
British and Foreign Bible Society


著者の属性 団体
一般注記 Its A time to hear, 1987: surrogate t.p. from CtY-D (British & Foreign Bible Society; variant: Bible Society)
Founded in 1804
EDSRC:Y Beibl Cymraeg Newydd, yn cynnwys yr Apocryffa (Cymdeithas y Beibl,c1988)
EDSRC:Священныя книги Ветхаго и Новаго Зав◆i︠e︡◆та(Изд. Британскаго и Иностраннаго Бивлейскаго, 1908)
EDSRC:كتاب العهد الجديد ذيال ربنا ومنجينا يسوع المسيح (مطبوع على نفقة الجمعية البريطانية والاجنبية لانتشار الكتب المقدسة,[1962])
EDSRC:انجیل متی ; انجیل مرقس ; انجیل لوقا ; انجیل یوحنا ; کتاب اعمال رسولان (برتش و فورن بیبل سوسائتی,[19--])
EDSRC:Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift : des Alten und Neuen Testaments / nach der deutschen Übersetzung Martin Luthers(Britische und Ausländische Bibelgesellschaft, 1925)
EDSRC:Y Testament Newydd(Gymdeithas Feiblaidd Frytanaidd a Thramor, c1975)
EDSRC:St. Matthew (in Balti) / British and Foreign Bible Society, Massachusetts Bible Society([Lightning Source Ltd.], [2010])
EDSRC:La Sacra Bibbia, ossia, L'Antico e il Nuovo Testamento : versione riveduta(Libreria Sacre Scritture, [1973])
EDSRC:Священныя книги Ветхаго и Новаго завѣта(Изданы Обществомъ распространенія библіи въ Великобританіи и въ другихъ странахъ, 1902)
EDSRC:Новый завѣтъ Господа нашего Іисуса Христа(Британское и иностранное библейское общество, 1921)
EDSRC:Новый завѣтъ Господа нашегѡ Іисуса Христа([British and Foreign Bible Society], c1959)
EDSRC:Біблія або Книги святого письма Старого й Нового заповіту : із мови давньоєврейської та грецької на українську наново перекладена(Брітанське и закордонне бібліине товариство, c1962)
EDSRC:Nový Zákon našeho pána a spasiteľa Ježíša Krista : z gréckeho jazyka preložený na slovenský(British and Foreign Bible Society, 1954)
別名 British & Foreign Bible Society
Bible Society
Cymdeithas y Beibl
Britische und Ausländische Bibelgesellschaft
Brytyjskie i Zagraniczne Towarzystwo Biblijne
Gymdeithas Feiblaidd Frytanaidd a Thramor
Società biblica britannica e forestiera
Britanskoe i inostrannoe bibleĭskago obshchestvo
Британское и иностранное библейское общество
Obshchestvo rasprostranenīi︠a︡ biblīi v Velikobritanīi i v drugikh stranakh
Общество распространенія библіи въ Великобританіи и въ другихъ странахъ
Obshchestvo rasprostranenii︠a︡ biblii v Velikobritanii i v drugikh stranakh
Общество распространения библии в Великобритании и в других странах
Britansʹke y zakordonne bibliĭne tovarystvo
Брітанське и закордонне біблійне товариство
الجمعية البريطانية والاجنبية لانتشار الكتب المقدسة
Jamʿīyah al-Barīṭānīyah wa-al-Ajnabīyah li-ajl Intishār al-Kutub al-Muqaddasah
دی برتش اینڈ فارن بائیبل سوسائٹی
Dī Buritish ainḍ Fārin Bāʾībal Sosāʾītī
برتش و فورن بیبل سوسائتی
Buritish va Fūrin Baybal Sūsāʾītī
コード類 典拠ID=AU00124059  NCID=DA02666936
1 The translator's New Testament / [produced under the direction of W. D. McHardy] London : British and Foreign Bible Society , 1973
2 The New English Bible / with illustrations by Horace Knowles London : British and Foreign Bible Society. - Edinburgh : National Bible Society of Scotland , 1972
3 The Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments / with illustrations by Horace Knowles Rev. standard version. - [London] : The British & Foreign Bible Society , 1971
4 Новый Завѣтъ Господа нашегѡ Іисѹса Христа [London] : B.F.B.S. , c1959
5 The Gospel in many tongues : specimens of 826 languages in which the British and Foreign Bible Society has published or circulated some portion of the Word of God New ed. - London : British and Foreign Bible Society , 1954
6 Mūsu Kunga un Pestītāja Jēzus Kristus Jaunā Derība Londonā : Izdevusi Britanijas un Ārzemju Bībeles Sabiedrība , 1953
7 新約全書 奉天 : 聖書公會 , 1937
8 The Gospel in many tongues : specimens of 692 languages in which the British and Foreign Bible Society has published or circulated some portion of the Word of God London : British and Foreign Bible Society , 1935
9 Our heritage London : British and Foreign Bible Society , 1934
10 Tell the world London : British and Foreign Bible Society , 1933
11 新約全書 : 官話和合譯本 上海 : 大英聖書公會 , 1924
12 Η Καινη Διαθηκη : text with critical apparatus London : British and Foreign Bible Society , 1923
13 The Gospel in many tongues : specimens of 543 languages in which the British & Foreign Bible Society has published or circulated some portion of the Word of God London : British and Foreign Bible Society , 1921
14 路加福音 [奉天] : 聖書公會 , 1913
15 كتاب زبور يأيت سكل مزمور سيڠاڤورا : بريتيش عند فورين بأبيل سسأيتي , 1913
16 The Holy Bible : the Revised version, without the marginal notes of the revisers London : British and Foreign Bible Society , 1904
17 Η Καινη Διαθηκη : text without critical apparatus London : British and Foreign Bible Society in connection with its centenary , 1904
18 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command, appointed to be read in churches Oxford : Printed at the University Press, for the British and Foreign Bible Society , 1873
19 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command, appointed to be read in churches Cambridge ; London : Printed at the University Press, for the British and Foreign Bible Society , 1870
20 Le Nouveau Testament de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ / revu sur le texte grec par David Martin Bruxelles : Société biblique britannique et érangère , 1870
21 Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi ; Die Psalmen Davids / nach Martin Luthers uebersetzung Cöln : Gedruckt für das depot der Britischen und ausländischen Bibelgesellschaft , 1865
22 The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command, appointed to be read in churches London : British and Foreign Bible Society , [18--]
23 新約聖書 [奉天] : 聖書公會
24 Report of the Japan Agency : for the year ending ... / British and Foreign Bible Society and National Bible Society of Scotland Kobe : Bible House