
Gissing, George, 1857-1903


著者の属性 個人
出生地等 Wakefield
一般注記 His In the year of jubilee, 1982: CIP galley t.p. (George Gissing)
EDSRC:By the Ionian Sea : notes of a ramble in southern Italy / by George Robert Gissing(Chapman and Hall, 1917)
生没年等 1857-1903
別名 Gissing, George Robert, 1857-1903
Gissing, G.
ギッシング, ジョージ<ギッシング, ジョージ>
コード類 典拠ID=AU00024385  NCID=DA00566635
1 下宿人 : お嬢さまの行儀見習い / ジョージ・ギッシング作 ; 松岡光治訳 東京 : アティーナ・プレス , 2024.3
2 ギッシング初期短篇集 : 「親の因果が子に報う」他8篇 / 松岡光治編訳 東京 : アティーナ・プレス , 2016.6
3 The whirlpool / George Gissing ; introduction by D.J. Taylor ; notes by Patrick Parrinder : [pbk.]. - London : Penguin Classics/Penguin , 2015
4 ヘンリー・ライクロフトの私記 / ギッシング著 ; 池央耿訳 東京 : 光文社 , 2013.9
5 東京 : ポプラ社 , 2010.10
6 Essays, introductions and reviews / edited and introduced by Pierre Coustillas ; afterword by Alan S. Watts : paper. - Grayswood, Surrey : Grayswood Press , 2004
7 The nether world / George Gissing ; edited with an introduction and notes by Stephen Gill : pbk. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 1999
8 The odd women / by George Gissing ; edited by Arlene Young : pbk. - Peterborough, Ont. ; Orchard Park, NY : Broadview Press , c1998
9 ギッシング短篇集 / ギッシング [著] ; 小池滋編訳 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1997.4
10 南イタリア周遊記 / ギッシング著 ; 小池滋訳 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1994.2
11 The odd women / George Gissing ; with an introduction by Elaine Showalter Harmondsworth, Middlesex : Penguin , 1993
12 ネザー・ワールド / ジョージ・ギッシング著 ; 倉持三郎, 倉持晴美訳 東京 : 彩流社 , 1992.4
13 The collected letters of George Gissing / Paul F. Mattheisen, Arthur C. Young, Pierre Coustillas, editors v. 1 - v. 9. - Athens : Ohio University Press , 1990-1997
14 渦 / ジョージ・ギッシング著 ; 太田良子訳 東京 : 国書刊行会 , 1989.7
15 余った女たち / ジョージ・ギッシング著 ; 倉持三郎,倉持晴美訳 東京 : ニューカレントインターナショナル , 1988.6
16 ギッシング選集 / ジョージ・ギッシング著 ; 小池滋責任編集 Library edition. - 東京 : 秀文インターナショナル , 1988.4
17 流謫の地に生まれて / ジョージ・ギッシング著 ; 溝川和雄訳 Library edition. - 東京 : 秀文インターナショナル , 1988.4
18 余計者の女たち / ジョージ・ギッシング著 ; 太田良子訳 Liabrary edition. - 東京 : 秀文インターナショナル , 1988.4
19 埋火 / ジョージ・ギッシング著 ; 土井治訳 . イオニア海のほとり / ジョージ・ギッシング著 ; 小池滋訳 Library edition. - 東京 : 秀文インターナショナル , 1988.4
20 チャールズ・ディケンズ論 / ジョージ・ギッシング著 ; 小池滋, 金山亮太共訳 Library edition. - 東京 : 秀文インターナショナル , 1988.4
21 三文文士 / ジョージ・ギッシング著 ; 土井治訳 Library edition. - 東京 : 秀文インターナショナル , 1988.4
22 The private papers of Henry Ryecroft / George Gissing ; edited with an introduction by Mark Storey : pbk.. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 1987
23 Workers in the dawn / George Gissing ; edited with an introduction by Pierre Coustillas : pbk,: Methuen. - Brighton : Harvester Press , 1985
24 Thyrza : a tale / George Gissing : pbk. - [New ed. reprinted] / edited with an introduction by Jacob Korg. - Brighton : Harvester Press , 1984
25 A life's morning / George Gissing ; edited with an introduction by Pierre Coustillas ; and with historical and topographical notes by Clifford Brook : pbk,: pbk. : cover. - Brighton [Sussex] : Harvester Press. - New York, N.Y. : Distributed in the U.S. by Methuen , 1984
26 Isabel Clarendon / by George Gissing ; edited with a critical introduction by Pierre Coustillas Brighton, Sussex : Harvester Press , 1982, c1969
27 The paying guest / George Gissing ; edited with an introduction and notes by Ian Fletcher Brighton, Sussex : Harvester , 1982
28 Will Warburton / George Gissing ; edited and with a new introduction and notes by Colin Partridge Brighton, Sussex : Harvester Press , 1981
29 The town traveller / [by George Gissing] ; edited and with an introduction and notes by Pierre Coustillas Brighton, Sussex : Harvester Press , 1981
30 ギッシング / 織田正信著 復刻版. - 東京 : 研究社出版 , 1980.6
31 Denzil Quarrier / George Gissing ; edited and with an introduction and notes by John Halperin : pbk. : cover. - Hassocks : Harvester Press , 1979
32 The crown of life / George Gissing : pbk : cover. - [1st ed. reprinted] / edited and with an introduction by Michel Ballard. - Hassocks : Harvester Press , 1978
33 Born in exile / George Gissing ; edited and with an introd. and notes by Pierre Coustillas : pbk. - Hassocks [Eng.] : Harvester Press , 1978
34 London and the life of literature in late Victorian England : the diary of George Gissing, novelist / edited by Pierre Coustillas Hassocks [Eng.] : Harvester Press , 1978
35 The emancipated / George Gissing ; edited and with a new introd. by Pierre Coustillas Hassocks [Eng.] : Harvester Press , 1977
36 The whirlpool / George Gissing ; edited and with a new introduction and notes by Patrick Parrinder Hassocks [Eng.] : Harvester Press , c1977
37 Human odds and ends : stories and sketches / George Gissing New York : Garland Pub. , 1977
38 In the year of jubilee / George Gissing ; with a new introd. by Gillian Tindall ; and textual notes by P. F. Kropholler Hassocks, Eng. : Harvester Press , 1976
39 Our friend the charlatan / George Gissing ; edited with a new introd. and notes by Pierre Coustillas [New ed.]. - Hassocks, Eng. : Harvester Press , 1976
40 The unclassed / George Gissing ; edited with an introd. by Jacob Korg Rev. ed. - Hassocks, Eng. : Harvester Press , 1976
41 Sleeping fires / George Gissing [1st ed. reprinted] / with a new preface by Pierre Coustillas. - Hassocks : Harvester Press , 1974
42 The nether world : a novel / [by] George Gissing : pbk. - [New ed. reprinted] edited with an introduction by John Goode. - Brighton : Harvester Press , 1974
43 The nether world : a novel / George Gissing ; ed. with an introd. by John Goode 1st American ed. / edited with an introd. by John Goode. - Rutherford [N.J.] : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press , 1974
44 Thyrza : a tale / George Gissing [New ed. reprinted] / edited with an introduction by Jacob Korg. - Brighton : Harvester Press , c1974
45 Demos : a story of English socialism / George Gissing ; edited with an introduction by Pierre Coustillas : pbk. - Brighton, Eng. : Harvester Press , 1972
46 Essays & fiction / George Gissing ; edited with an introduction by Pierre Coustillas Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press , c1970
47 三文文士 / ジョージ・ギッシング作 ; 土井治訳 東京 : 北沢図書出版 , 1969.9
48 The immortal Dickens / George Robert Gissing New York : Kraus Reprint Co. , 1969
49 The odd women / by George Gissing New York : AMS Press , [1969]
50 In the year of jubilee / by George Gissing New York : AMS Press , [1969]
51 Denzil Quarrier : a novel / by George Gissing New York : AMS Press , [1969]
52 The crown of life / by George Gissing New York : AMS Press , [1969]
53 The emancipated : a novel / by George Gissing New York : AMS Press , [1969]
54 Our friend the charlatan : a novel / by George Gissing New York : AMS Press , [1969]
55 Eve's ransom : a novel / by George Gissing New York : AMS Press , [1969]
56 A life's morning / George Gissing New York : AMS Press , [1969]
57 Thyrza : a tale / George Gissing New York : AMS Press , 1969
58 Will Warburton : a romance of real life / by George Gissing New York : AMS Press , [1969]
59 Isabel Clarendon / George Gissing ; edited with a critical introduction by Pierre Coustillas Brighton : Harvester Press , 1969
60 The whirlpool / by George Gissing New York : AMS Press , 1969
61 Born in exile : a novel / by George Gissing New York : AMS Press , [1968]
62 Veranilda : a romance / by George Gissing New York : AMS Press , [1968]
63 The paying guest / by George Gissing New York : AMS Press , 1968
64 Workers in the dawn : a novel / by George R. Gissing New York : AMS Press , [1968]
65 The town traveller / George Gissing New York : AMS Press , 1968
66 The unclassed / by George Gissing 1st AMS ed. - New York : AMS Press , 1968
67 Charles Dickens / George Robert Gissing Port Washington, N.Y. : Kennikat Press , 1966
68 Critical studies of the works of Charles Dickens / by George Gissing ; with an introduction and bibliography of Gissing by Temple Scott New York : Haskell House , 1965
69 ヘンリ・ライクロフトの私記 / ギッシング作 ; 平井正穂訳 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1961.1
70 George Gissing and H.G. Wells : their friendship and correspondence / edited with an introduction by Royal A. Gettmann Urbana, Ill. : University of Illinois Press , 1961
71 The private papers of Henry Ryecroft / by George Gissing ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社 , 1954.10
72 The private papers of Henry Ryecroft / by George Gissing ; forword by Cecil Chisholm London : Phoenix House , 1953
73 ヘンリ・ライクロフトの私記 / ギッシング著 ; 中西信太郎訳 東京 : 新潮社 , 1951
74 イオニア海のほとり / G. ギッシング〔著〕 ; 佐々木理譯 東京 : 新月社 , 1947.7
75 蜘蛛の巣の家 : 短篇集 / ギッシング作 ; 吉田甲子太郎譯 上,下. - 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1947.5
76 蜘蛛の巣の家 : 短篇集 / ギッシング作 ; 吉田甲子太郎譯 上,下. - 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1946.8
77 ヘンリ・ライクロフトの私記 / ギッシング作 ; 中西信太郎譯 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1946.1
78 ギッシング / 織田正信著 東京 : 研究社 , 1933.10
79 By the Ionian sea : notes of a ramble in southern Italy / by George Gissing ; with an introduction by Virginia Woolf London : J. Cape , 1933
80 The house of cobwebs / by George Gissing ; with an introduction by Thomas Seccombe London : Constable , 1931
81 Letters of George Gissing to members of his family / collected and arr. by Algernon and Ellen Gissing ; with a pref. by his son, a portrait in photogravure and a facsimile letter London : Constable , 1931
82 The unclassed / George Gissing London : E. Benn , 1930
83 Veranilda : an unfinished romance / by George Gissing London : Oxford University Press , 1929
84 George Gissing London ; Bombay ; Sydney : George G. Harrap , 1929
85 Eve's ransom / George Gissing London : Ernest Benn , 1929
86 ハウス オブ コブヴェブス / George Gissing[著] ; 寺井邦男譯註 東京 : 廣文堂 , 1928.5
87 A life's morning / by George Gissing ; with an introduction by Morley Roberts London : E. Nash & Grayson , 1928
88 A charming family and other stories / George Gissing ; selected and annotated by T. Yaguchi 東京 : 敬文堂書店 , 1927.3
89 The crown of life / by George Gissing 2nd ed. - London : Methuen , 1927
90 Thyrza : a tale / by George Gissing ; with an introduction by Morley Roberts London : E. Nash & Grayson , 1927
91 A victim of circumstances and other stories / by George Gissing London : Constable , 1927
92 The town traveller / by George Gissing 3rd ed. - London : Methuen , 1927
93 The immortal Dickens / George Gissing London : C. Palmer , c1925
94 田園春秋 / ギッシング著 ; 粟原古城譯 東京 : 玄黄社 , 1924.8
95 ヘンリ・ライクロフトの手記 / ギツシング著 ; 藤野滋譯 東京 : 春秋社 , 1924.5
96 The private papers of Henry Ryecroft / by George Gissing ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1921
97 The private papers of Henry Ryecroft / by George Gissing ; with introduction and notes by Shukotsu Togawa 東京 : アルス , 1920.3
98 The private papers of Henry Ryecroft / by George Gissing ; introduction by Paul Elmer More New York : Boni and Liveright , c1918
99 A life's morning / by George Gissing [London] : J. Murray , 1914
100 The odd women / by George Gissing London : Sidgwick & Jackson , 1911
101 The house of cobwebs / by George Gissing ; with an introd. by Thomas Seccombe London ; Bombay ; Sydney : Constable , 1906
102 The private papers of Henry Ryecroft / by George Gissing London : Constable , 1903
103 Charles Dickens : a critical study / by George Gissing ; with topog̕raphical illustrations by F.G. Kitton Imperial ed. - London : Gresham , 1903
104 The town traveller / by George Gissing London : T. Nelson & Sons , [19--?]
105 Human odds and ends : stories and sketches / by George Gissing London : Lawrence and Bullen , 1898
106 New Grub street : a novel / by George Gissing New ed. - London : Smith, Elder , 1893
107 Demos : a story of English socialism / [George Gissing] 1,2. - London : Smith, Elder , 1886