.A. Hobson London : J. Nisbet , 1901
79 The war in South Africa : its causes and effects / by J.A. Hobson London : James Nisbet , 1900
80 The economics of distribution / by John A. Hobson New York : The Macmillan Co. - London : Macmillan & Co. , 1900
81 John Ruskin : social reformer / by J.A. Hobson 2nd ed. - London : J. Nisbet , 1899
82 Problems of poverty : an inquiry into the industrial condition of the poor / by John A. Hobson 4th ed. - London : Methuen , 1899
83 John Ruskin : social reformer / by J. A. Hobson 2nd edition. - London : James Nisbet & Co. , 1899
84 貧民問題 / ヂョン・エー・ホブソン著 ; 遠藤十郎訳 東京 : 東光館 , 1897.7
85 The evolution of modern capitalism : a study of machine production / by John A. Hobson London : Walter Scott , 1894
86 Problems of poverty : an inquiry into the industrial condition of the poor / by John A. Hobson London : Methuen , 1891