
Ullmann, Walter, 1910-1983


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 His The medieval idea of law ... 1946
His Law and jurisdiction in the Middle Age, 1988: t.p.(Walter Ullmann) BL CIP (Ullmann, Walter, 1910-1983)
『中世における個人と社会 / W.アルマン著 ; 鈴木利章訳』(ミネルヴァ書房, 1970.9) t.p. (アルマン, W.), p15「日本語版への序」(アルマン, ウォルタ)
生没年等 1910-1983
別名 Ullmann, W.
アルマン, W.
アルマン, ウォルタ
コード類 典拠ID=AU00022879  NCID=DA00543990
1 Law and jurisdiction in the Middle Ages / Walter Ullmann ; edited by George Garnett London : Variorum Reprints , 1988
2 中世ヨーロッパの政治思想 / ヴァルター・ウルマン著 ; 朝倉文市訳 東京 : 御茶の水書房 , 1983.10
3 Gelasius I. (492-496) : das Papsttum an der Wende der Spätantike zum Mittelalter / von Walter Ullmann Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann , 1981
4 Authority and power : studies on medieval law and government presented to Walter Ullmann on his seventieth birthday / edited by Brian Tierney and Peter Linehan Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1980
5 Medieval political thought / Walter Ullmann [1st ed.] reprinted with revisions. - Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1979
6 Kurze Geschichte des Papsttums im Mittelalter / von Walter Ullmann ; [ins Deutsche übertragen von Angelika Seifert] Berlin : de Gruyter , 1978
7 Scholarship and politics in the Middle Ages / Walter Ullmann London : Variorum Reprints , 1978
8 Medieval foundations of Renaissance humanism / Walter Ullmann London : P. Elek , 1977
9 The papacy and political ideas in the Middle Ages / Walter Ullmann London : Variorum Reprints , 1976
10 Law and politics in the Middle Ages : an introduction to the sources of medieval political ideas / by Walter Ullmann [Cambridge & c. : Cambridge University Press , 1975]
11 The church and the law in the earlier Middle Ages : selected essays / Walter Ullmann London : Variorum Reprints , 1975
12 Law and politics in the Middle Ages : an introduction to the sources of medieval political ideas / by Walter Ullmann Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press , 1975
13 A short history of the Papacy in the Middle Ages / Walter Ullmann London : Methuen , 1972
14 中世における個人と社会 / W.アルマン著 ; 鈴木利章訳 京都 : ミネルヴァ書房 , 1970.9
15 The Carolingian Renaissance and the idea of kingship / Walter Ullmann London : Methuen , 1969
16 The individual and society in the Middle Ages / Walter Ullmann Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins Press , c1966
17 A history of political thought : the Middle Ages / Walter Ullmann Harmondsworth : Penguin , 1965
18 The growth of papal government in the middle ages : a study in the ideological relation of clerical to lay power / by Walter Ullmann London : Methuen , 1955