
イチカワ, サンキ
市河, 三喜 (1886-1970)


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 東京大学名誉教授
生没年等 1886-1970
別名 Ichikawa, Sanki, 1886-1970
Itikawa, Sanki
Ichikawa, S., 1886-1970
コード類 典拠ID=AU00019587  NCID=DA00493010
1 英文法研究 / 市河三喜著 [復刻]. - 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 2001.7
2 英語学 : 研究と文献 / 市河三喜著 [復刻]. - 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 2001.7
3 英語発音辞典 / 市河三喜著 [復刻]. - 東京 : ゆまに書房 , 2001.7
4 日本語教授法の原理 / [市河三喜, 神保格, 楢崎淺太郎執筆] 復刻版. - 東京 : 冬至書房 , 1996.4
5 古英語・中英語初歩 / 市河三喜, 松浪有著 東京 : 研究社出版 , 1986.4
6 チョーサー / 市河三喜著 復刻版. - 東京 : 研究社出版 , 1980.6
7 研究社英語学辞典 / 市河三喜編 東京 : 研究社辞書部 , 1970
8 The winter's tale / by William Shakespeare ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1967.9
9 King Richard III / by William Shakespeare ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1966.10
10 Measure for measure / edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1965
11 Love's labour's lost / edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1965
12 King Henry V / [by William Shakespeare] ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1964.12
13 英語イディオム辞典 / 市河三喜 [ほか] 編 東京 : 研究社 , 1964.5
14 Othello / [by William Shakespeare] ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1964
15 Twelfth night, or, What you will / [by William Shakespeare] ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1964
16 King Richard II / by William Shakespeare ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1964
17 The merchant of Venice / [by William Shakespeare] ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1964
18 A midsummer night's dream / by William Shakespeare ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1963.11
19 Romeo and Juliet / by William Shakespeare ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1963.7
20 As you like it / [by William Shakespeare] ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1963
21 Julius Cæsar / [by William Shakespeare] ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1963
22 Macbeth / [by William Shakespeare] ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1963
23 Hamlet : prince of Denmark / [by William Shakespeare] ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1963
24 King Lear / [by William Shakespeare] ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1963
25 King Henry IV / [by William Shakespeare] ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine pt. 1,pt. 2. - Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1963
26 Antony and Cleopatra / [by William Shakespeare] ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1963
27 The tempest / by William Shakespeare ; edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa and Takuji Mine Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1963
28 Kenkyusha's new English-Japanese dictionary on bilingual principles / Tamihei Iwasaki, Jujiro Kawamura, general editor ; Sanki Ichikawa, editorial adviser : [並装] - : 特装. - A new ed., rev. and enl. - 東京 : 研究社辞書部 , 1960.3
29 新リトル英和・和英辞典 / 市河三喜, 岩崎民平編 : 総革特装. - 改訂新版. - 東京 : 研究社辞書部 , 1960
30 Romeo and Juliet / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 改版. - 東京 : 研究社出版 , 1958.4
31 Romeo and Juliet / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1958
32 英語構造論 / G. Weber著 ; 市河三喜訳 東京 : 研究社 , 1957.9
33 ハムレット / シェイクスピア作 ; 市河三喜, 松浦嘉一訳 改版. - 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1957.6
34 英語学 : 研究と文献 / 市河三喜著 改訂版. - 東京 : 三省堂 , 1956.5
35 古代中世英語初歩 / 市河三喜著 増訂新版. - 東京 : 研究社 , 1955.6
36 Julius Cæsar and the tempest / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1955
37 The private papers of Henry Ryecroft / by George Gissing ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社 , 1954.10
38 研究社新英和小辭典 / 市河三喜編 . 研究社新和英小辭典 / 岩崎民平編 東京 : 研究社 , 1954.1
39 Plays / by John M. Synge ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1954
40 言語 : その本質・發逹及び起源 / イェスペルセン [著] ; 市河三喜, 神保格譯 第3刷. - 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1954序
41 Kenkyusha's new English-Japanese dictionary on bilingual principles / Tamihei Iwasaki, Jujiro Kawamura, general editors ; Sanki Ichikawa, editorial adviser An entirely new ed. - Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1953
42 研究社世界言語概説 / 市河三喜, 高津春繁 [ほか] 共編 上巻 - 下巻 : 新装. - 東京 : 研究社辭書部 , 1952.11-1955.5
43 The Kenkyusha dictionary of English quotations with examples of their use by modern authors / edited by Sanki Ichikawa, Masami Nishikawa, Mamoru Shimizu 1st ed. - Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1952
44 大英和辭典 / 市河三喜, 畔柳都太郎, 飯島廣三郎共編 修訂増補版. - 東京 : 冨山房 , 1951.6
45 The tragedy of King Richard II / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1951
46 Some new letters and writings of Lafcadio Hearn / Lafcadio Hearn ; collected and edited by Sanki Ichikawa 再版. - Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1950
47 ハムレット / シェイクスピア作 ; 市河三喜, 松浦嘉一譯 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1949.7
48 A midsummer-night's dream / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Repr. with corr. - Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1949
49 The merchant of Venice / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Repr. with corrections. - Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1949
50 Hamlet : prince of Denmark / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1949
51 Othello / William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1949
52 Hamlet : prince of Denmark / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1949
53 King Lear / by William Shakespeare, with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1948
54 新英語教育講座 / 研究社新英語教育講座編集部編 1 - 12. - 東京 : 研究社 , 1948-1959
55 英語雑考 / 市河三喜著 東京 : 愛育社 , 1947.11
56 英語學 : 研究と文獻 / 市河三喜著 4版. - 東京 : 三省堂 , 1946.8
57 市河博士還暦祝賀論文集 / 斎藤勇編 第1輯 - 第6輯. - 東京 : 研究社出版 , 1946-1954
58 英語史概説 / 市河三喜著 東京 : 研究社 , 1941.2
59 The natural history of Selborne / by Gilbert White ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1940.9
60 研究社英語學辭典 / 市河三喜編著 東京 : 研究社 , 1940.1
61 英語史概説 / 市河三喜著 . 古代英語 / 厨川文夫著 . 中世英語 / 中山竹二郎著 . 近代英語後期 : 18・19世紀 / 斉藤静著 東京 : 研究社 , 1940-1941
62 讀書随筆 / 大草實編輯 普及版. - 東京 : 矢の倉書店 , 1939.9
63 聖書の英語 / 市河三喜著 東京 : 研究社 , 1937.10
64 SHALL, WILLの研究 / T. Dahl著 ; 中内正利譯 東京 : 研究社 , 1937.2
65 英語構造論 / G. Weber著 ; 市河三喜譯 東京 : 研究社 , 1937.2
66 チョーサー / 市河三喜著 東京 : 研究社出版 , 1936.10
67 Stevensonの文體 / W. P. Chalmers著 ; 岩崎民平譯 東京 : 研究社 , 1936.5
68 英語学 : 研究と文献 / 市河三喜著 東京 : 三省堂 , 1936
69 語彙及び綴字の問題 / 市河三喜著 東京 : 研究社 , 1935.11
70 古代中世英語初歩 / 市河三喜著 東京 : 研究社 , 1935.10
71 Treasure island / by R.L. Stevenson ; edited by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1935
72 The Canterbury tales / by Geoffrey Chaucer ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1935
73 英文法概論 / 市河三喜 [著] 東京 : 英語英文學刊行會 , 1934.9
74 Chaucer's Canterbury tales : the prologue / edited with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1934
75 國語と文學(英) / 市河三喜[著] 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1933.12
76 歐米の隅々 / 市河三喜, 市河晴子著 東京 : 研究社 , 1933.6
77 大英和辭典 / 市河三喜, 畔柳都太郎, 飯島廣三郎編 東京 : 冨山房 , 1931.3
78 A midsummer-night's dream / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1931
79 英國水彩畫展覽會記念圖録 / 市河三喜編 東京 : 平木泰治 , 1929.12
80 Romeo and Juliet / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社 , 1929.10
81 King Henry the Fourth / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社 , 1929.3
82 King Lear / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 訂正3版. - 東京 : 研究社 , 1929.2
83 Essays on American literature / by Lafcadio Hearn ; with an introduction by Albert Mordell ; edited by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Hokuseido , 1929
84 Romeo and Juliet / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1929
85 King Henry the Fourth / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1929
86 岡倉先生記念論文集 / 市河三喜編 東京 : 岡倉先生還暦祝賀會 , 1928.12
87 The rivals and the school for scandal / by Richard Brinsley Sheridan ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 訂正3版. - 東京 : 研究社 , 1928.10
88 As you like it / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社 , 1928.9
89 The merchant of Venice / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社 , 1928.6
90 Hamlet : prince of Denmark / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 訂正3版. - Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1928
91 The merchant of Venice / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1928
92 As you like it / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1928
93 Hamlet : prince of Denmark / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 訂正3版. - 東京 : 研究社 , 1928
94 言語 : その本質・發達及び起源 / イェスペルセン著 ; 市河三喜, 神保格訳 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1927.7
95 The Canterbury tales / by Geoffrey Chaucer ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社 , 1926.1
96 The Canterbury tales / by Geoffrey Chaucer ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1926
97 Othello / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社出版 , 1925.5
98 Macbeth / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社出版 , 1925.2
99 Some new letters and writings of Lafcadio Hearn / Lafcadio Hearn ; collected and edited by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1925
100 Othello / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1925
101 Macbeth / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1925
102 Prose tales / by Edgar Allan Poe ; edited with notes by Sanki Ichikawa 五版. - Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1925
103 英文法研究 / 市河三喜著 訂正増補6版. - 東京 : 研究社 , 1924.3
104 Silas Marner : the weaver of Raveloe / by George Eliot ; edited with notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1924
105 English and comparative philology / [Sanki Ichikawa] Tokyo : [s.n.] , 1924
106 Antony and Cleopatra / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社出版 , 1923.9
107 Plays / by John M. Synge ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社出版 , 1923.7
108 英語發音辭典 / 市河三喜著 東京 : 研究社 , 1923.2
109 Plays / by John M. Synge ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1923
110 Antony and Cleopatra / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1923
111 Julius Cǣsar ; and The tempest / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社 , 1922.7
112 The rivals ; and, The school for scandal / by Richard Brinsley Sheridan ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1922
113 Hamlet : prince of Denmark / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1922
114 Julius Cæsar, and The Tempest / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1922
115 King Lear / by William Shakespeare ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa 東京 : 研究社 , 1921.11
116 King Lear / by William Shakespeare ; with an introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1921
117 The private papers of Henry Ryecroft / by George Gissing ; with introduction and notes by Sanki Ichikawa Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1921
118 Treasure island / [by R.L. Stevenson ; edited by Sanki Ichikawa] Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1921
119 研究社英文學叢書 / 岡倉由三郎, 市河三喜主幹 General index. - 東京 : 研究社 , 1921-
120 The Merchant of Venice / by William Shakespeare ; with notes by Sanki Ichikawa 3rd ed. - Tokyo : Kenkyusha , 1920
121 An English spelling book / Sanki Ichikawa tokyo : Kenkyusha , [1919]
122 英文法研究 / 市河三喜著 訂正増補第3版. - 東京 : 研究社 , 1916.9
123 Kenkyusha English classics = 研究社英文學叢書 General index to notes, with indexes of titles and first lines of poems, v. 1,General index to notes, with indexes of titles and first lines of poems, v. 2. - Tokyo : Kenkyusha
124 英米文學叢書 東京 : 研究社
125 新英和辞典 [点字資料] / 市河三喜編 1 - 18. - [東京] : 東京点字出版社 , [出版年不明]