
Evans, B. Ifor (Benjamin Ifor), 1899-


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 His William Morris and his poetry, 1925
生没年等 1899
別名 Hungershall, Benjamin Ifor, Baron Evans of, 1899-
Evans of Hungershall, Benjamin Ifor, Baron, 1899-
Evans, Benjamin Ifor, Baron Evans of Hungershall, 1899-
Evans, Ifor, Baron Evans of Hungershall, 1899-
Evans, B. Ifor, Baron Evans of Hungershall, 1899-
Evans, Ifor
コード類 典拠ID=AU00010219  NCID=DA00354783
1 英文学 : 価値と伝統 / アイヴァー・エヴァンズ著 ; 塚野耕, 塚野修訳 広島 : 文化評論出版 , 1988.4
2 小英文学史 / アイヴァ・エヴァンズ著 ; バーナード・バーゴーンジ増補 ; 朱牟田夏雄〔ほか〕共訳 改訂増補第4版. - 東京 : 北星堂書店 , 1984.10
3 Portrait of English literature / [by] Ifor Evans Illustrated ed. - London : Sidgwick and Jackson , 1979
4 A short history of English literature / Ifor Evans ; with additional material by Bernard Bergonzi 4th, rev. and enl. ed. - Harmondsworth, Middlesex : Penguin Books , 1976
5 William Morris & his poetry / by B. Ifor Evans 1st AMS ed. - New York : AMS Press , 1971
6 English poetry in the later nineteenth century / Ifor Evans 2nd ed., rev. - London : Methuen , 1966
7 The use of English / [by] Ifor Evans 2nd ed. revised. - London : MacGibbon & Kee , 1966
8 English literature : values and traditions / Ifor Evans London : Unwin Books , [1962]
9 シェイクスピア / [シェイクスピア著] ; 中野好夫 [ほか] 訳 [1],2. - 東京 : 筑摩書房 , 1959.9-1965.3
10 The language of Shakespeare's plays / by B. Ifor Evans London : Methuen , [1952]
11 English literature between the wars / by B. Ifor Evans 3rd ed. - London : Methuen , 1951
12 A short history of English drama / by B. Ifor Evans Revised library ed. - London : Staples Press , 1950
13 A short history of English literature / B. Ifor Evans Harmondsworth, Middlesex : Penguin Books , 1940
14 Tradition and romanticism : studies in English poetry from Chaucer to W.B. Yeats / by B. Ifor Evans London : Methuen , 1940
15 The most virtuous & godly Susanna / by Thomas Garter, 1578 [Oxford] : Printed for the Malone Society by J. Johnson at the Oxford University Press , 1937
16 English poetry in the nineteenth century / by B. Ifor Evans London : Oxford University Press, H. Milford , 1934
17 William Morris & his poetry / by B. Ifor Evans London : G.G. Harrap , [1925]