
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute


著者の属性 団体
一般注記 Sweden. SIPRI-utredningen. Stockholms internationella fredsforskningsinstitut, 1979: t.p. (Stockholms internationella fredsforskningsinstitut)
Founded 1 Jul 1966, Stockholm under title International Institute for Peace and Conflict Research, as a foundation; present name adopted 24 Jan 1969
EDSRC:核拡散は防げるか / ストックホルム国際平和研究所編 ; 木村繁訳(共立出版, 1980.8)
別名 Institut international de Stockholm d'étude de la paix
Stockholms internationella fredsforskningsinstitut
ストックホルム国際平和研究所<ストックホルム コクサイ ヘイワ ケンキュウジョ>
Стокгольмский международный институт исследований проблем мира
コード類 典拠ID=AU00020804  NCID=DA00510936
1 Humanitarian military intervention : the conditions for success and failure / Taylor B. Seybolt : pbk. - Solna : Sipri. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2008
2 The defence industry in East-Central Europe : restructuring and conversion / Yudit Kiss Solna, Sweden : SIPRI. - Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1997
3 Arms watch : SIPRI report on the first year of the UN register of conventional arms / Edward J. Laurance, Siemon T. Wezeman and Herbert Wulf : hbk,: pbk. - Oxford [England] ; New York : Oxford University Press , c1993
4 Международная безопасность и разоружение : ежегодник СИПРИ 1993 (1993)-. - Москва : "Наука" , 1993-
5 Outer space : a source of conflict or co-operation? / edited by Bhupendra Jasani Tokyo : United Nations University Press , c1991
6 Arms races : technological and political dynamics / edited by Nils Petter Gleditsch and Olav Njølstad : hard,: pbk. - Oslo : International Peace Research Institute. - London : Sage , 1990
7 Europe after an American withdrawal : economic and military issues / edited by Jane M.O. Sharp Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 1990
8 Military expenditure : the political economy of international security / Saadet Deger and Somnath Sen Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 1990
9 United States military forces and installations in Europe / Simon Duke Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 1989
10 Arms transfer limitations and Third World security / edited by Thomas Ohlson Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Oxford University Press , 1988
11 Cultural norms, war and the environment / edited by Arthur H. Westing Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 1988
12 Nuclear weapon tests : prohibition or limitation? / edited by Jozef Goldblat and David Cox Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Oxford University Press , 1988
13 Peace, defence and economic analysis : proceedings of a conference held in Stockholm jointly by the International Economic Association and the Stockholm International [Peace] Research Institute / edited by Christian Schmidt and Frank Blackaby Basingstoke : Macmillan , 1987
14 The ABM treaty : to defend or not to defend? / edited by Walther Stützle, Bhupendra Jasani, and Regina Cowen : pbk. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 1987
15 Global resources and international conflict : environmental factors in strategic policy and action / edited by Arthur H. Westing Oxford [Oxfordshire] ; New York : Oxford University Press , 1986
16 SIPRI年鑑 = SIPRI yearbook / ストックホルム国際平和研究所編 1985 (1985)-2006 (2006). - 東京 : 東海大学出版会 , 1985.12-2007.3
17 核時代の軍備と軍縮 / ストックホルム国際平和研究所編 ; 服部学訳 東京 : 時事通信社 , 1979.7
18 ベトナム戦争と生態系破壊 / SIPRI編 ; 岸由二, 伊藤嘉昭訳 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1979.2
19 SIPRI yearbook : world armaments and disarmament / Stockholm International Peace Research Institute 1972 (1972)-. - Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell , c1972-